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/libraries/src/User/ -> User.php (summary)

Joomla! Content Management System

Copyright: (C) 2006 Open Source Matters, Inc.
License: GNU General Public License version 2 or later; see LICENSE.txt
File Size: 875 lines (24 kb)
Included or required:0 times
Referenced: 0 times
Includes or requires: 0 files

Defines 1 class

User:: (20 methods):

Class: User  - X-Ref

User class.  Handles all application interaction with a user

__construct($identifier = 0)   X-Ref
Constructor activating the default information of the language

param: integer  $identifier  The primary key of the user to load (optional).

getInstance($identifier = 0)   X-Ref
Returns the global User object, only creating it if it doesn't already exist.

param: integer  $identifier  The primary key of the user to load (optional).
return: User  The User object.

getParam($key, $default = null)   X-Ref
Method to get a parameter value

param: string  $key      Parameter key
param: mixed   $default  Parameter default value
return: mixed  The value or the default if it did not exist

setParam($key, $value)   X-Ref
Method to set a parameter

param: string  $key    Parameter key
param: mixed   $value  Parameter value
return: mixed  Set parameter value

defParam($key, $value)   X-Ref
Method to set a default parameter if it does not exist

param: string  $key    Parameter key
param: mixed   $value  Parameter value
return: mixed  Set parameter value

authorise($action, $assetname = null)   X-Ref
Method to check User object authorisation against an access control
object and optionally an access extension object

param: string  $action     The name of the action to check for permission.
param: string  $assetname  The name of the asset on which to perform the action.
return: boolean  True if authorised

getAuthorisedCategories($component, $action)   X-Ref
Method to return a list of all categories that a user has permission for a given action

param: string  $component  The component from which to retrieve the categories
param: string  $action     The name of the section within the component from which to retrieve the actions.
return: array  List of categories that this group can do this action to (empty array if none). Categories must be published.

getAuthorisedViewLevels()   X-Ref
Gets an array of the authorised access levels for the user

return: array

getAuthorisedGroups()   X-Ref
Gets an array of the authorised user groups

return: array

clearAccessRights()   X-Ref
Clears the access rights cache of this user

return: void

setLastVisit($timestamp = null)   X-Ref
Pass through method to the table for setting the last visit date

param: integer  $timestamp  The timestamp, defaults to 'now'.
return: boolean  True on success.

getTimezone()   X-Ref
Method to get the user timezone.

If the user didn't set a timezone, it will return the server timezone

return: \DateTimeZone

setParameters($params)   X-Ref
Method to get the user parameters

param: object  $params  The user parameters object
return: void

getTable($type = null, $prefix = 'JTable')   X-Ref
Method to get the user table object

This function uses a static variable to store the table name of the user table to
instantiate. You can call this function statically to set the table name if

param: string  $type    The user table name to be used
param: string  $prefix  The user table prefix to be used
return: Table  The user table object

bind(&$array)   X-Ref
Method to bind an associative array of data to a user object

param: array  &$array  The associative array to bind to the object
return: boolean  True on success

save($updateOnly = false)   X-Ref
Method to save the User object to the database

param: boolean  $updateOnly  Save the object only if not a new user
return: boolean  True on success

delete()   X-Ref
Method to delete the User object from the database

return: boolean  True on success

load($id)   X-Ref
Method to load a User object by user id number

param: mixed  $id  The user id of the user to load
return: boolean  True on success

__sleep()   X-Ref
Method to allow serialize the object with minimal properties.

return: array  The names of the properties to include in serialization.

__wakeup()   X-Ref
Method to recover the full object on unserialize.

return: void

Generated: Wed Sep 7 05:41:13 2022 Chilli.vc Blog - For Webmaster,Blog-Writer,System Admin and Domainer