* @license GNU General Public License version 2 or later; see LICENSE.txt */ defined('_JEXEC') or die; use Joomla\CMS\Access\Access; use Joomla\CMS\Factory; use Joomla\CMS\HTML\HTMLHelper; use Joomla\CMS\Language\Text; use Joomla\CMS\Layout\LayoutHelper; use Joomla\CMS\Router\Route; use Joomla\CMS\Session\Session; extract($displayData); // Get some system objects. $document = Factory::getDocument(); /** * Layout variables * ----------------- * @var string $autocomplete Autocomplete attribute for the field. * @var boolean $autofocus Is autofocus enabled? * @var string $class Classes for the input. * @var string $description Description of the field. * @var boolean $disabled Is this field disabled? * @var string $group Group the field belongs to. section in form XML. * @var boolean $hidden Is this field hidden in the form? * @var string $hint Placeholder for the field. * @var string $id DOM id of the field. * @var string $label Label of the field. * @var string $labelclass Classes to apply to the label. * @var boolean $multiple Does this field support multiple values? * @var string $name Name of the input field. * @var array $options Options available for this field. * @var array $groups Available user groups. * @var array $actions Actions for the asset. * @var integer $assetId Access parameters. * @var string $component The component. * @var string $section The section. * @var boolean $isGlobalConfig Current view is global config? * @var boolean $newItem The new item. * @var object $assetRules Rules for asset. * @var integer $parentAssetId To calculate permissions. * @var string $dataAttribute Miscellaneous data attributes preprocessed for HTML output * @var array $dataAttributes Miscellaneous data attributes for eg, data-*. */ // Add Javascript for permission change HTMLHelper::_('form.csrf'); Factory::getDocument()->getWebAssetManager() ->useStyle('webcomponent.field-permissions') ->useScript('webcomponent.field-permissions') ->useStyle('webcomponent.joomla-tab') ->useScript('webcomponent.joomla-tab'); // Load JavaScript message titles Text::script('ERROR'); Text::script('WARNING'); Text::script('NOTICE'); Text::script('MESSAGE'); // Add strings for JavaScript error translations. Text::script('JLIB_JS_AJAX_ERROR_CONNECTION_ABORT'); Text::script('JLIB_JS_AJAX_ERROR_NO_CONTENT'); Text::script('JLIB_JS_AJAX_ERROR_OTHER'); Text::script('JLIB_JS_AJAX_ERROR_PARSE'); Text::script('JLIB_JS_AJAX_ERROR_TIMEOUT'); // Ajax request data. $ajaxUri = Route::_('index.php?option=com_config&task=application.store&format=json&' . Session::getFormToken() . '=1'); ?>
> value === 1 ? ' active' : ''; ?> name=" $group->level + 1)), ENT_COMPAT, 'utf-8') . $group->text; ?>" id="permission-value; ?>"> value, 'core.admin'); ?>
description)) : ?>
value, $action->name, $assetId); $inheritedGroupParentAssetRule = !empty($parentAssetId) ? Access::checkGroup($group->value, $action->name, $parentAssetId) : null; $inheritedParentGroupRule = !empty($group->parent_id) ? Access::checkGroup($group->parent_id, $action->name, $assetId) : null; // Current group is a Super User group, so calculated setting is "Allowed (Super User)". if ($isSuperUserGroup) { $result['class'] = 'badge bg-success'; $result['text'] = '' . Text::_('JLIB_RULES_ALLOWED_ADMIN'); } else { // First get the real recursive calculated setting and add (Inherited) to it. // If recursive calculated setting is "Denied" or null. Calculated permission is "Not Allowed (Inherited)". if ($inheritedGroupRule === null || $inheritedGroupRule === false) { $result['class'] = 'badge bg-danger'; $result['text'] = Text::_('JLIB_RULES_NOT_ALLOWED_INHERITED'); } else { // If recursive calculated setting is "Allowed". Calculated permission is "Allowed (Inherited)". $result['class'] = 'badge bg-success'; $result['text'] = Text::_('JLIB_RULES_ALLOWED_INHERITED'); } // Second part: Overwrite the calculated permissions labels if there is an explicit permission in the current group. /** * @todo: incorrect info * If a component has a permission that doesn't exists in global config (ex: frontend editing in com_modules) by default * we get "Not Allowed (Inherited)" when we should get "Not Allowed (Default)". */ // If there is an explicit permission "Not Allowed". Calculated permission is "Not Allowed". if ($assetRule === false) { $result['class'] = 'badge bg-danger'; $result['text'] = Text::_('JLIB_RULES_NOT_ALLOWED'); } elseif ($assetRule === true) { // If there is an explicit permission is "Allowed". Calculated permission is "Allowed". $result['class'] = 'badge bg-success'; $result['text'] = Text::_('JLIB_RULES_ALLOWED'); } // Third part: Overwrite the calculated permissions labels for special cases. // Global configuration with "Not Set" permission. Calculated permission is "Not Allowed (Default)". if (empty($group->parent_id) && $isGlobalConfig === true && $assetRule === null) { $result['class'] = 'badge bg-danger'; $result['text'] = Text::_('JLIB_RULES_NOT_ALLOWED_DEFAULT'); } elseif ($inheritedGroupParentAssetRule === false || $inheritedParentGroupRule === false) { /** * Component/Item with explicit "Denied" permission at parent Asset (Category, Component or Global config) configuration. * Or some parent group has an explicit "Denied". * Calculated permission is "Not Allowed (Locked)". */ $result['class'] = 'badge bg-danger'; $result['text'] = '' . Text::_('JLIB_RULES_NOT_ALLOWED_LOCKED'); } } ?>