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PHP Cross Reference of Joomla 4.2.2 documentation




/installation/template/js/ -> remove.js (source)

   1  /**
   2   * @package     Joomla.Installation
   3   * @copyright   (C) 2017 Open Source Matters, Inc. <https://www.joomla.org>
   4   * @license     GNU General Public License version 2 or later; see LICENSE.txt
   5   */
   6  // Init on dom content loaded event
   7  var url = Joomla.getOptions('system.installation').url ? Joomla.getOptions('system.installation').url.replace(/&amp;/g, '&') : 'index.php';
   9  if (document.getElementById('installAddFeatures')) {
  10    document.getElementById('installAddFeatures').addEventListener('click', function(e) {
  11      e.preventDefault();
  12      document.getElementById('installLanguages').classList.add('active');
  13      document.getElementById('installCongrat').classList.remove('active');
  14      document.getElementById('installFinal').classList.remove('active');
  15      document.getElementById('installRecommended').classList.remove('active');
  16    })
  17  }
  19  if (document.getElementById('skipLanguages')) {
  20      document.getElementById('skipLanguages').addEventListener('click', function(e) {
  21          e.preventDefault();
  22          document.getElementById('installCongrat').classList.add('active');
  23          document.getElementById('installFinal').classList.add('active');
  24          document.getElementById('installRecommended').classList.add('active');
  25          document.getElementById('installLanguages').classList.remove('active');
  27          if (document.getElementById('installFinal')) {
  28              document.getElementById('installFinal').focus();
  29          }
  30      })
  31  }
  33  if (document.getElementById('removeInstallationFolder')) {
  34      document.getElementById('removeInstallationFolder')
  35          .addEventListener('click', function (e) {
  36              e.preventDefault();
  37              let confirm = window.confirm(Joomla.Text._('INSTL_REMOVE_INST_FOLDER').replace('%s', 'installation'));
  38              if (confirm) {
  39                  Joomla.deleteJoomlaInstallationDirectory();
  40              }
  41          });
  42  }
  44  const completeInstallationOptions = document.querySelectorAll('.complete-installation');
  46  completeInstallationOptions.forEach(function(item) {
  47      item.addEventListener('click', function (e) {
  48          // In development mode we show the user a pretty button to allow them to choose whether to delete the installation
  49          // directory or not. In this case or when the installation folder has been deleted or might be partly deleted,
  50          // the buttons just redirect to the admin or site.
  51          // In stable release we always try to delete the folder at the first click. Maximum extermination!
  52          if ('development' in item.dataset || 'installremoved' in item.dataset) {
  53              window.location.href = item.dataset.href;
  54          } else {
  55              Joomla.deleteJoomlaInstallationDirectory(item.dataset.href);
  56          }
  58          return false;
  59      });
  60  });
  62  Joomla.deleteJoomlaInstallationDirectory = function (redirectUrl) {
  63      Joomla.request({
  64          method: "POST",
  65          url: Joomla.installationBaseUrl + '?task=installation.removeFolder&format=json',
  66          perform: true,
  67          token: true,
  68          headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' },
  69          onSuccess: function (response) {
  70              // If the installation folder has been deleted at least partly, i.e. also
  71              // in case of a failure, we cannot use it anymore.
  72              // Therefore set a marker in the admin and site buttons so they still work
  73              // and disable buttons which will not work anymore.
  74              completeInstallationOptions.forEach(function(item) {
  75                  item.dataset.installremoved = 'true';
  76              });
  77              if (document.getElementById('installAddFeatures')) {
  78                  document.getElementById('installAddFeatures').disabled = true;
  79              }
  80              if (document.getElementById('removeInstallationFolder')) {
  81                  document.getElementById('removeInstallationFolder').disabled = true;
  82              }
  83              const successresponse = JSON.parse(response);
  84              if (successresponse.error === true) {
  85                  if (successresponse.messages) {
  86                      Joomla.renderMessages(successresponse.messages);
  87                      Joomla.loadOptions({'csrf.token': successresponse.token});
  88                  } else {
  89                      // Stuff went wrong. No error messages. Just panic bail!
  90                      Joomla.renderMessages({error:['Unknown error deleting the installation folder.']});
  91                  }
  92              } else {
  93                  const customInstallation = document.getElementById('customInstallation');
  94                  customInstallation.parentNode.removeChild(customInstallation);
  95                  const removeInstallationTab = document.getElementById('removeInstallationTab');
  97                  // This will only exist in debug mode
  98                  if (removeInstallationTab) {
  99                      removeInstallationTab.parentNode.removeChild(removeInstallationTab);
 100                  }
 102                  if (redirectUrl) {
 103                      window.location.href = redirectUrl;
 104                  }
 105              }
 106          },
 107          onError: function (xhr) {
 108            Joomla.renderMessages(Joomla.ajaxErrorsMessages(xhr));
 109          }
 110      });
 111  }
 113  if (document.getElementById('installLanguagesButton')) {
 114      document.getElementById('installLanguagesButton').addEventListener('click', function(e) {
 115          e.preventDefault();
 116          var form = document.getElementById('languagesForm');
 117          if (form) {
 118              // Install the extra languages
 119              if (Joomla.install(['languages'], form)) {
 120                  document.getElementById('installLanguages').classList.remove('active');
 121                  document.getElementById('installFinal').classList.add('active');
 122              }
 123          }
 124      })
 125  }
 127  if (document.getElementById('defaultLanguagesButton')) {
 128    document.getElementById('defaultLanguagesButton')
 129      .addEventListener('click', (e) => {
 130        let frontendlang = 'en-GB';
 131        if (document.querySelector('input[name="frontendlang"]:checked')) {
 132          frontendlang = document.querySelector('input[name="frontendlang"]:checked').value;
 133        }
 135        let administratorlang = 'en-GB';
 136        if (document.querySelector('input[name="administratorlang"]:checked')) {
 137          administratorlang = document.querySelector('input[name="administratorlang"]:checked').value;
 138        }
 140        e.preventDefault();
 142        Joomla.request({
 143          method: 'POST',
 144          url: `$Joomla.installationBaseUrl}?view=setup&frontendlang=$frontendlang}&administratorlang=$administratorlang}&task=language.setdefault&format=json`,
 145          perform: true,
 146          token: true,
 147          headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' },
 148          onSuccess(response) {
 149            const successresponse = JSON.parse(response);
 150            if (successresponse.messages) {
 151              Joomla.renderMessages(successresponse.messages, '#system-message-container');
 152            }
 153            Joomla.loadOptions({'csrf.token': successresponse.token});
 154          },
 155          onError(xhr) {
 156            Joomla.renderMessages(Joomla.ajaxErrorsMessages(xhr));
 157          },
 158        });
 160        if (document.getElementById('header')) {
 161          document.getElementById('header').scrollIntoView();
 162        }
 163      });
 164  }

Generated: Wed Sep 7 05:41:13 2022 Chilli.vc Blog - For Webmaster,Blog-Writer,System Admin and Domainer