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PHP Cross Reference of Joomla 4.2.2 documentation




/libraries/src/Event/ -> AbstractEvent.php (summary)

Joomla! Content Management System

Copyright: (C) 2016 Open Source Matters, Inc.
License: GNU General Public License version 2 or later; see LICENSE
File Size: 182 lines (7 kb)
Included or required:0 times
Referenced: 0 times
Includes or requires: 0 files

Defines 4 functions


Functions that are not part of a class:

create(string $eventName, array $arguments = [])   X-Ref
Creates a new CMS event object for a given event name and subject. The following arguments must be given:
subject      object  The subject of the event. This is the core object you are going to manipulate.
eventClass   string  The Event class name. If you do not provide it Joomla\CMS\Events\<eventNameWithoutOnPrefix>
will be used.

param: string  $eventName  The name of the event, e.g. onTableBeforeLoad
param: array   $arguments  Additional arguments to pass to the event
return: static

__construct(string $name, array $arguments = [])   X-Ref
Constructor. Overridden to go through the argument setters.

param: string  $name       The event name.
param: array   $arguments  The event arguments.

getArgument($name, $default = null)   X-Ref
Get an event argument value. It will use a getter method if one exists. The getters have the signature:

get<ArgumentName>($value): mixed


$value  is the value currently stored in the $arguments array of the event
It returns the value to return to the caller.

param: string  $name     The argument name.
param: mixed   $default  The default value if not found.
return: mixed  The argument value or the default value.

setArgument($name, $value)   X-Ref
Add argument to event. It will use a setter method if one exists. The setters have the signature:

set<ArgumentName>($value): mixed


$value  is the value being set by the user
It returns the value to return to set in the $arguments array of the event.

param: string  $name   Argument name.
param: mixed   $value  Value.
return: $this

Generated: Wed Sep 7 05:41:13 2022 Chilli.vc Blog - For Webmaster,Blog-Writer,System Admin and Domainer