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PHP Cross Reference of Joomla 4.2.2 documentation




/libraries/src/HTML/Helpers/ -> JGrid.php (summary)

Joomla! Content Management System

Copyright: (C) 2009 Open Source Matters, Inc.
License: GNU General Public License version 2 or later; see LICENSE.txt
File Size: 445 lines (20 kb)
Included or required:0 times
Referenced: 2 times
Includes or requires: 0 files

Defines 8 functions


Functions that are not part of a class:

action($i,$task,$prefix = '',$activeTitle = '',$inactiveTitle = '',$tip = false,$activeClass = '',$inactiveClass = '',$enabled = true,$translate = true,$checkbox = 'cb',$formId = null)   X-Ref
Returns an action on a grid

param: integer       $i              The row index
param: string        $task           The task to fire
param: string|array  $prefix         An optional task prefix or an array of options
param: string        $activeTitle    An optional active tooltip to display if $enable is true
param: string        $inactiveTitle  An optional inactive tooltip to display if $enable is true
param: boolean       $tip            An optional setting for tooltip
param: string        $activeClass    An optional active HTML class
param: string        $inactiveClass  An optional inactive HTML class
param: boolean       $enabled        An optional setting for access control on the action.
param: boolean       $translate      An optional setting for translation.
param: string        $checkbox       An optional prefix for checkboxes.
param: string        $formId         An optional form selector.
return: string  The HTML markup

state($states, $value, $i, $prefix = '', $enabled = true, $translate = true, $checkbox = 'cb', $formId = null)   X-Ref
Returns a state on a grid

param: array         $states     array of value/state. Each state is an array of the form
param: integer       $value      The state value.
param: integer       $i          The row index
param: string|array  $prefix     An optional task prefix or an array of options
param: boolean       $enabled    An optional setting for access control on the action.
param: boolean       $translate  An optional setting for translation.
param: string        $checkbox   An optional prefix for checkboxes.
param: string        $formId     An optional form selector.
return: string  The HTML markup

published($value,$i,$prefix = '',$enabled = true,$checkbox = 'cb',$publishUp = null,$publishDown = null,$formId = null)   X-Ref
Returns a published state on a grid

param: integer       $value        The state value.
param: integer       $i            The row index
param: string|array  $prefix       An optional task prefix or an array of options
param: boolean       $enabled      An optional setting for access control on the action.
param: string        $checkbox     An optional prefix for checkboxes.
param: string        $publishUp    An optional start publishing date.
param: string        $publishDown  An optional finish publishing date.
param: string        $formId       An optional form selector.
return: string  The HTML markup

isdefault($value, $i, $prefix = '', $enabled = true, $checkbox = 'cb', $formId = null, $active_class = 'icon-color-featured icon-star', $inactive_class = 'icon-unfeatured')   X-Ref
Returns an isDefault state on a grid

param: integer       $value             The state value.
param: integer       $i                 The row index
param: string|array  $prefix            An optional task prefix or an array of options
param: boolean       $enabled           An optional setting for access control on the action.
param: string        $checkbox          An optional prefix for checkboxes.
param: string        $formId            An optional form selector.
param: string        $active_class      The class for active items.
param: string        $inactive_class    The class for inactive items.
return: string  The HTML markup

publishedOptions($config = array()   X-Ref
Returns an array of standard published state filter options.

param: array  $config  An array of configuration options.
return: array  The array of standard published state filter options

checkedout($i, $editorName, $time, $prefix = '', $enabled = false, $checkbox = 'cb', $formId = null)   X-Ref
Returns a checked-out icon

param: integer       $i           The row index.
param: string        $editorName  The name of the editor.
param: string        $time        The time that the object was checked out.
param: string|array  $prefix      An optional task prefix or an array of options
param: boolean       $enabled     True to enable the action.
param: string        $checkbox    An optional prefix for checkboxes.
param: string        $formId      An optional form selector.
return: string  The HTML markup

orderUp($i, $task = 'orderup', $prefix = '', $text = 'JLIB_HTML_MOVE_UP', $enabled = true, $checkbox = 'cb', $formId = null)   X-Ref
Creates an order-up action icon.

param: integer       $i         The row index.
param: string        $task      An optional task to fire.
param: string|array  $prefix    An optional task prefix or an array of options
param: string        $text      An optional text to display
param: boolean       $enabled   An optional setting for access control on the action.
param: string        $checkbox  An optional prefix for checkboxes.
param: string        $formId    An optional form selector.
return: string  The HTML markup

orderDown($i,$task = 'orderdown',$prefix = '',$text = 'JLIB_HTML_MOVE_DOWN',$enabled = true,$checkbox = 'cb',$formId = null)   X-Ref
Creates an order-down action icon.

param: integer       $i         The row index.
param: string        $task      An optional task to fire.
param: string|array  $prefix    An optional task prefix or an array of options
param: string        $text      An optional text to display
param: boolean       $enabled   An optional setting for access control on the action.
param: string        $checkbox  An optional prefix for checkboxes.
param: string        $formId    An optional form selector.
return: string  The HTML markup

Generated: Wed Sep 7 05:41:13 2022 Chilli.vc Blog - For Webmaster,Blog-Writer,System Admin and Domainer