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/libraries/src/Component/Router/Rules/ -> RulesInterface.php (summary)

Joomla! Content Management System

Copyright: (C) 2014 Open Source Matters, Inc.
License: GNU General Public License version 2 or later; see LICENSE.txt
File Size: 62 lines (2 kb)
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Includes or requires: 0 files

Defines 1 class

RulesInterface:: (3 methods):

Interface: RulesInterface  - X-Ref

RouterRules interface for Joomla

preprocess(&$query)   X-Ref
Prepares a query set to be handed over to the build() method.
This should complete a partial query set to work as a complete non-SEFed
URL and in general make sure that all information is present and properly
formatted. For example, the Itemid should be retrieved and set here.

param: array  &$query  The query array to process
return: void

parse(&$segments, &$vars)   X-Ref
Parses a URI to retrieve information for the right route through the component.
This method should retrieve all its input from its method arguments.

param: array  &$segments  The URL segments to parse
param: array  &$vars      The vars that result from the segments
return: void

build(&$query, &$segments)   X-Ref
Builds URI segments from a query to encode the necessary information for a route in a human-readable URL.
This method should retrieve all its input from its method arguments.

param: array  &$query     The vars that should be converted
param: array  &$segments  The URL segments to create
return: void

Generated: Wed Sep 7 05:41:13 2022 Chilli.vc Blog - For Webmaster,Blog-Writer,System Admin and Domainer