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/libraries/src/MVC/Model/ -> BaseDatabaseModel.php (summary)

Joomla! Content Management System

Copyright: (C) 2006 Open Source Matters, Inc.
License: GNU General Public License version 2 or later; see LICENSE.txt
File Size: 412 lines (13 kb)
Included or required:0 times
Referenced: 0 times
Includes or requires: 0 files

Defines 12 functions


Functions that are not part of a class:

__construct($config = array()   X-Ref

param: array                $config   An array of configuration options (name, state, dbo, table_path, ignore_request).
param: MVCFactoryInterface  $factory  The factory.

_getList($query, $limitstart = 0, $limit = 0)   X-Ref
Gets an array of objects from the results of database query.

param: string   $query       The query.
param: integer  $limitstart  Offset.
param: integer  $limit       The number of records.
return: object[]  An array of results.

_getListCount($query)   X-Ref
Returns a record count for the query.

Note: Current implementation of this method assumes that getListQuery() returns a set of unique rows,
thus it uses SELECT COUNT(*) to count the rows. In cases that getListQuery() uses DISTINCT
then either this method must be overridden by a custom implementation at the derived Model Class
or a GROUP BY clause should be used to make the set unique.

param: DatabaseQuery|string  $query  The query.
return: integer  Number of rows for query.

_createTable($name, $prefix = 'Table', $config = array()   X-Ref
Method to load and return a table object.

param: string  $name    The name of the view
param: string  $prefix  The class prefix. Optional.
param: array   $config  Configuration settings to pass to Table::getInstance
return: Table|boolean  Table object or boolean false if failed

getTable($name = '', $prefix = '', $options = array()   X-Ref
Method to get a table object, load it if necessary.

param: string  $name     The table name. Optional.
param: string  $prefix   The class prefix. Optional.
param: array   $options  Configuration array for model. Optional.
return: Table  A Table object

isCheckedOut($item)   X-Ref
Method to check if the given record is checked out by the current user

param: \stdClass  $item  The record to check
return: bool

cleanCache($group = null)   X-Ref
Clean the cache

param: string  $group  The cache group
return: void

bootComponent($component)   X-Ref
Boots the component with the given name.

param: string  $component  The component name, eg. com_content.
return: ComponentInterface  The service container

dispatchEvent(EventInterface $event)   X-Ref
Dispatches the given event on the internal dispatcher, does a fallback to the global one.

param: EventInterface  $event  The event
return: void

getDbo()   X-Ref
Get the database driver.

return: DatabaseInterface  The database driver.

setDbo(DatabaseInterface $db = null)   X-Ref
Set the database driver.

param: DatabaseInterface  $db  The database driver.
return: void

__get($name)   X-Ref
Proxy for _db variable.

param: string  $name  The name of the element
return: mixed  The value of the element if set, null otherwise

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