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/libraries/src/Installer/ -> Installer.php (summary)

Joomla! Content Management System

Copyright: (C) 2005 Open Source Matters, Inc.
License: GNU General Public License version 2 or later; see LICENSE.txt
File Size: 2429 lines (78 kb)
Included or required:0 times
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Includes or requires: 0 files

Defines 1 class

Installer:: (44 methods):

Class: Installer  - X-Ref

Joomla base installer class

__construct($basepath = __DIR__, $classprefix = '\\Joomla\\CMS\\Installer\\Adapter', $adapterfolder = 'Adapter')   X-Ref

param: string  $basepath       Base Path of the adapters
param: string  $classprefix    Class prefix of adapters
param: string  $adapterfolder  Name of folder to append to base path

getInstance($basepath = __DIR__, $classprefix = '\\Joomla\\CMS\\Installer\\Adapter', $adapterfolder = 'Adapter')   X-Ref
Returns the global Installer object, only creating it if it doesn't already exist.

param: string  $basepath       Base Path of the adapters
param: string  $classprefix    Class prefix of adapters
param: string  $adapterfolder  Name of folder to append to base path
return: Installer  An installer object

splitSql(?string $sql)   X-Ref
Splits a string of multiple queries into an array of individual queries.

This is different than DatabaseDriver::splitSql. It supports the special CAN FAIL comment
marker which indicates that a SQL statement could fail without raising an error during the

param: string|null  $sql  Input SQL string with which to split into individual queries.
return: array

isOverwrite()   X-Ref
Get the allow overwrite switch

return: boolean  Allow overwrite switch

setOverwrite($state = false)   X-Ref
Set the allow overwrite switch

param: boolean  $state  Overwrite switch state
return: boolean  True it state is set, false if it is not

getRedirectUrl()   X-Ref
Get the redirect location

return: string  Redirect location (or null)

setRedirectUrl($newurl)   X-Ref
Set the redirect location

param: string  $newurl  New redirect location
return: void

isPackageUninstall()   X-Ref
Get whether this installer is uninstalling extensions which are part of a package

return: boolean

setPackageUninstall($uninstall)   X-Ref
Set whether this installer is uninstalling extensions which are part of a package

param: boolean  $uninstall  True if a package triggered the uninstall, false otherwise
return: void

isUpgrade()   X-Ref
Get the upgrade switch

return: boolean

setUpgrade($state = false)   X-Ref
Set the upgrade switch

param: boolean  $state  Upgrade switch state
return: boolean  True if upgrade, false otherwise

getManifest()   X-Ref
Get the installation manifest object

return: \SimpleXMLElement  Manifest object

getPath($name, $default = null)   X-Ref
Get an installer path by name

param: string  $name     Path name
param: string  $default  Default value
return: string  Path

setPath($name, $value)   X-Ref
Sets an installer path by name

param: string  $name   Path name
param: string  $value  Path
return: void

pushStep($step)   X-Ref
Pushes a step onto the installer stack for rolling back steps

param: array  $step  Installer step
return: void

abort($msg = null, $type = null)   X-Ref
Installation abort method

param: string  $msg   Abort message from the installer
param: string  $type  Package type if defined
return: boolean  True if successful

install($path = null)   X-Ref
Package installation method

param: string  $path  Path to package source folder
return: boolean  True if successful

discover_install($eid = null)   X-Ref
Discovered package installation method

param: integer  $eid  Extension ID
return: boolean  True if successful

discover()   X-Ref
Extension discover method

Asks each adapter to find extensions

return: InstallerExtension[]

update($path = null)   X-Ref
Package update method

param: string  $path  Path to package source folder
return: boolean  True if successful

uninstall($type, $identifier)   X-Ref
Package uninstallation method

param: string  $type        Package type
param: mixed   $identifier  Package identifier for adapter
return: boolean  True if successful

refreshManifestCache($eid)   X-Ref
Refreshes the manifest cache stored in #__extensions

param: integer  $eid  Extension ID
return: boolean

setupInstall($route = 'install', $returnAdapter = false)   X-Ref
Prepare for installation: this method sets the installation directory, finds
and checks the installation file and verifies the installation type.

param: string   $route          The install route being followed
param: boolean  $returnAdapter  Flag to return the instantiated adapter
return: boolean|InstallerAdapter  InstallerAdapter object if explicitly requested otherwise boolean

parseQueries(\SimpleXMLElement $element)   X-Ref
Backward compatible method to parse through a queries element of the
installation manifest file and take appropriate action.

param: \SimpleXMLElement  $element  The XML node to process
return: mixed  Number of queries processed or False on error

parseSQLFiles($element)   X-Ref
Method to extract the name of a discreet installation sql file from the installation manifest file.

param: object  $element  The XML node to process
return: mixed  Number of queries processed or False on error

setSchemaVersion(\SimpleXMLElement $schema, $eid)   X-Ref
Set the schema version for an extension by looking at its latest update

param: \SimpleXMLElement  $schema  Schema Tag
param: integer            $eid     Extension ID
return: void

parseSchemaUpdates(\SimpleXMLElement $schema, $eid)   X-Ref
Method to process the updates for an item

param: \SimpleXMLElement  $schema  The XML node to process
param: integer            $eid     Extension Identifier
return: boolean|int  Number of SQL updates executed; false on failure.

updateSchemaTable(int $eid, string $version, bool $update = false)   X-Ref
Update the schema table with the latest version

param: int     $eid      Extension ID.
param: string  $version  Latest schema version ID.
param: boolean $update   Should I run an update against an existing record or insert a new one?
return: void

parseFiles(\SimpleXMLElement $element, $cid = 0, $oldFiles = null, $oldMD5 = null)   X-Ref
Method to parse through a files element of the installation manifest and take appropriate

param: \SimpleXMLElement  $element   The XML node to process
param: integer            $cid       Application ID of application to install to
param: array              $oldFiles  List of old files (SimpleXMLElement's)
param: array              $oldMD5    List of old MD5 sums (indexed by filename with value as MD5)
return: boolean      True on success

parseLanguages(\SimpleXMLElement $element, $cid = 0)   X-Ref
Method to parse through a languages element of the installation manifest and take appropriate

param: \SimpleXMLElement  $element  The XML node to process
param: integer            $cid      Application ID of application to install to
return: boolean  True on success

parseMedia(\SimpleXMLElement $element, $cid = 0)   X-Ref
Method to parse through a media element of the installation manifest and take appropriate

param: \SimpleXMLElement  $element  The XML node to process
param: integer            $cid      Application ID of application to install to
return: boolean     True on success

getParams()   X-Ref
Method to parse the parameters of an extension, build the JSON string for its default parameters, and return the JSON string.

return: string  JSON string of parameter values

copyFiles($files, $overwrite = null)   X-Ref

Copy files from source directory to the target directory

param: array    $files      Array with filenames
param: boolean  $overwrite  True if existing files can be replaced
return: boolean  True on success

removeFiles($element, $cid = 0)   X-Ref
Method to parse through a files element of the installation manifest and remove
the files that were installed

param: object   $element  The XML node to process
param: integer  $cid      Application ID of application to remove from
return: boolean  True on success

copyManifest($cid = 1)   X-Ref
Copies the installation manifest file to the extension folder in the given client

param: integer  $cid  Where to copy the installfile [optional: defaults to 1 (admin)]
return: boolean  True on success, False on error

findManifest()   X-Ref
Tries to find the package manifest file

return: boolean  True on success, False on error

isManifest($file)   X-Ref
Is the XML file a valid Joomla installation manifest file.

param: string  $file  An xmlfile path to check
return: \SimpleXMLElement|null  A \SimpleXMLElement, or null if the file failed to parse

generateManifestCache()   X-Ref
Generates a manifest cache

return: string serialised manifest data

cleanDiscoveredExtension($type, $element, $folder = '', $client = 0)   X-Ref
Cleans up discovered extensions if they're being installed some other way

param: string   $type     The type of extension (component, etc)
param: string   $element  Unique element identifier (e.g. com_content)
param: string   $folder   The folder of the extension (plugins; e.g. system)
param: integer  $client   The client application (administrator or site)
return: object    Result of query

findDeletedFiles($oldFiles, $newFiles)   X-Ref
Compares two "files" entries to find deleted files/folders

param: array  $oldFiles  An array of \SimpleXMLElement objects that are the old files
param: array  $newFiles  An array of \SimpleXMLElement objects that are the new files
return: array  An array with the delete files and folders in findDeletedFiles[files] and findDeletedFiles[folders] respectively

loadMD5Sum($filename)   X-Ref
Loads an MD5SUMS file into an associative array

param: string  $filename  Filename to load
return: array  Associative array with filenames as the index and the MD5 as the value

parseXMLInstallFile($path)   X-Ref
Parse a XML install manifest file.

XML Root tag should be 'install' except for languages which use meta file.

param: string  $path  Full path to XML file.
return: array  XML metadata.

getAdapters($options = array()   X-Ref
Gets a list of available install adapters.

param: array  $options  An array of options to inject into the adapter
param: array  $custom   Array of custom install adapters
return: string[]  An array of the class names of available install adapters.

loadAdapter($adapter, $options = array()   X-Ref
Method to load an adapter instance

param: string  $adapter  Adapter name
param: array   $options  Adapter options
return: InstallerAdapter

Generated: Wed Sep 7 05:41:13 2022 Chilli.vc Blog - For Webmaster,Blog-Writer,System Admin and Domainer