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/libraries/src/Toolbar/ -> CoreButtonsTrait.php (summary)

Joomla! Content Management System

Copyright: (C) 2018 Open Source Matters, Inc.
License: GNU General Public License version 2 or later; see LICENSE.txt
File Size: 548 lines (16 kb)
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Includes or requires: 0 files

Defines 28 functions


Functions that are not part of a class:

divider(string $text = '')   X-Ref
Writes a divider between dropdown menu items.

param: string  $text  The text of button.
return: SeparatorButton

preview(string $url, string $text = 'JGLOBAL_PREVIEW', $newWindow = false)   X-Ref
Writes a preview button for a given option (opens a popup window).

param: string  $url        The name of the popup file (excluding the file extension)
param: string  $text       The text of button.
param: bool    $newWindow  Whether to open the preview in _blank or just a modal
return: PopupButton|LinkButton

jooa11y(string $url, string $text = 'JGLOBAL_JOOA11Y', $newWindow = false)   X-Ref
Writes a jooa11y accessibility checker button for a given option (opens a popup window).

param: string  $url        The url to open
param: string  $text       The text of button.
param: bool    $newWindow  Whether to open the preview in _blank or just a modal
return: PopupButton|LinkButton

help($ref, $useComponent = false, $url = null, $component = null)   X-Ref
Writes a help button for a given option (opens a popup window).

param: string  $ref           The name of the popup file (excluding the file extension for an xml file).
param: bool    $useComponent  Use the help file in the component directory.
param: string  $url           Use this URL instead of any other.
param: string  $component     Name of component to get Help (null for current component)
return: HelpButton

back(string $text = 'JTOOLBAR_BACK')   X-Ref
Writes a cancel button that will go back to the previous page without doing
any other operation.

param: string  $text  The text of button.
return: LinkButton

link(string $text, string $url)   X-Ref
Creates a button to redirect to a link.

param: string  $text  Button text.
param: string  $url   The link url.
return: LinkButton

mediaManager(string $directory, string $text = 'JTOOLBAR_UPLOAD')   X-Ref
Writes a media_manager button.

param: string  $directory  The subdirectory to upload the media to.
param: string  $text       An override for the alt text.
return: PopupButton

makeDefault(string $task, string $text = 'JTOOLBAR_DEFAULT')   X-Ref
Writes a common 'default' button for a record.

param: string  $task  An override for the task.
param: string  $text  An override for the alt text.
return: StandardButton

assign(string $task, string $text = 'JTOOLBAR_ASSIGN')   X-Ref
Writes a common 'assign' button for a record.

param: string  $task  The task name of this button.
param: string  $text  The text of this button.
return: StandardButton

addNew(string $task, string $text = 'JTOOLBAR_NEW')   X-Ref
Writes the common 'new' icon for the button bar.

param: string  $task  The task name of this button.
param: string  $text  The text of this button.
return: StandardButton

publish(string $task, string $text = 'JTOOLBAR_PUBLISH')   X-Ref
Writes a common 'publish' button.

param: string  $task  The task name of this button.
param: string  $text  The text of this button.
return: StandardButton

unpublish(string $task, string $text = 'JTOOLBAR_UNPUBLISH')   X-Ref
Writes a common 'unpublish' button.

param: string  $task  The task name of this button.
param: string  $text  The text of this button.
return: StandardButton

archive(string $task, string $text = 'JTOOLBAR_ARCHIVE')   X-Ref
Writes a common 'archive' button.

param: string  $task  The task name of this button.
param: string  $text  The text of this button.
return: StandardButton

unarchive(string $task, string $text = 'JTOOLBAR_UNARCHIVE')   X-Ref
Writes a common 'unarchive' button.

param: string  $task  The task name of this button.
param: string  $text  The text of this button.
return: StandardButton

edit(string $task, string $text = 'JTOOLBAR_EDIT')   X-Ref
Writes a common 'edit' button.

param: string  $task  The task name of this button.
param: string  $text  The text of this button.
return: StandardButton

editHtml(string $task, string $text = 'JTOOLBAR_EDIT_HTML')   X-Ref
Writes a common 'editHtml' button.

param: string  $task  The task name of this button.
param: string  $text  The text of this button.
return: StandardButton

editCss(string $task, string $text = 'JTOOLBAR_EDIT_CSS')   X-Ref
Writes a common 'editCss' button.

param: string  $task  The task name of this button.
param: string  $text  The text of this button.
return: StandardButton

delete(string $task, string $text = 'JTOOLBAR_DELETE')   X-Ref
Writes a common 'delete' button.

param: string  $task  The task name of this button.
param: string  $text  The text of this button.
return: ConfirmButton

trash(string $task, string $text = 'JTOOLBAR_TRASH')   X-Ref
Writes a common 'trash' button.

param: string  $task  The task name of this button.
param: string  $text  The text of this button.
return: StandardButton

apply(string $task, string $text = 'JTOOLBAR_APPLY')   X-Ref
Writes a save button for a given option.
Apply operation leads to a save action only (does not leave edit mode).

param: string  $task  The task name of this button.
param: string  $text  The text of this button.
return: StandardButton

save(string $task, string $text = 'JTOOLBAR_SAVE')   X-Ref
Writes a save button for a given option.
Save operation leads to a save and then close action.

param: string  $task  The task name of this button.
param: string  $text  The text of this button.
return: StandardButton

save2new(string $task, string $text = 'JTOOLBAR_SAVE_AND_NEW')   X-Ref
Writes a save and create new button for a given option.
Save and create operation leads to a save and then add action.

param: string  $task  The task name of this button.
param: string  $text  The text of this button.
return: StandardButton

save2copy(string $task, string $text = 'JTOOLBAR_SAVE_AS_COPY')   X-Ref
Writes a save as copy button for a given option.
Save as copy operation leads to a save after clearing the key,
then returns user to edit mode with new key.

param: string  $task  The task name of this button.
param: string  $text  The text of this button.
return: StandardButton

checkin(string $task, string $text = 'JTOOLBAR_CHECKIN')   X-Ref
Writes a checkin button for a given option.

param: string  $task  The task name of this button.
param: string  $text  The text of this button.
return: StandardButton

cancel(string $task, string $text = 'JTOOLBAR_CLOSE')   X-Ref
Writes a cancel button and invokes a cancel operation (eg a checkin).

param: string  $task  The task name of this button.
param: string  $text  The text of this button.
return: StandardButton

preferences(string $component, string $text = 'JTOOLBAR_OPTIONS', string $path = '')   X-Ref
Writes a configuration button and invokes a cancel operation (eg a checkin).

param: string  $component  The name of the component, eg, com_content.
param: string  $text       The text of this button.
param: string  $path       An alternative path for the configuration xml relative to JPATH_SITE.
return: LinkButton

versions(string $typeAlias,int $itemId,int $height = 800,int $width = 500,string $text = 'JTOOLBAR_VERSIONS')   X-Ref
Writes a version history

param: string   $typeAlias  The component and type, for example 'com_content.article'
param: integer  $itemId     The id of the item, for example the article id.
param: integer  $height     The height of the popup.
param: integer  $width      The width of the popup.
param: string   $text       The name of the button.
return: CustomButton

customHtml(string $html, string $name = 'custom')   X-Ref
Writes a custom HTML to toolbar.

param: string  $html  The HTML string to write.
param: string  $name  The button name.
return: CustomButton

Generated: Wed Sep 7 05:41:13 2022 Chilli.vc Blog - For Webmaster,Blog-Writer,System Admin and Domainer