[ Index ]

PHP Cross Reference of Joomla 4.2.2 documentation




/installation/sql/postgresql/ -> extensions.sql (source)

   1  --
   2  -- Table structure for table `#__banners`
   3  --
   5  CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "#__banners" (
   6    "id" serial NOT NULL,
   7    "cid" bigint DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
   8    "type" bigint DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
   9    "name" varchar(255) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,
  10    "alias" varchar(255) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,
  11    "imptotal" bigint DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
  12    "impmade" bigint DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
  13    "clicks" bigint DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
  14    "clickurl" varchar(200) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,
  15    "state" smallint DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
  16    "catid" bigint DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
  17    "description" text NOT NULL,
  18    "custombannercode" varchar(2048) NOT NULL,
  19    "sticky" smallint DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
  20    "ordering" bigint DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
  21    "metakey" text,
  22    "params" text NOT NULL,
  23    "own_prefix" smallint DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
  24    "metakey_prefix" varchar(255) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,
  25    "purchase_type" smallint DEFAULT -1 NOT NULL,
  26    "track_clicks" smallint DEFAULT -1 NOT NULL,
  27    "track_impressions" smallint DEFAULT -1 NOT NULL,
  28    "checked_out" integer,
  29    "checked_out_time" timestamp without time zone,
  30    "publish_up" timestamp without time zone,
  31    "publish_down" timestamp without time zone,
  32    "reset" timestamp without time zone,
  33    "created" timestamp without time zone NOT NULL,
  34    "language" varchar(7) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,
  35    "created_by" bigint DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
  36    "created_by_alias" varchar(255) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,
  37    "modified" timestamp without time zone NOT NULL,
  38    "modified_by" bigint DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
  39    "version" bigint DEFAULT 1 NOT NULL,
  40    PRIMARY KEY ("id")
  41  );
  42  CREATE INDEX "#__banners_idx_state" ON "#__banners" ("state");
  43  CREATE INDEX "#__banners_idx_own_prefix" ON "#__banners" ("own_prefix");
  44  CREATE INDEX "#__banners_idx_metakey_prefix" ON "#__banners" ("metakey_prefix");
  45  CREATE INDEX "#__banners_idx_banner_catid" ON "#__banners" ("catid");
  46  CREATE INDEX "#__banners_idx_language" ON "#__banners" ("language");
  48  --
  49  -- Table structure for table `#__banner_clients`
  50  --
  52  CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "#__banner_clients" (
  53    "id" serial NOT NULL,
  54    "name" varchar(255) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,
  55    "contact" varchar(255) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,
  56    "email" varchar(255) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,
  57    "extrainfo" text NOT NULL,
  58    "state" smallint DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
  59    "checked_out" integer,
  60    "checked_out_time" timestamp without time zone,
  61    "metakey" text,
  62    "own_prefix" smallint DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
  63    "metakey_prefix" varchar(255) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,
  64    "purchase_type" smallint DEFAULT -1 NOT NULL,
  65    "track_clicks" smallint DEFAULT -1 NOT NULL,
  66    "track_impressions" smallint DEFAULT -1 NOT NULL,
  67    PRIMARY KEY ("id")
  68  );
  69  CREATE INDEX "#__banner_clients_idx_own_prefix" ON "#__banner_clients" ("own_prefix");
  70  CREATE INDEX "#__banner_clients_idx_metakey_prefix" ON "#__banner_clients" ("metakey_prefix");
  72  --
  73  -- Table structure for table `#__banner_tracks`
  74  --
  76  CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "#__banner_tracks" (
  77    "track_date" timestamp without time zone NOT NULL,
  78    "track_type" bigint NOT NULL,
  79    "banner_id" bigint NOT NULL,
  80    "count" bigint DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
  81    PRIMARY KEY ("track_date", "track_type", "banner_id")
  82  );
  83  CREATE INDEX "#__banner_tracks_idx_track_date" ON "#__banner_tracks" ("track_date");
  84  CREATE INDEX "#__banner_tracks_idx_track_type" ON "#__banner_tracks" ("track_type");
  85  CREATE INDEX "#__banner_tracks_idx_banner_id" ON "#__banner_tracks" ("banner_id");
  87  --
  88  -- Table structure for table `#__contact_details`
  89  --
  91  CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "#__contact_details" (
  92    "id" serial NOT NULL,
  93    "name" varchar(255) NOT NULL,
  94    "alias" varchar(255) NOT NULL,
  95    "con_position" varchar(255),
  96    "address" text,
  97    "suburb" varchar(100),
  98    "state" varchar(100),
  99    "country" varchar(100),
 100    "postcode" varchar(100),
 101    "telephone" varchar(255),
 102    "fax" varchar(255),
 103    "misc" text,
 104    "image" varchar(255),
 105    "email_to" varchar(255),
 106    "default_con" smallint NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
 107    "published" smallint NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
 108    "checked_out" integer,
 109    "checked_out_time" timestamp without time zone,
 110    "ordering" bigint NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
 111    "params" text NOT NULL,
 112    "user_id" bigint NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
 113    "catid" bigint NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
 114    "access" bigint NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
 115    "mobile" varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
 116    "webpage" varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
 117    "sortname1" varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
 118    "sortname2" varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
 119    "sortname3" varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
 120    "language" varchar(7) NOT NULL,
 121    "created" timestamp without time zone NOT NULL,
 122    "created_by" integer NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
 123    "created_by_alias" varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
 124    "modified" timestamp without time zone NOT NULL,
 125    "modified_by" integer NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
 126    "metakey" text,
 127    "metadesc" text NOT NULL,
 128    "metadata" text NOT NULL,
 129    "featured" smallint NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
 130    "publish_up" timestamp without time zone,
 131    "publish_down" timestamp without time zone,
 132    "version" bigint NOT NULL DEFAULT 1,
 133    "hits" bigint NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
 134    PRIMARY KEY ("id")
 135  );
 136  CREATE INDEX "#__contact_details_idx_access" ON "#__contact_details" ("access");
 137  CREATE INDEX "#__contact_details_idx_checkout" ON "#__contact_details" ("checked_out");
 138  CREATE INDEX "#__contact_details_idx_state" ON "#__contact_details" ("published");
 139  CREATE INDEX "#__contact_details_idx_catid" ON "#__contact_details" ("catid");
 140  CREATE INDEX "#__contact_details_idx_createdby" ON "#__contact_details" ("created_by");
 141  CREATE INDEX "#__contact_details_idx_featured_catid" ON "#__contact_details" ("featured", "catid");
 142  CREATE INDEX "#__contact_details_idx_language" ON "#__contact_details" ("language");
 144  COMMENT ON COLUMN "#__contact_details"."featured" IS 'Set if contact is featured.';
 146  --
 147  -- Table structure for table `#__content`
 148  --
 150  CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "#__content" (
 151    "id" serial NOT NULL,
 152    "asset_id" bigint DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
 153    "title" varchar(255) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,
 154    "alias" varchar(255) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,
 155    "introtext" text NOT NULL,
 156    "fulltext" text NOT NULL,
 157    "state" smallint DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
 158    "catid" bigint DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
 159    "created" timestamp without time zone NOT NULL,
 160    "created_by" bigint DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
 161    "created_by_alias" varchar(255) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,
 162    "modified" timestamp without time zone NOT NULL,
 163    "modified_by" bigint DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
 164    "checked_out" integer,
 165    "checked_out_time" timestamp without time zone,
 166    "publish_up" timestamp without time zone,
 167    "publish_down" timestamp without time zone,
 168    "images" text NOT NULL,
 169    "urls" text NOT NULL,
 170    "attribs" varchar(5120) NOT NULL,
 171    "version" bigint DEFAULT 1 NOT NULL,
 172    "ordering" bigint DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
 173    "metakey" text,
 174    "metadesc" text NOT NULL,
 175    "access" bigint DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
 176    "hits" bigint DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
 177    "metadata" text NOT NULL,
 178    "featured" smallint DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
 179    "language" varchar(7) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,
 180    "note" varchar(255) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,
 181    PRIMARY KEY ("id")
 182  );
 183  CREATE INDEX "#__content_idx_access" ON "#__content" ("access");
 184  CREATE INDEX "#__content_idx_checkout" ON "#__content" ("checked_out");
 185  CREATE INDEX "#__content_idx_state" ON "#__content" ("state");
 186  CREATE INDEX "#__content_idx_catid" ON "#__content" ("catid");
 187  CREATE INDEX "#__content_idx_createdby" ON "#__content" ("created_by");
 188  CREATE INDEX "#__content_idx_featured_catid" ON "#__content" ("featured", "catid");
 189  CREATE INDEX "#__content_idx_language" ON "#__content" ("language");
 190  CREATE INDEX "#__content_idx_alias" ON "#__content" ("alias");
 192  COMMENT ON COLUMN "#__content"."asset_id" IS 'FK to the #__assets table.';
 193  COMMENT ON COLUMN "#__content"."featured" IS 'Set if article is featured.';
 194  COMMENT ON COLUMN "#__content"."language" IS 'The language code for the article.';
 197  --
 198  -- Table structure for table `#__content_frontpage`
 199  --
 201  CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "#__content_frontpage" (
 202    "content_id" bigint DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
 203    "ordering" bigint DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
 204    "featured_up" timestamp without time zone,
 205    "featured_down" timestamp without time zone,
 206    PRIMARY KEY ("content_id")
 207  );
 209  --
 210  -- Table structure for table `#__content_rating`
 211  --
 213  CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "#__content_rating" (
 214    "content_id" bigint DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
 215    "rating_sum" bigint DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
 216    "rating_count" bigint DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
 217    "lastip" varchar(50) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,
 218    PRIMARY KEY ("content_id")
 219  );
 221  --
 222  -- Table structure for table `#__finder_filters`
 223  --
 225  CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "#__finder_filters" (
 226    "filter_id" serial NOT NULL,
 227    "title" varchar(255) NOT NULL,
 228    "alias" varchar(255) NOT NULL,
 229    "state" smallint DEFAULT 1 NOT NULL,
 230    "created" timestamp without time zone NOT NULL,
 231    "created_by" integer DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
 232    "created_by_alias" varchar(255) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,
 233    "modified" timestamp without time zone NOT NULL,
 234    "modified_by" integer DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
 235    "checked_out" integer,
 236    "checked_out_time" timestamp without time zone,
 237    "map_count" integer DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
 238    "data" text,
 239    "params" text,
 240    PRIMARY KEY ("filter_id")
 241  );
 243  --
 244  -- Table structure for table `#__finder_links`
 245  --
 247  CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "#__finder_links" (
 248    "link_id" serial NOT NULL,
 249    "url" varchar(255) NOT NULL,
 250    "route" varchar(400) NOT NULL,
 251    "title" varchar(400) DEFAULT NULL,
 252    "description" text,
 253    "indexdate" timestamp without time zone NOT NULL,
 254    "md5sum" varchar(32) DEFAULT NULL,
 255    "published" smallint DEFAULT 1 NOT NULL,
 256    "state" integer DEFAULT 1 NOT NULL,
 257    "access" integer DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
 258    "language" varchar(7) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,
 259    "publish_start_date" timestamp without time zone,
 260    "publish_end_date" timestamp without time zone,
 261    "start_date" timestamp without time zone,
 262    "end_date" timestamp without time zone,
 263    "list_price" numeric(8,2) DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
 264    "sale_price" numeric(8,2) DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
 265    "type_id" bigint NOT NULL,
 266    "object" bytea,
 267    PRIMARY KEY ("link_id")
 268  );
 269  CREATE INDEX "#__finder_links_idx_type" on "#__finder_links" ("type_id");
 270  CREATE INDEX "#__finder_links_idx_title" on "#__finder_links" ("title");
 271  CREATE INDEX "#__finder_links_idx_md5" on "#__finder_links" ("md5sum");
 272  CREATE INDEX "#__finder_links_idx_language" on "#__finder_links" ("language");
 273  CREATE INDEX "#__finder_links_idx_url" on "#__finder_links" (substr(url,0,76));
 274  CREATE INDEX "#__finder_links_idx_published_list" on "#__finder_links" ("published", "state", "access", "publish_start_date", "publish_end_date", "list_price");
 275  CREATE INDEX "#__finder_links_idx_published_sale" on "#__finder_links" ("published", "state", "access", "publish_start_date", "publish_end_date", "sale_price");
 277  --
 278  -- Table structure for table `#__finder_links_terms`
 279  --
 281  CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "#__finder_links_terms" (
 282    "link_id" integer NOT NULL,
 283    "term_id" integer NOT NULL,
 284    "weight" numeric(8,2) DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
 285    PRIMARY KEY ("link_id", "term_id")
 286  );
 287  CREATE INDEX "#__finder_links_terms_idx_term_weight" on "#__finder_links_terms" ("term_id", "weight");
 288  CREATE INDEX "#__finder_links_terms_idx_link_term_weight" on "#__finder_links_terms" ("link_id", "term_id", "weight");
 290  --
 291  -- Table structure for table `#__finder_logging`
 292  --
 294  CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "#__finder_logging" (
 295    "searchterm" character varying(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
 296    "md5sum" character varying(32) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
 297    "query" bytea NOT NULL,
 298    "hits" integer NOT NULL DEFAULT 1,
 299    "results" integer NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
 300    PRIMARY KEY ("md5sum")
 301  );
 302  CREATE INDEX "#__finder_logging_idx_md5sum" on "#__finder_logging" ("md5sum");
 303  CREATE INDEX "#__finder_logging_idx_searchterm" on "#__finder_logging" ("searchterm");
 305  --
 306  -- Table structure for table `#__finder_taxonomy`
 307  --
 309  CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "#__finder_taxonomy" (
 310    "id" serial NOT NULL,
 311    "parent_id" integer DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
 312    "lft" integer DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
 313    "rgt" integer DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
 314    "level" integer DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
 315    "path" VARCHAR(400) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
 316    "title" VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
 317    "alias" VARCHAR(400) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
 318    "state" smallint DEFAULT 1 NOT NULL,
 319    "access" smallint DEFAULT 1 NOT NULL,
 320    "language" varchar(7) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,
 321    PRIMARY KEY ("id")
 322  );
 323  CREATE INDEX "#__finder_taxonomy_state" on "#__finder_taxonomy" ("state");
 324  CREATE INDEX "#__finder_taxonomy_access" on "#__finder_taxonomy" ("access");
 325  CREATE INDEX "#__finder_taxonomy_path" on "#__finder_taxonomy" ("path");
 326  CREATE INDEX "#__finder_taxonomy_level" on "#__finder_taxonomy" ("level");
 327  CREATE INDEX "#__finder_taxonomy_lft_rgt" on "#__finder_taxonomy" ("lft", "rgt");
 328  CREATE INDEX "#__finder_taxonomy_alias" on "#__finder_taxonomy" ("alias");
 329  CREATE INDEX "#__finder_taxonomy_language" on "#__finder_taxonomy" ("language");
 330  CREATE INDEX "#__finder_taxonomy_idx_parent_published" on "#__finder_taxonomy" ("parent_id", "state", "access");
 332  --
 333  -- Dumping data for table `#__finder_taxonomy`
 334  --
 336  INSERT INTO "#__finder_taxonomy" ("id", "parent_id", "lft", "rgt", "level", "path", "title", "alias", "state", "access", "language") VALUES
 337  (1, 0, 0, 1, 0, '', 'ROOT', 'root', 1, 1, '*');
 339  SELECT setval('#__finder_taxonomy_id_seq', 2, false);
 341  --
 342  -- Table structure for table `#__finder_taxonomy_map`
 343  --
 345  CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "#__finder_taxonomy_map" (
 346    "link_id" integer NOT NULL,
 347    "node_id" integer NOT NULL,
 348    PRIMARY KEY ("link_id", "node_id")
 349  );
 350  CREATE INDEX "#__finder_taxonomy_map_link_id" on "#__finder_taxonomy_map" ("link_id");
 351  CREATE INDEX "#__finder_taxonomy_map_node_id" on "#__finder_taxonomy_map" ("node_id");
 353  --
 354  -- Table structure for table `#__finder_terms`
 355  --
 357  CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "#__finder_terms" (
 358    "term_id" serial NOT NULL,
 359    "term" varchar(75) NOT NULL,
 360    "stem" varchar(75) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,
 361    "common" smallint DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
 362    "phrase" smallint DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
 363    "weight" numeric(8,2) DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
 364    "soundex" varchar(75) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,
 365    "links" integer DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
 366    "language" varchar(7) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,
 367    PRIMARY KEY ("term_id"),
 368    CONSTRAINT "#__finder_terms_idx_term_language" UNIQUE ("term", "language")
 369  );
 370  CREATE INDEX "#__finder_terms_idx_term_phrase" on "#__finder_terms" ("term", "phrase");
 371  CREATE INDEX "#__finder_terms_idx_stem_phrase" on "#__finder_terms" ("stem", "phrase");
 372  CREATE INDEX "#__finder_terms_idx_soundex_phrase" on "#__finder_terms" ("soundex", "phrase");
 373  CREATE INDEX "#__finder_terms_idx_language" on "#__finder_terms" ("language");
 375  --
 376  -- Table structure for table `#__finder_terms_common`
 377  --
 379  CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "#__finder_terms_common" (
 380    "term" varchar(75) NOT NULL,
 381    "language" varchar(7) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,
 382    "custom" integer DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
 383    CONSTRAINT "#__finder_terms_common_idx_term_language" UNIQUE ("term", "language")
 384  );
 385  CREATE INDEX "#__finder_terms_common_idx_lang" on "#__finder_terms_common" ("language");
 387  --
 388  -- Dumping data for table `#__finder_terms_common`
 389  --
 391  INSERT INTO "#__finder_terms_common" ("term", "language", "custom") VALUES
 392  ('i', 'en', 0),
 393  ('me', 'en', 0),
 394  ('my', 'en', 0),
 395  ('myself', 'en', 0),
 396  ('we', 'en', 0),
 397  ('our', 'en', 0),
 398  ('ours', 'en', 0),
 399  ('ourselves', 'en', 0),
 400  ('you', 'en', 0),
 401  ('your', 'en', 0),
 402  ('yours', 'en', 0),
 403  ('yourself', 'en', 0),
 404  ('yourselves', 'en', 0),
 405  ('he', 'en', 0),
 406  ('him', 'en', 0),
 407  ('his', 'en', 0),
 408  ('himself', 'en', 0),
 409  ('she', 'en', 0),
 410  ('her', 'en', 0),
 411  ('hers', 'en', 0),
 412  ('herself', 'en', 0),
 413  ('it', 'en', 0),
 414  ('its', 'en', 0),
 415  ('itself', 'en', 0),
 416  ('they', 'en', 0),
 417  ('them', 'en', 0),
 418  ('their', 'en', 0),
 419  ('theirs', 'en', 0),
 420  ('themselves', 'en', 0),
 421  ('what', 'en', 0),
 422  ('which', 'en', 0),
 423  ('who', 'en', 0),
 424  ('whom', 'en', 0),
 425  ('this', 'en', 0),
 426  ('that', 'en', 0),
 427  ('these', 'en', 0),
 428  ('those', 'en', 0),
 429  ('am', 'en', 0),
 430  ('is', 'en', 0),
 431  ('are', 'en', 0),
 432  ('was', 'en', 0),
 433  ('were', 'en', 0),
 434  ('be', 'en', 0),
 435  ('been', 'en', 0),
 436  ('being', 'en', 0),
 437  ('have', 'en', 0),
 438  ('has', 'en', 0),
 439  ('had', 'en', 0),
 440  ('having', 'en', 0),
 441  ('do', 'en', 0),
 442  ('does', 'en', 0),
 443  ('did', 'en', 0),
 444  ('doing', 'en', 0),
 445  ('would', 'en', 0),
 446  ('should', 'en', 0),
 447  ('could', 'en', 0),
 448  ('ought', 'en', 0),
 449  ('i''m', 'en', 0),
 450  ('you''re', 'en', 0),
 451  ('he''s', 'en', 0),
 452  ('she''s', 'en', 0),
 453  ('it''s', 'en', 0),
 454  ('we''re', 'en', 0),
 455  ('they''re', 'en', 0),
 456  ('i''ve', 'en', 0),
 457  ('you''ve', 'en', 0),
 458  ('we''ve', 'en', 0),
 459  ('they''ve', 'en', 0),
 460  ('i''d', 'en', 0),
 461  ('you''d', 'en', 0),
 462  ('he''d', 'en', 0),
 463  ('she''d', 'en', 0),
 464  ('we''d', 'en', 0),
 465  ('they''d', 'en', 0),
 466  ('i''ll', 'en', 0),
 467  ('you''ll', 'en', 0),
 468  ('he''ll', 'en', 0),
 469  ('she''ll', 'en', 0),
 470  ('we''ll', 'en', 0),
 471  ('they''ll', 'en', 0),
 472  ('isn''t', 'en', 0),
 473  ('aren''t', 'en', 0),
 474  ('wasn''t', 'en', 0),
 475  ('weren''t', 'en', 0),
 476  ('hasn''t', 'en', 0),
 477  ('haven''t', 'en', 0),
 478  ('hadn''t', 'en', 0),
 479  ('doesn''t', 'en', 0),
 480  ('don''t', 'en', 0),
 481  ('didn''t', 'en', 0),
 482  ('won''t', 'en', 0),
 483  ('wouldn''t', 'en', 0),
 484  ('shan''t', 'en', 0),
 485  ('shouldn''t', 'en', 0),
 486  ('can''t', 'en', 0),
 487  ('cannot', 'en', 0),
 488  ('couldn''t', 'en', 0),
 489  ('mustn''t', 'en', 0),
 490  ('let''s', 'en', 0),
 491  ('that''s', 'en', 0),
 492  ('who''s', 'en', 0),
 493  ('what''s', 'en', 0),
 494  ('here''s', 'en', 0),
 495  ('there''s', 'en', 0),
 496  ('when''s', 'en', 0),
 497  ('where''s', 'en', 0),
 498  ('why''s', 'en', 0),
 499  ('how''s', 'en', 0),
 500  ('a', 'en', 0),
 501  ('an', 'en', 0),
 502  ('the', 'en', 0),
 503  ('and', 'en', 0),
 504  ('but', 'en', 0),
 505  ('if', 'en', 0),
 506  ('or', 'en', 0),
 507  ('because', 'en', 0),
 508  ('as', 'en', 0),
 509  ('until', 'en', 0),
 510  ('while', 'en', 0),
 511  ('of', 'en', 0),
 512  ('at', 'en', 0),
 513  ('by', 'en', 0),
 514  ('for', 'en', 0),
 515  ('with', 'en', 0),
 516  ('about', 'en', 0),
 517  ('against', 'en', 0),
 518  ('between', 'en', 0),
 519  ('into', 'en', 0),
 520  ('through', 'en', 0),
 521  ('during', 'en', 0),
 522  ('before', 'en', 0),
 523  ('after', 'en', 0),
 524  ('above', 'en', 0),
 525  ('below', 'en', 0),
 526  ('to', 'en', 0),
 527  ('from', 'en', 0),
 528  ('up', 'en', 0),
 529  ('down', 'en', 0),
 530  ('in', 'en', 0),
 531  ('out', 'en', 0),
 532  ('on', 'en', 0),
 533  ('off', 'en', 0),
 534  ('over', 'en', 0),
 535  ('under', 'en', 0),
 536  ('again', 'en', 0),
 537  ('further', 'en', 0),
 538  ('then', 'en', 0),
 539  ('once', 'en', 0),
 540  ('here', 'en', 0),
 541  ('there', 'en', 0),
 542  ('when', 'en', 0),
 543  ('where', 'en', 0),
 544  ('why', 'en', 0),
 545  ('how', 'en', 0),
 546  ('all', 'en', 0),
 547  ('any', 'en', 0),
 548  ('both', 'en', 0),
 549  ('each', 'en', 0),
 550  ('few', 'en', 0),
 551  ('more', 'en', 0),
 552  ('most', 'en', 0),
 553  ('other', 'en', 0),
 554  ('some', 'en', 0),
 555  ('such', 'en', 0),
 556  ('no', 'en', 0),
 557  ('nor', 'en', 0),
 558  ('not', 'en', 0),
 559  ('only', 'en', 0),
 560  ('own', 'en', 0),
 561  ('same', 'en', 0),
 562  ('so', 'en', 0),
 563  ('than', 'en', 0),
 564  ('too', 'en', 0),
 565  ('very', 'en', 0);
 567  --
 568  -- Table structure for table `#__finder_tokens`
 569  --
 571  CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "#__finder_tokens" (
 572    "term" varchar(75) NOT NULL,
 573    "stem" varchar(75) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,
 574    "common" smallint DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
 575    "phrase" smallint DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
 576    "weight" numeric(8,2) DEFAULT 1 NOT NULL,
 577    "context" smallint DEFAULT 2 NOT NULL,
 578    "language" varchar(7) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL
 579  );
 580  CREATE INDEX "#__finder_tokens_idx_word" on "#__finder_tokens" ("term");
 581  CREATE INDEX "#__finder_tokens_idx_stem" on "#__finder_tokens" ("stem");
 582  CREATE INDEX "#__finder_tokens_idx_context" on "#__finder_tokens" ("context");
 583  CREATE INDEX "#__finder_tokens_idx_language" on "#__finder_tokens" ("language");
 585  --
 586  -- Table structure for table `#__finder_tokens_aggregate`
 587  --
 589  CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "#__finder_tokens_aggregate" (
 590    "term_id" integer NOT NULL,
 591    "term" varchar(75) NOT NULL,
 592    "stem" varchar(75) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,
 593    "common" smallint DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
 594    "phrase" smallint DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
 595    "term_weight" numeric(8,2) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
 596    "context" smallint DEFAULT 2 NOT NULL,
 597    "context_weight" numeric(8,2) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
 598    "total_weight" numeric(8,2) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
 599    "language" varchar(7) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL
 600  );
 601  CREATE INDEX "#__finder_tokens_aggregate_token" on "#__finder_tokens_aggregate" ("term");
 602  CREATE INDEX "_#__finder_tokens_aggregate_keyword_id" on "#__finder_tokens_aggregate" ("term_id");
 604  --
 605  -- Table structure for table `#__finder_types`
 606  --
 608  CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "#__finder_types" (
 609    "id" serial NOT NULL,
 610    "title" varchar(100) NOT NULL,
 611    "mime" varchar(100) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,
 612    PRIMARY KEY ("id"),
 613    CONSTRAINT "#__finder_types_title" UNIQUE ("title")
 614  );
 616  --
 617  -- Table structure for table `#__messages`
 618  --
 620  CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "#__messages" (
 621    "message_id" serial NOT NULL,
 622    "user_id_from" bigint DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
 623    "user_id_to" bigint DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
 624    "folder_id" smallint DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
 625    "date_time" timestamp without time zone NOT NULL,
 626    "state" smallint DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
 627    "priority" smallint DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
 628    "subject" varchar(255) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,
 629    "message" text NOT NULL,
 630    PRIMARY KEY ("message_id")
 631  );
 632  CREATE INDEX "#__messages_useridto_state" ON "#__messages" ("user_id_to", "state");
 634  --
 635  -- Table structure for table `#__messages_cfg`
 636  --
 638  CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "#__messages_cfg" (
 639    "user_id" bigint DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
 640    "cfg_name" varchar(100) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,
 641    "cfg_value" varchar(255) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,
 642    CONSTRAINT "#__messages_cfg_idx_user_var_name" UNIQUE ("user_id", "cfg_name")
 643  );
 645  --
 646  -- Table structure for table `#__newsfeeds`
 647  --
 649  CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "#__newsfeeds" (
 650    "catid" bigint DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
 651    "id" serial NOT NULL,
 652    "name" varchar(100) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,
 653    "alias" varchar(100) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,
 654    "link" varchar(2048) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,
 655    "published" smallint DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
 656    "numarticles" bigint DEFAULT 1 NOT NULL,
 657    "cache_time" bigint DEFAULT 3600 NOT NULL,
 658    "checked_out" integer,
 659    "checked_out_time" timestamp without time zone,
 660    "ordering" bigint DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
 661    "rtl" smallint DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
 662    "access" bigint DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
 663    "language" varchar(7) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,
 664    "params" text NOT NULL,
 665    "created" timestamp without time zone NOT NULL,
 666    "created_by" integer DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
 667    "created_by_alias" varchar(255) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,
 668    "modified" timestamp without time zone NOT NULL,
 669    "modified_by" integer DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
 670    "metakey" text,
 671    "metadesc" text NOT NULL,
 672    "metadata" text NOT NULL,
 673    "publish_up" timestamp without time zone,
 674    "publish_down" timestamp without time zone,
 675    "description" text NOT NULL,
 676    "version" bigint DEFAULT 1 NOT NULL,
 677    "hits" bigint DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
 678    "images" text NOT NULL,
 679    PRIMARY KEY ("id")
 680  );
 681  CREATE INDEX "#__newsfeeds_idx_access" ON "#__newsfeeds" ("access");
 682  CREATE INDEX "#__newsfeeds_idx_checkout" ON "#__newsfeeds" ("checked_out");
 683  CREATE INDEX "#__newsfeeds_idx_state" ON "#__newsfeeds" ("published");
 684  CREATE INDEX "#__newsfeeds_idx_catid" ON "#__newsfeeds" ("catid");
 685  CREATE INDEX "#__newsfeeds_idx_createdby" ON "#__newsfeeds" ("created_by");
 686  CREATE INDEX "#__newsfeeds_idx_language" ON "#__newsfeeds" ("language");
 688  --
 689  -- Table structure for table `#__privacy_requests`
 690  --
 692  CREATE TABLE "#__privacy_requests" (
 693    "id" serial NOT NULL,
 694    "email" varchar(100) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,
 695    "requested_at" timestamp without time zone NOT NULL,
 696    "status" smallint DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
 697    "request_type" varchar(25) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,
 698    "confirm_token" varchar(100) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,
 699    "confirm_token_created_at" timestamp without time zone,
 700    PRIMARY KEY ("id")
 701  );
 703  --
 704  -- Table structure for table `#__privacy_consents`
 705  --
 707  CREATE TABLE "#__privacy_consents" (
 708    "id" serial NOT NULL,
 709    "user_id" bigint DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
 710    "state" smallint DEFAULT 1 NOT NULL,
 711    "created" timestamp without time zone NOT NULL,
 712    "subject" varchar(255) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,
 713    "body" text NOT NULL,
 714    "remind" smallint DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
 715    "token" varchar(100) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,
 716    PRIMARY KEY ("id")
 717  );
 718  CREATE INDEX "#__privacy_consents_idx_user_id" ON "#__privacy_consents" ("user_id");
 720  --
 721  -- Table structure for table `#__redirect_links`
 722  --
 724  CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "#__redirect_links" (
 725    "id" serial NOT NULL,
 726    "old_url" varchar(2048) NOT NULL,
 727    "new_url" varchar(2048),
 728    "referer" varchar(2048) NOT NULL,
 729    "comment" varchar(255) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,
 730    "hits" bigint DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
 731    "published" smallint NOT NULL,
 732    "created_date" timestamp without time zone NOT NULL,
 733    "modified_date" timestamp without time zone NOT NULL,
 734    "header" integer DEFAULT 301 NOT NULL,
 735    PRIMARY KEY ("id")
 736  );
 737  CREATE INDEX "#__redirect_links_idx_old_url" ON "#__redirect_links" ("old_url");
 738  CREATE INDEX "#__redirect_links_idx_link_modified" ON "#__redirect_links" ("modified_date");
 740  --
 741  -- Table: #__action_logs
 742  --
 743  CREATE TABLE "#__action_logs" (
 744    "id" serial NOT NULL,
 745    "message_language_key" varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
 746    "message" text NOT NULL,
 747    "log_date" timestamp without time zone NOT NULL,
 748    "extension" varchar(50) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
 749    "user_id" integer DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
 750    "item_id" integer DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
 751    "ip_address" varchar(40) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
 752    PRIMARY KEY ("id")
 753  );
 755  CREATE INDEX "#__action_logs_idx_user_id" ON "#__action_logs" ("user_id");
 756  CREATE INDEX "#__action_logs_idx_user_id_logdate" ON "#__action_logs" ("user_id", "log_date");
 757  CREATE INDEX "#__action_logs_idx_user_id_extension" ON "#__action_logs" ("user_id", "extension");
 758  CREATE INDEX "#__action_logs_idx_extension_itemid" ON "#__action_logs" ("extension", "item_id");
 760  --
 761  -- Table: #__action_logs_extensions
 762  --
 763  CREATE TABLE "#__action_logs_extensions" (
 764    "id" serial NOT NULL,
 765    "extension" varchar(50) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
 766    PRIMARY KEY ("id")
 767  );
 769  --
 770  -- Dumping data for table `#__action_logs_extensions`
 771  --
 772  INSERT INTO "#__action_logs_extensions" ("id", "extension") VALUES
 773  (1, 'com_banners'),
 774  (2, 'com_cache'),
 775  (3, 'com_categories'),
 776  (4, 'com_config'),
 777  (5, 'com_contact'),
 778  (6, 'com_content'),
 779  (7, 'com_installer'),
 780  (8, 'com_media'),
 781  (9, 'com_menus'),
 782  (10, 'com_messages'),
 783  (11, 'com_modules'),
 784  (12, 'com_newsfeeds'),
 785  (13, 'com_plugins'),
 786  (14, 'com_redirect'),
 787  (15, 'com_tags'),
 788  (16, 'com_templates'),
 789  (17, 'com_users'),
 790  (18, 'com_checkin'),
 791  (19, 'com_scheduler');
 793  SELECT setval('#__action_logs_extensions_id_seq', 20, false);
 794  -- --------------------------------------------------------
 796  --
 797  -- Table: #__action_log_config
 798  --
 799  CREATE TABLE "#__action_log_config" (
 800    "id" serial NOT NULL,
 801    "type_title" varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
 802    "type_alias" varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
 803    "id_holder" varchar(255) NULL,
 804    "title_holder" varchar(255) NULL,
 805    "table_name" varchar(255) NULL,
 806    "text_prefix" varchar(255) NULL,
 807    PRIMARY KEY ("id")
 808  );
 810  --
 811  -- Dumping data for table `#__action_log_config`
 812  --
 813  INSERT INTO "#__action_log_config" ("id", "type_title", "type_alias", "id_holder", "title_holder", "table_name", "text_prefix") VALUES
 814  (1, 'article', 'com_content.article', 'id' ,'title' , '#__content', 'PLG_ACTIONLOG_JOOMLA'),
 815  (2, 'article', 'com_content.form', 'id', 'title' , '#__content', 'PLG_ACTIONLOG_JOOMLA'),
 816  (3, 'banner', 'com_banners.banner', 'id' ,'name' , '#__banners', 'PLG_ACTIONLOG_JOOMLA'),
 817  (4, 'user_note', 'com_users.note', 'id', 'subject' ,'#__user_notes', 'PLG_ACTIONLOG_JOOMLA'),
 818  (5, 'media', 'com_media.file', '' , 'name' , '',  'PLG_ACTIONLOG_JOOMLA'),
 819  (6, 'category', 'com_categories.category', 'id' , 'title' , '#__categories', 'PLG_ACTIONLOG_JOOMLA'),
 820  (7, 'menu', 'com_menus.menu', 'id' ,'title' , '#__menu_types', 'PLG_ACTIONLOG_JOOMLA'),
 821  (8, 'menu_item', 'com_menus.item', 'id' , 'title' , '#__menu', 'PLG_ACTIONLOG_JOOMLA'),
 822  (9, 'newsfeed', 'com_newsfeeds.newsfeed', 'id' ,'name' , '#__newsfeeds', 'PLG_ACTIONLOG_JOOMLA'),
 823  (10, 'link', 'com_redirect.link', 'id', 'old_url' , '#__redirect_links', 'PLG_ACTIONLOG_JOOMLA'),
 824  (11, 'tag', 'com_tags.tag', 'id', 'title' , '#__tags', 'PLG_ACTIONLOG_JOOMLA'),
 825  (12, 'style', 'com_templates.style', 'id' , 'title' , '#__template_styles', 'PLG_ACTIONLOG_JOOMLA'),
 826  (13, 'plugin', 'com_plugins.plugin', 'extension_id' , 'name' , '#__extensions', 'PLG_ACTIONLOG_JOOMLA'),
 827  (14, 'component_config', 'com_config.component', 'extension_id' , 'name', '', 'PLG_ACTIONLOG_JOOMLA'),
 828  (15, 'contact', 'com_contact.contact', 'id', 'name', '#__contact_details', 'PLG_ACTIONLOG_JOOMLA'),
 829  (16, 'module', 'com_modules.module', 'id' ,'title', '#__modules', 'PLG_ACTIONLOG_JOOMLA'),
 830  (17, 'access_level', 'com_users.level', 'id' , 'title', '#__viewlevels', 'PLG_ACTIONLOG_JOOMLA'),
 831  (18, 'banner_client', 'com_banners.client', 'id', 'name', '#__banner_clients', 'PLG_ACTIONLOG_JOOMLA'),
 832  (19, 'application_config', 'com_config.application', '', 'name', '', 'PLG_ACTIONLOG_JOOMLA'),
 833  (20, 'task', 'com_scheduler.task', 'id', 'title', '#__scheduler_tasks', 'PLG_ACTIONLOG_JOOMLA');
 836  SELECT setval('#__action_log_config_id_seq', 21, false);
 838  --
 839  -- Table structure for table `#__action_logs_users`
 840  --
 842  CREATE TABLE "#__action_logs_users" (
 843    "user_id" integer NOT NULL,
 844    "notify" integer NOT NULL,
 845    "extensions" text NOT NULL,
 846    PRIMARY KEY ("user_id")
 847  );
 849  CREATE INDEX "#__action_logs_users_idx_notify" ON "#__action_logs_users" ("notify");
 851  -- --------------------------------------------------------
 853  --
 854  -- Table structure for table "#__scheduler_tasks"
 855  --
 857  CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "#__scheduler_tasks"
 858  (
 859    "id" serial NOT NULL,
 860    "asset_id" bigint DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
 861    "title" varchar(255) NOT NULL,
 862    "type" varchar(128) NOT NULL,
 863    "execution_rules" text,
 864    "cron_rules" text,
 865    "state" smallint DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
 866    "last_exit_code" integer DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
 867    "last_execution" timestamp without time zone,
 868    "next_execution" timestamp without time zone,
 869    "times_executed" integer DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
 870    "times_failed" integer DEFAULT 0,
 871    "locked" timestamp without time zone,
 872    "priority" smallint DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
 873    "ordering" bigint DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
 874    "cli_exclusive" smallint DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
 875    "params" text NOT NULL,
 876    "note" text,
 877    "created" timestamp without time zone NOT NULL,
 878    "created_by" bigint DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
 879    "checked_out" integer,
 880    "checked_out_time" timestamp without time zone,
 881    PRIMARY KEY ("id")
 882  );
 884  CREATE INDEX "#__scheduler_tasks_idx_type" ON "#__scheduler_tasks" ("type");
 885  CREATE INDEX "#__scheduler_tasks_idx_state" ON "#__scheduler_tasks" ("state");
 886  CREATE INDEX "#__scheduler_tasks_idx_last_exit" ON "#__scheduler_tasks" ("last_exit_code");
 887  CREATE INDEX "#__scheduler_tasks_idx_next_exec" ON "#__scheduler_tasks" ("next_execution");
 888  CREATE INDEX "#__scheduler_tasks_idx_locked" ON "#__scheduler_tasks" ("locked");
 889  CREATE INDEX "#__scheduler_tasks_idx_priority" ON "#__scheduler_tasks" ("priority");
 890  CREATE INDEX "#__scheduler_tasks_idx_cli_exclusive" ON "#__scheduler_tasks" ("cli_exclusive");
 891  CREATE INDEX "#__scheduler_tasks_idx_checked_out" ON "#__scheduler_tasks" ("checked_out");
 893  -- --------------------------------------------------------
 895  --
 896  -- Here is SOUNDEX replacement for those who can't enable fuzzystrmatch module
 897  --   from contrib folder.
 898  -- This function comes from https://wiki.postgresql.org/wiki/Soundex
 899  --   and is distributed with GPL license.
 900  -- Thanks to its author, Marti Raudsepp, that published this piece of code.
 901  --
 903  CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION soundex(input text) RETURNS text
 905  AS $$
 907    soundex text = '';
 908    char text;
 909    symbol text;
 910    last_symbol text = '';
 911    pos int = 1;
 912  BEGIN
 913    WHILE length(soundex) < 4 LOOP
 914      char = upper(substr(input, pos, 1));
 915      pos = pos + 1;
 916      CASE char
 917      WHEN '' THEN
 918        -- End of input string
 919        IF soundex = '' THEN
 920          RETURN '';
 921        ELSE
 922          RETURN rpad(soundex, 4, '0');
 923        END IF;
 924      WHEN 'B', 'F', 'P', 'V' THEN
 925        symbol = '1';
 926      WHEN 'C', 'G', 'J', 'K', 'Q', 'S', 'X', 'Z' THEN
 927        symbol = '2';
 928      WHEN 'D', 'T' THEN
 929        symbol = '3';
 930      WHEN 'L' THEN
 931        symbol = '4';
 932      WHEN 'M', 'N' THEN
 933        symbol = '5';
 934      WHEN 'R' THEN
 935        symbol = '6';
 936      ELSE
 937        -- Not a consonant; no output, but next similar consonant will be re-recorded
 938        symbol = '';
 939      END CASE;
 941      IF soundex = '' THEN
 942        -- First character; only accept strictly English ASCII characters
 943        IF char ~>=~ 'A' AND char ~<=~ 'Z' THEN
 944          soundex = char;
 945          last_symbol = symbol;
 946        END IF;
 947      ELSIF last_symbol != symbol THEN
 948        soundex = soundex || symbol;
 949        last_symbol = symbol;
 950      END IF;
 951    END LOOP;
 953    RETURN soundex;
 954  END;
 955  $$;

Generated: Wed Sep 7 05:41:13 2022 Chilli.vc Blog - For Webmaster,Blog-Writer,System Admin and Domainer