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/libraries/src/Filter/ -> InputFilter.php (summary)

Joomla! Content Management System

Copyright: (C) 2006 Open Source Matters, Inc.
License: GNU General Public License version 2 or later; see LICENSE.txt
File Size: 492 lines (19 kb)
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Includes or requires: 0 files

Defines 1 class

InputFilter:: (8 methods):

Class: InputFilter  - X-Ref

InputFilter is a class for filtering input from any data source

Forked from the php input filter library by: Daniel Morris <[email protected]>
Original Contributors: Gianpaolo Racca, Ghislain Picard, Marco Wandschneider, Chris Tobin and Andrew Eddie.

__construct($tagsArray = array()   X-Ref
Constructor for inputFilter class. Only first parameter is required.

param: array    $tagsArray   List of user-defined tags
param: array    $attrArray   List of user-defined attributes
param: integer  $tagsMethod  The constant static::ONLY_ALLOW_DEFINED_TAGS or static::BLOCK_DEFINED_TAGS
param: integer  $attrMethod  The constant static::ONLY_ALLOW_DEFINED_ATTRIBUTES or static::BLOCK_DEFINED_ATTRIBUTES
param: integer  $xssAuto     Only auto clean essentials = 0, Allow clean blocked tags/attributes = 1
param: integer  $stripUSC    Strip 4-byte unicode characters = 1, no strip = 0

getInstance($tagsArray = array()   X-Ref
Returns an input filter object, only creating it if it doesn't already exist.

param: array    $tagsArray   List of user-defined tags
param: array    $attrArray   List of user-defined attributes
param: integer  $tagsMethod  The constant static::ONLY_ALLOW_DEFINED_TAGS or static::BLOCK_DEFINED_TAGS
param: integer  $attrMethod  The constant static::ONLY_ALLOW_DEFINED_ATTRIBUTES or static::BLOCK_DEFINED_ATTRIBUTES
param: integer  $xssAuto     Only auto clean essentials = 0, Allow clean blocked tags/attributes = 1
param: integer  $stripUSC    Strip 4-byte unicode characters = 1, no strip = 0
return: InputFilter  The InputFilter object.

clean($source, $type = 'string')   X-Ref
Method to be called by another php script. Processes for XSS and
specified bad code.

param: mixed   $source  Input string/array-of-string to be 'cleaned'
param: string  $type    The return type for the variable:
return: mixed  'Cleaned' version of input parameter

emailToPunycode($text)   X-Ref
Function to punyencode utf8 mail when saving content

param: string  $text  The strings to encode
return: string  The punyencoded mail

isSafeFile($file, $options = array()   X-Ref
Checks an uploaded for suspicious naming and potential PHP contents which could indicate a hacking attempt.

The options you can define are:
null_byte                   Prevent files with a null byte in their name (buffer overflow attack)
forbidden_extensions        Do not allow these strings anywhere in the file's extension
php_tag_in_content          Do not allow `<?php` tag in content
phar_stub_in_content        Do not allow the `__HALT_COMPILER()` phar stub in content
shorttag_in_content         Do not allow short tag `<?` in content
shorttag_extensions         Which file extensions to scan for short tags in content
fobidden_ext_in_content     Do not allow forbidden_extensions anywhere in content
php_ext_content_extensions  Which file extensions to scan for .php in content

This code is an adaptation and improvement of Admin Tools' UploadShield feature,
relicensed and contributed by its author.

param: array  $file     An uploaded file descriptor
param: array  $options  The scanner options (see the code for details)
return: boolean  True of the file is safe

decodeFileData(array $data)   X-Ref
Method to decode a file data array.

param: array  $data  The data array to decode.
return: array

decode($source)   X-Ref
Try to convert to plaintext

param: string  $source  The source string.
return: string  Plaintext string

stripUSC($source)   X-Ref
No description

Generated: Wed Sep 7 05:41:13 2022 Chilli.vc Blog - For Webmaster,Blog-Writer,System Admin and Domainer