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PHP Cross Reference of Joomla 4.2.2 documentation




/libraries/src/Document/ -> HtmlDocument.php (summary)

Joomla! Content Management System

Copyright: (C) 2005 Open Source Matters, Inc.
License: GNU General Public License version 2 or later; see LICENSE.txt
File Size: 852 lines (26 kb)
Included or required:0 times
Referenced: 2 times
Includes or requires: 0 files

Defines 1 class

HtmlDocument:: (21 methods):

Class: HtmlDocument  - X-Ref

HtmlDocument class, provides an easy interface to parse and display a HTML document

__construct($options = array()   X-Ref
Class constructor

param: array  $options  Associative array of options

getHeadData()   X-Ref
Get the HTML document head data

return: array  The document head data in array form

resetHeadData($types = null)   X-Ref
Reset the HTML document head data

param: mixed  $types  type or types of the heads elements to reset
return: HtmlDocument  instance of $this to allow chaining

resetHeadDatum($type)   X-Ref
Reset a part the HTML document head data

param: string  $type  type of the heads elements to reset
return: void

setHeadData($data)   X-Ref
Set the HTML document head data

param: array  $data  The document head data in array form
return: HtmlDocument|null instance of $this to allow chaining or null for empty input data

mergeHeadData($data)   X-Ref
Merge the HTML document head data

param: array  $data  The document head data in array form
return: HtmlDocument|void instance of $this to allow chaining or void for empty input data

addHeadLink($href, $relation, $relType = 'rel', $attribs = array()   X-Ref
Adds `<link>` tags to the head of the document

$relType defaults to 'rel' as it is the most common relation type used.
('rev' refers to reverse relation, 'rel' indicates normal, forward relation.)
Typical tag: `<link href="index.php" rel="Start">`

param: string  $href      The link that is being related.
param: string  $relation  Relation of link.
param: string  $relType   Relation type attribute.  Either rel or rev (default: 'rel').
param: array   $attribs   Associative array of remaining attributes.
return: HtmlDocument instance of $this to allow chaining

addFavicon($href, $type = 'image/vnd.microsoft.icon', $relation = 'shortcut icon')   X-Ref
Adds a shortcut icon (favicon)

This adds a link to the icon shown in the favorites list or on
the left of the url in the address bar. Some browsers display
it on the tab, as well.

param: string  $href      The link that is being related.
param: string  $type      File type
param: string  $relation  Relation of link
return: HtmlDocument instance of $this to allow chaining

addCustomTag($html)   X-Ref
Adds a custom HTML string to the head block

param: string  $html  The HTML to add to the head
return: HtmlDocument instance of $this to allow chaining

isHtml5()   X-Ref
Returns whether the document is set up to be output as HTML5

return: boolean true when HTML5 is used

setHtml5($state)   X-Ref
Sets whether the document should be output as HTML5

param: bool  $state  True when HTML5 should be output
return: void

getBuffer($type = null, $name = null, $attribs = array()   X-Ref
Get the contents of a document include

param: string  $type     The type of renderer
param: string  $name     The name of the element to render
param: array   $attribs  Associative array of remaining attributes.
return: mixed|string The output of the renderer

setBuffer($content, $options = array()   X-Ref
Set the contents a document includes

param: string  $content  The content to be set in the buffer.
param: array   $options  Array of optional elements.
return: HtmlDocument instance of $this to allow chaining

parse($params = array()   X-Ref
Parses the template and populates the buffer

param: array  $params  Parameters for fetching the template
return: HtmlDocument instance of $this to allow chaining

render($caching = false, $params = array()   X-Ref
Outputs the template to the browser.

param: boolean  $caching  If true, cache the output
param: array    $params   Associative array of attributes
return: string The rendered data

countModules(string $positionName, bool $withContentOnly = false)   X-Ref
Count the modules in the given position

param: string   $positionName     The position to use
param: boolean  $withContentOnly  Count only a modules which actually has a content
return: integer  Number of modules found

countMenuChildren()   X-Ref
Count the number of child menu items of the current active menu item

return: integer  Number of child menu items

_loadTemplate($directory, $filename)   X-Ref
Load a template file

param: string  $directory  The name of the template
param: string  $filename   The actual filename
return: string  The contents of the template

_fetchTemplate($params = array()   X-Ref
Fetch the template, and initialise the params

param: array  $params  Parameters to determine the template
return: HtmlDocument instance of $this to allow chaining

_parseTemplate()   X-Ref
Parse a document template

return: HtmlDocument  instance of $this to allow chaining

_renderTemplate()   X-Ref
Render pre-parsed template

return: string rendered template

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