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PHP Cross Reference of Joomla 4.2.2 documentation




/layouts/plugins/editors/tinymce/field/ -> tinymcebuilder.php (source)

   1  <?php
   3  /**
   4   * @package     Joomla.Plugin
   5   * @subpackage  Editors.tinymce
   6   *
   7   * @copyright   (C) 2016 Open Source Matters, Inc. <https://www.joomla.org>
   8   * @license     GNU General Public License version 2 or later; see LICENSE.txt
   9   */
  11  defined('_JEXEC') or die;
  13  use Joomla\CMS\Document\HtmlDocument;
  14  use Joomla\CMS\Factory;
  15  use Joomla\CMS\Form\Form;
  16  use Joomla\CMS\Language\Text;
  17  use Joomla\CMS\Layout\FileLayout;
  19  extract($displayData);
  21  /**
  22   * Layout variables
  23   * -----------------
  24   * @var   string       $autocomplete   Autocomplete attribute for the field.
  25   * @var   boolean      $autofocus      Is autofocus enabled?
  26   * @var   string       $class          Classes for the input.
  27   * @var   string       $description    Description of the field.
  28   * @var   boolean      $disabled       Is this field disabled?
  29   * @var   string       $group          Group the field belongs to. <fields> section in form XML.
  30   * @var   boolean      $hidden         Is this field hidden in the form?
  31   * @var   string       $hint           Placeholder for the field.
  32   * @var   string       $id             DOM id of the field.
  33   * @var   string       $label          Label of the field.
  34   * @var   string       $labelclass     Classes to apply to the label.
  35   * @var   boolean      $multiple       Does this field support multiple values?
  36   * @var   string       $name           Name of the input field.
  37   * @var   string       $onchange       Onchange attribute for the field.
  38   * @var   string       $onclick        Onclick attribute for the field.
  39   * @var   string       $pattern        Pattern (Reg Ex) of value of the form field.
  40   * @var   boolean      $readonly       Is this field read only?
  41   * @var   boolean      $repeat         Allows extensions to duplicate elements.
  42   * @var   boolean      $required       Is this field required?
  43   * @var   integer      $size           Size attribute of the input.
  44   * @var   boolean      $spellcheck     Spellcheck state for the form field.
  45   * @var   string       $validate       Validation rules to apply.
  46   * @var   array        $value          Value of the field.
  47   * @var   array        $menus          List of the menu items
  48   * @var   array        $menubarSource  Menu items for builder
  49   * @var   array        $buttons        List of the buttons
  50   * @var   array        $buttonsSource  Buttons by group, for the builder
  51   * @var   array        $toolbarPreset  Toolbar preset (default values)
  52   * @var   int          $setsAmount     Amount of sets
  53   * @var   array        $setsNames      List of Sets names
  54   * @var   Form[]       $setsForms      Form with extra options for an each set
  55   * @var   string       $languageFile   TinyMCE language file to translate the buttons
  56   * @var   FileLayout   $this           Context
  57   */
  59  /** @var HtmlDocument $doc */
  60  $doc = Factory::getApplication()->getDocument();
  61  $wa  = $doc->getWebAssetManager();
  63  $wa->registerScript('tinymce', 'media/vendor/tinymce/tinymce.min.js', [], ['defer' => true])
  64      ->registerScript('plg_editors_tinymce', 'plg_editors_tinymce/tinymce.min.js', [], ['defer' => true], ['core', 'tinymce'])
  65      ->registerAndUseStyle('tinymce.skin', 'media/vendor/tinymce/skins/ui/oxide/skin.min.css')
  66      ->registerAndUseStyle('plg_editors_tinymce.builder', 'plg_editors_tinymce/tinymce-builder.css', [], [], ['tinymce.skin', 'dragula'])
  67      ->registerScript('plg_editors_tinymce.builder', 'plg_editors_tinymce/tinymce-builder.js', [], ['type' => 'module'], ['dragula', 'plg_editors_tinymce'])
  68      ->useScript('plg_editors_tinymce.builder')
  69      ->useStyle('webcomponent.joomla-tab')
  70      ->useScript('webcomponent.joomla-tab');
  72  // Add TinyMCE language file to translate the buttons
  73  if ($languageFile) {
  74      $wa->registerAndUseScript('tinymce.language', $languageFile, [], ['defer' => true], []);
  75  }
  77  // Add the builder options
  78  $doc->addScriptOptions(
  79      'plg_editors_tinymce_builder',
  80      [
  81          'menus'         => $menus,
  82          'buttons'       => $buttons,
  83          'toolbarPreset' => $toolbarPreset,
  84          'formControl'   => $name . '[toolbars]',
  85      ]
  86  );
  88  ?>
  89  <div id="joomla-tinymce-builder">
  90      <h3><?php echo Text::_('PLG_TINY_SET_TARGET_PANEL_TITLE'); ?></h3>
  91      <p><?php echo Text::_('PLG_TINY_SET_TARGET_PANEL_DESCRIPTION'); ?></p>
  92      <p><?php echo Text::_('PLG_TINY_SET_SOURCE_PANEL_DESCRIPTION'); ?></p>
  93      <div class="tox tox-tinymce">
  94          <div class="tox-editor-container">
  95              <div class="tox-menubar tinymce-builder-menu source" data-group="menu"
  96                  data-value="<?php echo $this->escape(json_encode($menubarSource)); ?>">
  97              </div>
  98              <div class="tox-toolbar tinymce-builder-toolbar source" data-group="toolbar"
  99                  data-value="<?php echo $this->escape(json_encode($buttonsSource)); ?>">
 100              </div>
 101          </div>
 102      </div>
 103      <hr>
 104      <joomla-tab orientation="vertical" id="joomla-tinymce-builder-sets" recall breakpoint="974">
 105          <?php foreach ($setsNames as $num => $title) : ?>
 106              <?php $isActive = $num === $setsAmount - 1; ?>
 107              <joomla-tab-element class="tab-pane" id="set-<?php echo $num; ?>" <?php echo $isActive; ?> name="<?php echo $title; ?>">
 108                  <?php // Render tab content for each set ?>
 109                      <?php
 110                          $presetButtonClasses = [
 111                              'simple'   => 'btn-success',
 112                              'medium'   => 'btn-info',
 113                              'advanced' => 'btn-warning',
 114                          ];
 115                          // Check whether the values exists, and if empty then use from preset
 116                          if (
 117                              empty($value['toolbars'][$num]['menu'])
 118                              && empty($value['toolbars'][$num]['toolbar1'])
 119                              && empty($value['toolbars'][$num]['toolbar2'])
 120                          ) {
 121                              // Take the preset for default value
 122                              switch ($num) {
 123                                  case 0:
 124                                      $preset = $toolbarPreset['advanced'];
 125                                      break;
 126                                  case 1:
 127                                      $preset = $toolbarPreset['medium'];
 128                                      break;
 129                                  default:
 130                                      $preset = $toolbarPreset['simple'];
 131                              }
 133                              $value['toolbars'][$num] = $preset;
 134                          }
 136                          // Take existing values
 137                          $valMenu = empty($value['toolbars'][$num]['menu'])     ? array() : $value['toolbars'][$num]['menu'];
 138                          $valBar1 = empty($value['toolbars'][$num]['toolbar1']) ? array() : $value['toolbars'][$num]['toolbar1'];
 139                          $valBar2 = empty($value['toolbars'][$num]['toolbar2']) ? array() : $value['toolbars'][$num]['toolbar2'];
 141                          ?>
 142                      <?php echo $this->sublayout('setaccess', array('form' => $setsForms[$num])); ?>
 143                      <div class="btn-toolbar float-end mt-3">
 144                          <div class="btn-group btn-group-sm">
 146                          <?php foreach (array_keys($toolbarPreset) as $presetName) :
 147                              $btnClass = empty($presetButtonClasses[$presetName]) ? 'btn-primary' : $presetButtonClasses[$presetName];
 148                              ?>
 149                              <button type="button" class="btn <?php echo $btnClass; ?> button-action"
 150                                  data-action="setPreset" data-preset="<?php echo $presetName; ?>" data-set="<?php echo $num; ?>">
 151                                  <?php echo Text::_('PLG_TINY_SET_PRESET_BUTTON_' . $presetName); ?>
 152                              </button>
 153                          <?php endforeach; ?>
 155                              <button type="button" class="btn btn-danger button-action"
 156                                  data-action="clearPane" data-set="<?php echo $num; ?>">
 157                                  <?php echo Text::_('JCLEAR'); ?>
 158                              </button>
 159                          </div>
 160                      </div>
 162                      <div class="clearfix mb-1"></div>
 164                      <div class="tox tox-tinymce mb-3">
 165                          <div class="tox-editor-container">
 166                              <div class="tox-menubar tinymce-builder-menu target"
 167                                  data-group="menu" data-set="<?php echo $num; ?>"
 168                                  data-value="<?php echo $this->escape(json_encode($valMenu)); ?>">
 169                              </div>
 170                              <div class="tox-toolbar tinymce-builder-toolbar target"
 171                                  data-group="toolbar1" data-set="<?php echo $num; ?>"
 172                                  data-value="<?php echo $this->escape(json_encode($valBar1)); ?>">
 173                              </div>
 174                              <div class="tox-toolbar tinymce-builder-toolbar target"
 175                                  data-group="toolbar2" data-set="<?php echo $num; ?>"
 176                                  data-value="<?php echo $this->escape(json_encode($valBar2)); ?>">
 177                              </div>
 178                          </div>
 179                      </div>
 181                      <?php // Render the form for extra options ?>
 182                      <?php echo $this->sublayout('setoptions', array('form' => $setsForms[$num])); ?>
 183              </joomla-tab-element>
 184          <?php endforeach; ?>
 185      </joomla-tab>
 186  </div>

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