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/installation/src/Model/ -> DatabaseModel.php (summary)

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Copyright: (C) 2009 Open Source Matters, Inc.
License: GNU General Public License version 2 or later; see LICENSE.txt
File Size: 518 lines (17 kb)
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Defines 1 class

DatabaseModel:: (9 methods):

Class: DatabaseModel  - X-Ref

Database configuration model for the Joomla Core Installer.

getOptions()   X-Ref
Get the current setup options from the session.

return: array  An array of options from the session.

initialise($select = true)   X-Ref
Method to initialise the database.

param: boolean  $select  Select the database when creating the connections.
return: DatabaseInterface|boolean  Database object on success, boolean false on failure

createDatabase()   X-Ref
Method to create a new database.

return: boolean

handleOldDatabase()   X-Ref
Method to process the old database.

return: boolean  True on success.

createTables($schema)   X-Ref
Method to create the database tables.

param: string  $schema  The SQL schema file to apply.
return: boolean  True on success.

backupDatabase($db, $prefix)   X-Ref
Method to backup all tables in a database with a given prefix.

param: DatabaseDriver  $db      JDatabaseDriver object.
param: string          $prefix  Database table prefix.
return: boolean  True on success.

createDb($db, $options, $utf)   X-Ref
Method to create a new database.

param: DatabaseDriver  $db       Database object.
param: CMSObject       $options  CMSObject coming from "initialise" function to pass user
param: boolean         $utf      True if the database supports the UTF-8 character set.
return: boolean  True on success.

populateDatabase($db, $schema)   X-Ref
Method to import a database schema from a file.

param: \Joomla\Database\DatabaseInterface  $db      JDatabase object.
param: string                              $schema  Path to the schema file.
return: boolean  True on success.

splitQueries($query)   X-Ref
Method to split up queries from a schema file into an array.

param: string  $query  SQL schema.
return: array  Queries to perform.

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