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/libraries/src/HTML/Helpers/ -> Select.php (summary)

Joomla! Content Management System

Copyright: (C) 2007 Open Source Matters, Inc.
License: GNU General Public License version 2 or later; see LICENSE.txt
File Size: 682 lines (30 kb)
Included or required:0 times
Referenced: 2 times
Includes or requires: 0 files

Defines 7 functions


Functions that are not part of a class:

booleanlist($name, $attribs = array()   X-Ref
Generates a yes/no radio list.

param: string  $name      The value of the HTML name attribute
param: array   $attribs   Additional HTML attributes for the `<select>` tag
param: string  $selected  The key that is selected
param: string  $yes       Language key for Yes
param: string  $no        Language key for no
param: mixed   $id        The id for the field or false for no id
return: string  HTML for the radio list

genericlist($data,$name,$attribs = null,$optKey = 'value',$optText = 'text',$selected = null,$idtag = false,$translate = false)   X-Ref
Generates an HTML selection list.

param: array    $data       An array of objects, arrays, or scalars.
param: string   $name       The value of the HTML name attribute.
param: mixed    $attribs    Additional HTML attributes for the `<select>` tag. This
param: string   $optKey     The name of the object variable for the option value. If
param: string   $optText    The name of the object variable for the option text.
param: mixed    $selected   The key that is selected (accepts an array or a string).
param: mixed    $idtag      Value of the field id or null by default
param: boolean  $translate  True to translate
return: string  HTML for the select list.

groupedlist($data, $name, $options = array()   X-Ref
Generates a grouped HTML selection list from nested arrays.

param: array   $data     An array of groups, each of which is an array of options.
param: string  $name     The value of the HTML name attribute
param: array   $options  Options, an array of key/value pairs. Valid options are:
return: string  HTML for the select list

integerlist($start, $end, $inc, $name, $attribs = null, $selected = null, $format = '')   X-Ref
Generates a selection list of integers.

param: integer  $start     The start integer
param: integer  $end       The end integer
param: integer  $inc       The increment
param: string   $name      The value of the HTML name attribute
param: mixed    $attribs   Additional HTML attributes for the `<select>` tag, an array of
param: mixed    $selected  The key that is selected
param: string   $format    The printf format to be applied to the number
return: string   HTML for the select list

option($value, $text = '', $optKey = 'value', $optText = 'text', $disable = false)   X-Ref
Create an object that represents an option in an option list.

param: string   $value    The value of the option
param: string   $text     The text for the option
param: mixed    $optKey   If a string, the returned object property name for
param: string   $optText  The property that will hold the the displayed text. This
param: boolean  $disable  Not used.
return: \stdClass

options($arr, $optKey = 'value', $optText = 'text', $selected = null, $translate = false)   X-Ref
Generates the option tags for an HTML select list (with no select tag
surrounding the options).

param: array    $arr        An array of objects, arrays, or values.
param: mixed    $optKey     If a string, this is the name of the object variable for
param: string   $optText    The name of the object variable for the option text.
param: mixed    $selected   The key that is selected (accepts an array or a string)
param: boolean  $translate  Translate the option values.
return: string  HTML for the select list

radiolist($data,$name,$attribs = null,$optKey = 'value',$optText = 'text',$selected = null,$idtag = false,$translate = false)   X-Ref
Generates an HTML radio list.

param: array    $data       An array of objects
param: string   $name       The value of the HTML name attribute
param: string   $attribs    Additional HTML attributes for the `<select>` tag
param: mixed    $optKey     The key that is selected
param: string   $optText    The name of the object variable for the option value
param: string   $selected   The name of the object variable for the option text
param: boolean  $idtag      Value of the field id or null by default
param: boolean  $translate  True if options will be translated
return: string  HTML for the select list

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