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PHP Cross Reference of Joomla 4.2.2 documentation




/libraries/src/Document/ -> Document.php (summary)

Joomla! Content Management System

Copyright: (C) 2005 Open Source Matters, Inc.
License: GNU General Public License version 2 or later; see LICENSE.txt
File Size: 1209 lines (29 kb)
Included or required:0 times
Referenced: 2 times
Includes or requires: 0 files

Defines 1 class

Document:: (49 methods):

Class: Document  - X-Ref

Document class, provides an easy interface to parse and display a document

__construct($options = array()   X-Ref
Class constructor.

param: array  $options  Associative array of options

getInstance($type = 'html', $attributes = array()   X-Ref
Returns the global Document object, only creating it
if it doesn't already exist.

param: string  $type        The document type to instantiate
param: array   $attributes  Array of attributes
return: static  The document object.

setFactory(FactoryInterface $factory)   X-Ref
Set the factory instance

param: FactoryInterface  $factory  The factory instance
return: Document

setType($type)   X-Ref
Set the document type

param: string  $type  Type document is to set to
return: Document instance of $this to allow chaining

getType()   X-Ref
Returns the document type

return: string

getBuffer()   X-Ref
Get the contents of the document buffer

return: mixed

setBuffer($content, $options = array()   X-Ref
Set the contents of the document buffer

param: string  $content  The content to be set in the buffer.
param: array   $options  Array of optional elements.
return: Document instance of $this to allow chaining

getMetaData($name, $attribute = 'name')   X-Ref
Gets a meta tag.

param: string  $name       Name of the meta HTML tag
param: string  $attribute  Attribute to use in the meta HTML tag
return: string

setMetaData($name, $content, $attribute = 'name')   X-Ref
Sets or alters a meta tag.

param: string  $name       Name of the meta HTML tag
param: mixed   $content    Value of the meta HTML tag as array or string
param: string  $attribute  Attribute to use in the meta HTML tag
return: Document instance of $this to allow chaining

addScript($url, $options = array()   X-Ref
Adds a linked script to the page

param: string  $url      URL to the linked script.
param: array   $options  Array of options. Example: array('version' => 'auto', 'conditional' => 'lt IE 9', 'preload' => array('preload'))
param: array   $attribs  Array of attributes. Example: array('id' => 'scriptid', 'async' => 'async', 'data-test' => 1)
return: Document instance of $this to allow chaining

addScriptDeclaration($content, $type = 'text/javascript')   X-Ref
Adds a script to the page

param: string  $content  Script
param: string  $type     Scripting mime (defaults to 'text/javascript')
return: Document instance of $this to allow chaining

addScriptOptions($key, $options, $merge = true)   X-Ref
Add option for script

param: string  $key      Name in Storage
param: mixed   $options  Scrip options as array or string
param: bool    $merge    Whether merge with existing (true) or replace (false)
return: Document instance of $this to allow chaining

getScriptOptions($key = null)   X-Ref
Get script(s) options

param: string  $key  Name in Storage
return: array  Options for given $key, or all script options

addStyleSheet($url, $options = array()   X-Ref
Adds a linked stylesheet to the page

param: string  $url      URL to the linked style sheet
param: array   $options  Array of options. Example: array('version' => 'auto', 'conditional' => 'lt IE 9', 'preload' => array('preload'))
param: array   $attribs  Array of attributes. Example: array('id' => 'stylesheet', 'data-test' => 1)
return: Document instance of $this to allow chaining

addStyleDeclaration($content, $type = 'text/css')   X-Ref
Adds a stylesheet declaration to the page

param: string  $content  Style declarations
param: string  $type     Type of stylesheet (defaults to 'text/css')
return: Document instance of $this to allow chaining

setCharset($type = 'utf-8')   X-Ref
Sets the document charset

param: string  $type  Charset encoding string
return: Document instance of $this to allow chaining

getCharset()   X-Ref
Returns the document charset encoding.

return: string

setLanguage($lang = 'en-gb')   X-Ref
Sets the global document language declaration. Default is English (en-gb).

param: string  $lang  The language to be set
return: Document instance of $this to allow chaining

getLanguage()   X-Ref
Returns the document language.

return: string

setDirection($dir = 'ltr')   X-Ref
Sets the global document direction declaration. Default is left-to-right (ltr).

param: string  $dir  The language direction to be set
return: Document instance of $this to allow chaining

getDirection()   X-Ref
Returns the document direction declaration.

return: string

setTitle($title)   X-Ref
Sets the title of the document

param: string  $title  The title to be set
return: Document instance of $this to allow chaining

getTitle()   X-Ref
Return the title of the document.

return: string

setMediaVersion($mediaVersion)   X-Ref
Set the assets version

param: string  $mediaVersion  Media version to use
return: Document instance of $this to allow chaining

getMediaVersion()   X-Ref
Return the media version

return: string

setPreloadManager(PreloadManagerInterface $preloadManager)   X-Ref
Set the preload manager

param: PreloadManagerInterface  $preloadManager  The preload manager service
return: Document instance of $this to allow chaining

getPreloadManager()   X-Ref
Return the preload manager

return: PreloadManagerInterface

setWebAssetManager(WebAssetManager $webAsset)   X-Ref
Set WebAsset manager

param: WebAssetManager  $webAsset  The WebAsset instance
return: Document

getWebAssetManager()   X-Ref
Return WebAsset manager

return: WebAssetManager

setBase($base)   X-Ref
Sets the base URI of the document

param: string  $base  The base URI to be set
return: Document instance of $this to allow chaining

getBase()   X-Ref
Return the base URI of the document.

return: string

setDescription($description)   X-Ref
Sets the description of the document

param: string  $description  The description to set
return: Document instance of $this to allow chaining

getDescription()   X-Ref
Return the description of the document.

return: string

setLink($url)   X-Ref
Sets the document link

param: string  $url  A url
return: Document instance of $this to allow chaining

getLink()   X-Ref
Returns the document base url

return: string

setGenerator($generator)   X-Ref
Sets the document generator

param: string  $generator  The generator to be set
return: Document instance of $this to allow chaining

getGenerator()   X-Ref
Returns the document generator

return: string

setModifiedDate($date)   X-Ref
Sets the document modified date

param: string|Date  $date  The date to be set
return: Document instance of $this to allow chaining

getModifiedDate()   X-Ref
Returns the document modified date

return: string|Date

setMimeEncoding($type = 'text/html', $sync = true)   X-Ref
Sets the document MIME encoding that is sent to the browser.

This usually will be text/html because most browsers cannot yet
accept the proper mime settings for XHTML: application/xhtml+xml
and to a lesser extent application/xml and text/xml. See the W3C note
({@link https://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml-media-types/
https://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml-media-types/}) for more details.

param: string   $type  The document type to be sent
param: boolean  $sync  Should the type be synced with HTML?
return: Document instance of $this to allow chaining

getMimeEncoding()   X-Ref
Return the document MIME encoding that is sent to the browser.

return: string

setLineEnd($style)   X-Ref
Sets the line end style to Windows, Mac, Unix or a custom string.

param: string  $style  "win", "mac", "unix" or custom string.
return: Document instance of $this to allow chaining

_getLineEnd()   X-Ref
Returns the lineEnd

return: string

setTab($string)   X-Ref
Sets the string used to indent HTML

param: string  $string  String used to indent ("\11", "\t", '  ', etc.).
return: Document instance of $this to allow chaining

_getTab()   X-Ref
Returns a string containing the unit for indenting HTML

return: string

loadRenderer($type)   X-Ref
Load a renderer

param: string  $type  The renderer type
return: RendererInterface

parse($params = array()   X-Ref
Parses the document and prepares the buffers

param: array  $params  The array of parameters
return: Document instance of $this to allow chaining

render($cache = false, $params = array()   X-Ref
Outputs the document

param: boolean  $cache   If true, cache the output
param: array    $params  Associative array of attributes
return: string  The rendered data

preloadAssets()   X-Ref
Generate the Link header for assets configured for preloading

return: void

Generated: Wed Sep 7 05:41:13 2022 Chilli.vc Blog - For Webmaster,Blog-Writer,System Admin and Domainer