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PHP Cross Reference of Joomla 4.2.2 documentation




/libraries/src/Session/ -> Session.php (source)

   1  <?php
   3  /**
   4   * Joomla! Content Management System
   5   *
   6   * @copyright  (C) 2005 Open Source Matters, Inc. <https://www.joomla.org>
   7   * @license    GNU General Public License version 2 or later; see LICENSE.txt
   8   */
  10  namespace Joomla\CMS\Session;
  12  use Joomla\CMS\Application\ApplicationHelper;
  13  use Joomla\CMS\Factory;
  14  use Joomla\CMS\Language\Text;
  15  use Joomla\CMS\Router\Route;
  16  use Joomla\Event\DispatcherInterface;
  17  use Joomla\Session\Session as BaseSession;
  18  use Joomla\Session\StorageInterface;
  20  // phpcs:disable PSR1.Files.SideEffects
  21  \defined('JPATH_PLATFORM') or die;
  22  // phpcs:enable PSR1.Files.SideEffects
  24  /**
  25   * Class for managing HTTP sessions
  26   *
  27   * @since  1.5
  28   */
  29  class Session extends BaseSession
  30  {
  31      /**
  32       * Constructor
  33       *
  34       * @param   StorageInterface     $store       A StorageInterface implementation.
  35       * @param   DispatcherInterface  $dispatcher  DispatcherInterface for the session to use.
  36       * @param   array                $options     Optional parameters. Supported keys include:
  37       *                                            - name: The session name
  38       *                                            - id: The session ID
  39       *                                            - expire: The session lifetime in seconds
  40       *
  41       * @since   1.0
  42       */
  43      public function __construct(StorageInterface $store = null, DispatcherInterface $dispatcher = null, array $options = [])
  44      {
  45          // Extra hash the name of the session for b/c with Joomla 3.x or the session is never found.
  46          if (isset($options['name'])) {
  47              $options['name'] = md5($options['name']);
  48          }
  50          parent::__construct($store, $dispatcher, $options);
  51      }
  53      /**
  54       * Checks for a form token in the request.
  55       *
  56       * Use in conjunction with HTMLHelper::_('form.token') or JSession::getFormToken.
  57       *
  58       * @param   string  $method  The request method in which to look for the token key.
  59       *
  60       * @return  boolean  True if found and valid, false otherwise.
  61       *
  62       * @since   2.5.4
  63       */
  64      public static function checkToken($method = 'post')
  65      {
  66          $app   = Factory::getApplication();
  67          $token = static::getFormToken();
  69          // Check from header first
  70          if ($token === $app->input->server->get('HTTP_X_CSRF_TOKEN', '', 'alnum')) {
  71              return true;
  72          }
  74          // Then fallback to HTTP query
  75          if (!$app->input->$method->get($token, '', 'alnum')) {
  76              if ($app->getSession()->isNew()) {
  77                  // Redirect to login screen.
  78                  $app->enqueueMessage(Text::_('JLIB_ENVIRONMENT_SESSION_EXPIRED'), 'warning');
  79                  $app->redirect(Route::_('index.php'));
  81                  return true;
  82              }
  84              return false;
  85          }
  87          return true;
  88      }
  90      /**
  91       * Method to determine a hash for anti-spoofing variable names
  92       *
  93       * @param   boolean  $forceNew  If true, force a new token to be created
  94       *
  95       * @return  string  Hashed var name
  96       *
  97       * @since   1.6
  98       */
  99      public static function getFormToken($forceNew = false)
 100      {
 101          $user = Factory::getUser();
 103          return ApplicationHelper::getHash($user->get('id', 0) . Factory::getApplication()->getSession()->getToken($forceNew));
 104      }
 106      /**
 107       * Get the available session handlers
 108       *
 109       * @return  array  An array of available session handlers
 110       *
 111       * @since   4.0.0
 112       */
 113      public static function getHandlers(): array
 114      {
 115          $connectors = [];
 117          // Get an iterator and loop through the handler classes.
 118          $iterator = new \DirectoryIterator(JPATH_LIBRARIES . '/vendor/joomla/session/src/Handler');
 120          foreach ($iterator as $file) {
 121              $fileName = $file->getFilename();
 123              // Only load for PHP files.
 124              if (!$file->isFile() || $file->getExtension() !== 'php') {
 125                  continue;
 126              }
 128              // Derive the class name from the type.
 129              $class = str_ireplace('.php', '', '\\Joomla\\Session\\Handler\\' . $fileName);
 131              // If the class doesn't exist we have nothing left to do but look at the next type. We did our best.
 132              if (!class_exists($class)) {
 133                  continue;
 134              }
 136              // Sweet!  Our class exists, so now we just need to know if it passes its test method.
 137              if ($class::isSupported()) {
 138                  // Connector names should not have file the handler suffix or the file extension.
 139                  $connectors[] = str_ireplace('Handler.php', '', $fileName);
 140              }
 141          }
 143          return $connectors;
 144      }
 146      /**
 147       * Returns the global session object.
 148       *
 149       * @return  static  The Session object.
 150       *
 151       * @since   1.5
 152       * @deprecated  5.0  Load the session service from the dependency injection container or via $app->getSession()
 153       */
 154      public static function getInstance()
 155      {
 156          @trigger_error(
 157              __METHOD__ . '() is deprecated. Load the session from the dependency injection container or via Factory::getApplication()->getSession().',
 158              E_USER_DEPRECATED
 159          );
 161          return Factory::getApplication()->getSession();
 162      }
 164      /**
 165       * Get data from the session store
 166       *
 167       * @param   string  $name     Name of a variable
 168       * @param   mixed   $default  Default value of a variable if not set
 169       *
 170       * @return  mixed  Value of a variable
 171       *
 172       * @since   1.5
 173       */
 174      public function get($name, $default = null)
 175      {
 176          // Handle B/C by checking if a namespace was passed to the method, will be removed at 5.0
 177          if (\func_num_args() > 2) {
 178              $args = \func_get_args();
 180              if (!empty($args[2])) {
 181                  @trigger_error(
 182                      'Passing a namespace as a parameter to ' . __METHOD__ . '() is deprecated. '
 183                      . 'The namespace should be prepended to the name instead.',
 184                      E_USER_DEPRECATED
 185                  );
 187                  $name = $args[2] . '.' . $name;
 188              }
 189          }
 191          if (parent::has($name)) {
 192              // Parent is used because of b/c, can be changed in Joomla 5
 193              return parent::get($name, $default);
 194          }
 196          /*
 197           * B/C for retrieving sessions that originated in Joomla 3.
 198           * A namespace before Joomla 4 has a prefix of 2 underscores (__).
 199           * This is no longer the case in Joomla 4 and will be converted
 200           * when saving new values in `self::set()`
 201           */
 202          if (strpos($name, '.') !== false && parent::has('__' . $name)) {
 203              return parent::get('__' . $name, $default);
 204          }
 206          // More b/c for retrieving sessions that originated in Joomla 3. This will be removed in Joomla 5
 207          // as no sessions should have this format anymore!
 208          if (parent::has('__default.' . $name)) {
 209              return parent::get('__default.' . $name, $default);
 210          }
 212          return $default;
 213      }
 215      /**
 216       * Set data into the session store.
 217       *
 218       * @param   string  $name   Name of a variable.
 219       * @param   mixed   $value  Value of a variable.
 220       *
 221       * @return  mixed  Old value of a variable.
 222       *
 223       * @since   1.5
 224       */
 225      public function set($name, $value = null)
 226      {
 227          // Handle B/C by checking if a namespace was passed to the method, will be removed at 5.0
 228          if (\func_num_args() > 2) {
 229              $args = \func_get_args();
 231              if (!empty($args[2])) {
 232                  @trigger_error(
 233                      'Passing a namespace as a parameter to ' . __METHOD__ . '() is deprecated. '
 234                      . 'The namespace should be prepended to the name instead.',
 235                      E_USER_DEPRECATED
 236                  );
 238                  $name = $args[2] . '.' . $name;
 239              }
 240          }
 242          return parent::set($name, $value);
 243      }
 245      /**
 246       * Check whether data exists in the session store
 247       *
 248       * @param   string  $name  Name of variable
 249       *
 250       * @return  boolean  True if the variable exists
 251       *
 252       * @since   1.5
 253       */
 254      public function has($name)
 255      {
 256          // Handle B/C by checking if a namespace was passed to the method, will be removed at 5.0
 257          if (\func_num_args() > 1) {
 258              $args = \func_get_args();
 260              if (!empty($args[1])) {
 261                  @trigger_error(
 262                      'Passing a namespace as a parameter to ' . __METHOD__ . '() is deprecated. '
 263                      . 'The namespace should be prepended to the name instead.',
 264                      E_USER_DEPRECATED
 265                  );
 267                  $name = $args[1] . '.' . $name;
 268              }
 269          }
 271          if (parent::has($name)) {
 272              return true;
 273          }
 275          /*
 276           * B/C for retrieving sessions that originated in Joomla 3.
 277           * A namespace before Joomla 4 has a prefix of 2 underscores (__).
 278           * This is no longer the case in Joomla 4 and will be converted
 279           * when saving new values in `self::set()`
 280           */
 281          if (strpos($name, '.') !== false && parent::has('__' . $name)) {
 282              return true;
 283          }
 285          // More b/c for retrieving sessions that originated in Joomla 3. This will be removed in Joomla 5
 286          // as no sessions should have this format anymore!
 287          return parent::has('__default.' . $name);
 288      }
 290      /**
 291       * Clears all variables from the session store
 292       *
 293       * @return  void
 294       *
 295       * @since   1.5
 296       */
 297      public function clear()
 298      {
 299          // Handle B/C by checking if parameters were passed to this method; if so proxy to the new remove() method, will be removed at 5.0
 300          if (\func_num_args() >= 1) {
 301              $args = \func_get_args();
 303              if (!empty($args[0])) {
 304                  @trigger_error(
 305                      'Using ' . __METHOD__ . '() to remove a single element from the session is deprecated.  Use ' . __CLASS__ . '::remove() instead.',
 306                      E_USER_DEPRECATED
 307                  );
 309                  $name = $args[0];
 311                  // Also check for a namespace
 312                  if (\func_num_args() > 1 && !empty($args[1])) {
 313                      @trigger_error(
 314                          'Passing a namespace as a parameter to ' . __METHOD__ . '() is deprecated. '
 315                           . 'The namespace should be prepended to the name instead.',
 316                          E_USER_DEPRECATED
 317                      );
 319                      $name = $args[1] . '.' . $name;
 320                  }
 322                  $this->remove($name);
 324                  /*
 325                   * B/C for cleaning sessions that originated in Joomla 3.
 326                   * A namespace before Joomla 4 has a prefix of 2 underscores (__).
 327                   * This is no longer the case in Joomla 4 so we clean both variants.
 328                   */
 329                  $this->remove('__' . $name);
 331                  return;
 332              }
 333          }
 335          parent::clear();
 336      }
 337  }

Generated: Wed Sep 7 05:41:13 2022 Chilli.vc Blog - For Webmaster,Blog-Writer,System Admin and Domainer