[ Index ]

PHP Cross Reference of Joomla 4.2.2 documentation




/installation/sql/postgresql/ -> base.sql (source)

   1  --
   2  -- Table structure for table `#__assets`
   3  --
   5  CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "#__assets" (
   6    "id" serial NOT NULL,
   7    "parent_id" bigint DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
   8    "lft" bigint DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
   9    "rgt" bigint DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
  10    "level" integer NOT NULL,
  11    "name" varchar(50) NOT NULL,
  12    "title" varchar(100) NOT NULL,
  13    "rules" varchar(5120) NOT NULL,
  14    PRIMARY KEY ("id"),
  15    CONSTRAINT "#__assets_idx_asset_name" UNIQUE ("name")
  16  );
  17  CREATE INDEX "#__assets_idx_lft_rgt" ON "#__assets" ("lft", "rgt");
  18  CREATE INDEX "#__assets_idx_parent_id" ON "#__assets" ("parent_id");
  20  COMMENT ON COLUMN "#__assets"."id" IS 'Primary Key';
  21  COMMENT ON COLUMN "#__assets"."parent_id" IS 'Nested set parent.';
  22  COMMENT ON COLUMN "#__assets"."lft" IS 'Nested set lft.';
  23  COMMENT ON COLUMN "#__assets"."rgt" IS 'Nested set rgt.';
  24  COMMENT ON COLUMN "#__assets"."level" IS 'The cached level in the nested tree.';
  25  COMMENT ON COLUMN "#__assets"."name" IS 'The unique name for the asset.';
  26  COMMENT ON COLUMN "#__assets"."title" IS 'The descriptive title for the asset.';
  27  COMMENT ON COLUMN "#__assets"."rules" IS 'JSON encoded access control.';
  29  --
  30  -- Dumping data for table `#__assets`
  31  --
  33  INSERT INTO "#__assets" ("id", "parent_id", "lft", "rgt", "level", "name", "title", "rules") VALUES
  34  (1, 0, 0, 165, 0, 'root.1', 'Root Asset', '{"core.login.site":{"6":1,"2":1},"core.login.admin":{"6":1},"core.login.api":{"8":1},"core.login.offline":{"6":1},"core.admin":{"8":1},"core.manage":{"7":1},"core.create":{"6":1,"3":1},"core.delete":{"6":1},"core.edit":{"6":1,"4":1},"core.edit.state":{"6":1,"5":1},"core.edit.own":{"6":1,"3":1}}'),
  35  (2, 1, 1, 2, 1, 'com_admin', 'com_admin', '{}'),
  36  (3, 1, 3, 6, 1, 'com_banners', 'com_banners', '{"core.admin":{"7":1},"core.manage":{"6":1}}'),
  37  (4, 1, 7, 8, 1, 'com_cache', 'com_cache', '{"core.admin":{"7":1},"core.manage":{"7":1}}'),
  38  (5, 1, 9, 10, 1, 'com_checkin', 'com_checkin', '{"core.admin":{"7":1},"core.manage":{"7":1}}'),
  39  (6, 1, 11, 12, 1, 'com_config', 'com_config', '{}'),
  40  (7, 1, 13, 16, 1, 'com_contact', 'com_contact', '{"core.admin":{"7":1},"core.manage":{"6":1}}'),
  41  (8, 1, 17, 38, 1, 'com_content', 'com_content', '{"core.admin":{"7":1},"core.manage":{"6":1},"core.create":{"3":1},"core.edit":{"4":1},"core.edit.state":{"5":1},"core.execute.transition":{"6":1,"5":1}}'),
  42  (9, 1, 39, 40, 1, 'com_cpanel', 'com_cpanel', '{}'),
  43  (10, 1, 41, 42, 1, 'com_installer', 'com_installer', '{"core.manage":{"7":0},"core.delete":{"7":0},"core.edit.state":{"7":0}}'),
  44  (11, 1, 43, 44, 1, 'com_languages', 'com_languages', '{"core.admin":{"7":1}}'),
  45  (12, 1, 45, 46, 1, 'com_login', 'com_login', '{}'),
  46  (14, 1, 47, 48, 1, 'com_massmail', 'com_massmail', '{}'),
  47  (15, 1, 49, 50, 1, 'com_media', 'com_media', '{"core.admin":{"7":1},"core.manage":{"6":1},"core.create":{"3":1},"core.delete":{"5":1}}'),
  48  (16, 1, 51, 54, 1, 'com_menus', 'com_menus', '{"core.admin":{"7":1}}'),
  49  (17, 1, 55, 56, 1, 'com_messages', 'com_messages', '{"core.admin":{"7":1},"core.manage":{"7":1}}'),
  50  (18, 1, 57, 130, 1, 'com_modules', 'com_modules', '{"core.admin":{"7":1}}'),
  51  (19, 1, 131, 134, 1, 'com_newsfeeds', 'com_newsfeeds', '{"core.admin":{"7":1},"core.manage":{"6":1}}'),
  52  (20, 1, 135, 136, 1, 'com_plugins', 'com_plugins', '{"core.admin":{"7":1}}'),
  53  (21, 1, 137, 138, 1, 'com_redirect', 'com_redirect', '{"core.admin":{"7":1}}'),
  54  (23, 1, 139, 140, 1, 'com_templates', 'com_templates', '{"core.admin":{"7":1}}'),
  55  (24, 1, 145, 148, 1, 'com_users', 'com_users', '{"core.admin":{"7":1}}'),
  56  (26, 1, 149, 150, 1, 'com_wrapper', 'com_wrapper', '{}'),
  57  (27, 8, 18, 19, 2, 'com_content.category.2', 'Uncategorised', '{}'),
  58  (28, 3, 4, 5, 2, 'com_banners.category.3', 'Uncategorised', '{}'),
  59  (29, 7, 14, 15, 2, 'com_contact.category.4', 'Uncategorised', '{}'),
  60  (30, 19, 132, 133, 2, 'com_newsfeeds.category.5', 'Uncategorised', '{}'),
  61  (32, 24, 146, 147, 2, 'com_users.category.7', 'Uncategorised', '{}'),
  62  (33, 1, 151, 152, 1, 'com_finder', 'com_finder', '{"core.admin":{"7":1},"core.manage":{"6":1}}'),
  63  (34, 1, 153, 154, 1, 'com_joomlaupdate', 'com_joomlaupdate', '{}'),
  64  (35, 1, 155, 156, 1, 'com_tags', 'com_tags', '{}'),
  65  (36, 1, 157, 158, 1, 'com_contenthistory', 'com_contenthistory', '{}'),
  66  (37, 1, 159, 160, 1, 'com_ajax', 'com_ajax', '{}'),
  67  (38, 1, 161, 162, 1, 'com_postinstall', 'com_postinstall', '{}'),
  68  (39, 18, 58, 59, 2, 'com_modules.module.1', 'Main Menu', '{}'),
  69  (40, 18, 60, 61, 2, 'com_modules.module.2', 'Login', '{}'),
  70  (41, 18, 62, 63, 2, 'com_modules.module.3', 'Popular Articles', '{}'),
  71  (42, 18, 64, 65, 2, 'com_modules.module.4', 'Recently Added Articles', '{}'),
  72  (43, 18, 66, 67, 2, 'com_modules.module.8', 'Toolbar', '{}'),
  73  (44, 18, 68, 69, 2, 'com_modules.module.9', 'Notifications', '{}'),
  74  (45, 18, 70, 71, 2, 'com_modules.module.10', 'Logged-in Users', '{}'),
  75  (46, 18, 72, 73, 2, 'com_modules.module.12', 'Admin Menu', '{}'),
  76  (48, 18, 78, 79, 2, 'com_modules.module.14', 'User Status', '{}'),
  77  (49, 18, 80, 81, 2, 'com_modules.module.15', 'Title', '{}'),
  78  (50, 18, 82, 83, 2, 'com_modules.module.16', 'Login Form', '{}'),
  79  (51, 18, 84, 85, 2, 'com_modules.module.17', 'Breadcrumbs', '{}'),
  80  (52, 18, 86, 87, 2, 'com_modules.module.79', 'Multilanguage status', '{}'),
  81  (53, 18, 90, 91, 2, 'com_modules.module.86', 'Joomla Version', '{}'),
  82  (54, 16, 52, 53, 2, 'com_menus.menu.1', 'Main Menu', '{}'),
  83  (55, 18, 94, 95, 2, 'com_modules.module.87', 'Sample Data', '{}'),
  84  (56, 8, 20, 37, 2, 'com_content.workflow.1', 'COM_WORKFLOW_BASIC_WORKFLOW', '{}'),
  85  (57, 56, 21, 22, 3, 'com_content.stage.1', 'COM_WORKFLOW_BASIC_STAGE', '{}'),
  86  (58, 56, 23, 24, 3, 'com_content.transition.1', 'Unpublish', '{}'),
  87  (59, 56, 25, 26, 3, 'com_content.transition.2', 'Publish', '{}'),
  88  (60, 56, 27, 28, 3, 'com_content.transition.3', 'Trash', '{}'),
  89  (61, 56, 29, 30, 3, 'com_content.transition.4', 'Archive', '{}'),
  90  (62, 56, 31, 32, 3, 'com_content.transition.5', 'Feature', '{}'),
  91  (63, 56, 33, 34, 3, 'com_content.transition.6', 'Unfeature', '{}'),
  92  (64, 56, 35, 36, 3, 'com_content.transition.7', 'Publish & Feature', '{}'),
  93  (65, 1, 141, 142, 1, 'com_privacy', 'com_privacy', '{}'),
  94  (66, 1, 143, 144, 1, 'com_actionlogs', 'com_actionlogs', '{}'),
  95  (67, 18, 74, 75, 2, 'com_modules.module.88', 'Latest Actions', '{}'),
  96  (68, 18, 76, 77, 2, 'com_modules.module.89', 'Privacy Dashboard', '{}'),
  97  (70, 18, 88, 89, 2, 'com_modules.module.103', 'Site', '{}'),
  98  (71, 18, 92, 93, 2, 'com_modules.module.104', 'System', '{}'),
  99  (72, 18, 96, 97, 2, 'com_modules.module.91', 'System Dashboard', '{}'),
 100  (73, 18, 98, 99, 2, 'com_modules.module.92', 'Content Dashboard', '{}'),
 101  (74, 18, 100, 101, 2, 'com_modules.module.93', 'Menus Dashboard', '{}'),
 102  (75, 18, 102, 103, 2, 'com_modules.module.94', 'Components Dashboard', '{}'),
 103  (76, 18, 104, 105, 2, 'com_modules.module.95', 'Users Dashboard', '{}'),
 104  (77, 18, 106, 107, 2, 'com_modules.module.99', 'Frontend Link', '{}'),
 105  (78, 18, 108, 109, 2, 'com_modules.module.100', 'Messages', '{}'),
 106  (79, 18, 110, 111, 2, 'com_modules.module.101', 'Post Install Messages', '{}'),
 107  (80, 18, 112, 113, 2, 'com_modules.module.102', 'User Status', '{}'),
 108  (82, 18, 114, 115, 2, 'com_modules.module.105', '3rd Party', '{}'),
 109  (83, 18, 116, 117, 2, 'com_modules.module.106', 'Help Dashboard', '{}'),
 110  (84, 18, 118, 119, 2, 'com_modules.module.107', 'Privacy Requests', '{}'),
 111  (85, 18, 120, 121, 2, 'com_modules.module.108', 'Privacy Status', '{}'),
 112  (86, 18, 122, 123, 2, 'com_modules.module.96', 'Popular Articles', '{}'),
 113  (87, 18, 124, 125, 2, 'com_modules.module.97', 'Recently Added Articles', '{}'),
 114  (88, 18, 126, 127, 2, 'com_modules.module.98', 'Logged-in Users', '{}'),
 115  (89, 18, 128, 129, 2, 'com_modules.module.90', 'Login Support', '{}'),
 116  (90, 1, 163, 164, 1, 'com_scheduler', 'com_scheduler', '{}');
 118  SELECT setval('#__assets_id_seq', 91, false);
 120  --
 121  -- Table structure for table `#__extensions`
 122  --
 124  CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "#__extensions" (
 125    "extension_id" serial NOT NULL,
 126    "package_id" bigint DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
 127    "name" varchar(100) NOT NULL,
 128    "type" varchar(20) NOT NULL,
 129    "element" varchar(100) NOT NULL,
 130    "changelogurl" text,
 131    "folder" varchar(100) NOT NULL,
 132    "client_id" smallint NOT NULL,
 133    "enabled" smallint DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
 134    "access" bigint DEFAULT 1 NOT NULL,
 135    "protected" smallint DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
 136    "locked" smallint DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
 137    "manifest_cache" text NOT NULL,
 138    "params" text NOT NULL,
 139    "custom_data" text NOT NULL,
 140    "checked_out" integer,
 141    "checked_out_time" timestamp without time zone,
 142    "ordering" bigint DEFAULT 0,
 143    "state" bigint DEFAULT 0,
 144    "note" varchar(255),
 145    PRIMARY KEY ("extension_id")
 146  );
 147  CREATE INDEX "#__extensions_element_clientid" ON "#__extensions" ("element", "client_id");
 148  CREATE INDEX "#__extensions_element_folder_clientid" ON "#__extensions" ("element", "folder", "client_id");
 149  CREATE INDEX "#__extensions_extension" ON "#__extensions" ("type", "element", "folder", "client_id");
 151  COMMENT ON COLUMN "#__extensions"."protected" IS 'Flag to indicate if the extension is protected. Protected extensions cannot be disabled.';
 152  COMMENT ON COLUMN "#__extensions"."locked" IS 'Flag to indicate if the extension is locked. Locked extensions cannot be uninstalled.';
 153  COMMENT ON COLUMN "#__extensions"."package_id" IS 'Parent package ID for extensions installed as a package.';
 155  -- Components
 156  INSERT INTO "#__extensions" ("package_id", "name", "type", "element", "folder", "client_id", "enabled", "access", "protected", "locked", "manifest_cache", "params", "custom_data", "ordering", "state") VALUES
 157  (0, 'com_wrapper', 'component', 'com_wrapper', '', 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, '', '', '', 0, 0),
 158  (0, 'com_admin', 'component', 'com_admin', '', 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, '', '', '', 0, 0),
 159  (0, 'com_banners', 'component', 'com_banners', '', 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, '', '{"purchase_type":"3","track_impressions":"0","track_clicks":"0","metakey_prefix":"","save_history":"1","history_limit":10}', '', 0, 0),
 160  (0, 'com_cache', 'component', 'com_cache', '', 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, '', '', '', 0, 0),
 161  (0, 'com_categories', 'component', 'com_categories', '', 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, '', '', '', 0, 0),
 162  (0, 'com_checkin', 'component', 'com_checkin', '', 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, '', '', '', 0, 0),
 163  (0, 'com_contact', 'component', 'com_contact', '', 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, '', '{"contact_layout":"_:default","show_contact_category":"hide","save_history":"1","history_limit":10,"show_contact_list":"0","presentation_style":"sliders","show_tags":"1","show_info":"1","show_name":"1","show_position":"1","show_email":"0","show_street_address":"1","show_suburb":"1","show_state":"1","show_postcode":"1","show_country":"1","show_telephone":"1","show_mobile":"1","show_fax":"1","show_webpage":"1","show_image":"1","show_misc":"1","image":"","allow_vcard":"0","show_articles":"0","articles_display_num":"10","show_profile":"0","show_user_custom_fields":["-1"],"show_links":"0","linka_name":"","linkb_name":"","linkc_name":"","linkd_name":"","linke_name":"","contact_icons":"0","icon_address":"","icon_email":"","icon_telephone":"","icon_mobile":"","icon_fax":"","icon_misc":"","category_layout":"_:default","show_category_title":"1","show_description":"1","show_description_image":"0","maxLevel":"-1","show_subcat_desc":"1","show_empty_categories":"0","show_cat_items":"1","show_cat_tags":"1","show_base_description":"1","maxLevelcat":"-1","show_subcat_desc_cat":"1","show_empty_categories_cat":"0","show_cat_items_cat":"1","filter_field":"0","show_pagination_limit":"0","show_headings":"1","show_image_heading":"0","show_position_headings":"1","show_email_headings":"0","show_telephone_headings":"1","show_mobile_headings":"0","show_fax_headings":"0","show_suburb_headings":"1","show_state_headings":"1","show_country_headings":"1","show_pagination":"2","show_pagination_results":"1","initial_sort":"ordering","captcha":"","show_email_form":"1","show_email_copy":"0","banned_email":"","banned_subject":"","banned_text":"","validate_session":"1","custom_reply":"0","redirect":"","show_feed_link":"1","sef_ids":1,"custom_fields_enable":"1"}', '', 0, 0),
 164  (0, 'com_cpanel', 'component', 'com_cpanel', '', 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, '', '', '', 0, 0),
 165  (0, 'com_installer', 'component', 'com_installer', '', 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, '', '{"cachetimeout":"6","minimum_stability":"4"}', '', 0, 0),
 166  (0, 'com_languages', 'component', 'com_languages', '', 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, '', '{"administrator":"en-GB","site":"en-GB"}', '', 0, 0),
 167  (0, 'com_login', 'component', 'com_login', '', 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, '', '', '', 0, 0),
 168  (0, 'com_media', 'component', 'com_media', '', 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, '', '{"upload_maxsize":"10","file_path":"images","image_path":"images","restrict_uploads":"1","allowed_media_usergroup":"3","restrict_uploads_extensions":"bmp,gif,jpg,jpeg,png,ico,webp,mp3,m4a,mp4a,ogg,mp4,mp4v,mpeg,mov,odg,odp,ods,odt,pdf,png,ppt,txt,xcf,xls,csv","check_mime":"1","image_extensions":"bmp,gif,jpg,png,jpeg,webp","audio_extensions":"mp3,m4a,mp4a,ogg","video_extensions":"mp4,mp4v,mpeg,mov,webm","doc_extensions":"odg,odp,ods,odt,pdf,ppt,txt,xcf,xls,csv","ignore_extensions":"","upload_mime":"image\\/jpeg,image\\/gif,image\\/png,image\\/bmp,image\\/webp,audio\\/ogg,audio\\/mpeg,audio\\/mp4,video\\/mp4,video\\/webm,video\\/mpeg,video\\/quicktime,application\\/msword,application\\/excel,application\\/pdf,application\\/powerpoint,text\\/plain,application\\/x-zip"}', '', 0, 0),
 169  (0, 'com_menus', 'component', 'com_menus', '', 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, '', '{"page_title":"","show_page_heading":0,"page_heading":"","pageclass_sfx":""}', '', 0, 0),
 170  (0, 'com_messages', 'component', 'com_messages', '', 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, '', '', '', 0, 0),
 171  (0, 'com_modules', 'component', 'com_modules', '', 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, '', '', '', 0, 0),
 172  (0, 'com_newsfeeds', 'component', 'com_newsfeeds', '', 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, '', '{"newsfeed_layout":"_:default","save_history":"1","history_limit":5,"show_feed_image":"1","show_feed_description":"1","show_item_description":"1","feed_character_count":"0","feed_display_order":"des","float_first":"right","float_second":"right","show_tags":"1","category_layout":"_:default","show_category_title":"1","show_description":"1","show_description_image":"1","maxLevel":"-1","show_empty_categories":"0","show_subcat_desc":"1","show_cat_items":"1","show_cat_tags":"1","show_base_description":"1","maxLevelcat":"-1","show_empty_categories_cat":"0","show_subcat_desc_cat":"1","show_cat_items_cat":"1","filter_field":"1","show_pagination_limit":"1","show_headings":"1","show_articles":"0","show_link":"1","show_pagination":"1","show_pagination_results":"1","sef_ids":1}', '', 0, 0),
 173  (0, 'com_plugins', 'component', 'com_plugins', '', 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, '', '', '', 0, 0),
 174  (0, 'com_templates', 'component', 'com_templates', '', 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, '', '{"template_positions_display":"0","upload_limit":"10","image_formats":"gif,bmp,jpg,jpeg,png,webp","source_formats":"txt,less,ini,xml,js,php,css,scss,sass,json","font_formats":"woff,ttf,otf","compressed_formats":"zip"}', '', 0, 0),
 175  (0, 'com_content', 'component', 'com_content', '', 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, '', '{"article_layout":"_:default","show_title":"1","link_titles":"1","show_intro":"1","info_block_position":"0","info_block_show_title":"1","show_category":"1","link_category":"1","show_parent_category":"0","link_parent_category":"0","show_associations":"0","flags":"1","show_author":"1","link_author":"0","show_create_date":"0","show_modify_date":"0","show_publish_date":"1","show_item_navigation":"1","show_readmore":"1","show_readmore_title":"1","readmore_limit":100,"show_tags":"1","record_hits":"1","show_hits":"1","show_noauth":"0","urls_position":0,"captcha":"","show_publishing_options":"1","show_article_options":"1","show_configure_edit_options":"1","show_permissions":"1","show_associations_edit":"1","save_history":"1","history_limit":10,"show_urls_images_frontend":"0","show_urls_images_backend":"1","targeta":0,"targetb":0,"targetc":0,"float_intro":"left","float_fulltext":"left","category_layout":"_:blog","show_category_title":"0","show_description":"0","show_description_image":"0","maxLevel":"1","show_empty_categories":"0","show_no_articles":"1","show_category_heading_title_text":"1","show_subcat_desc":"1","show_cat_num_articles":"0","show_cat_tags":"1","show_base_description":"1","maxLevelcat":"-1","show_empty_categories_cat":"0","show_subcat_desc_cat":"1","show_cat_num_articles_cat":"1","num_leading_articles":1,"blog_class_leading":"","num_intro_articles":4,"blog_class":"","num_columns":1,"multi_column_order":"0","num_links":4,"show_subcategory_content":"0","link_intro_image":"0","show_pagination_limit":"1","filter_field":"hide","show_headings":"1","list_show_date":"0","date_format":"","list_show_hits":"1","list_show_author":"1","display_num":"10","orderby_pri":"order","orderby_sec":"rdate","order_date":"published","show_pagination":"2","show_pagination_results":"1","show_featured":"show","show_feed_link":"1","feed_summary":"0","feed_show_readmore":"0","sef_ids":1,"custom_fields_enable":"1","workflow_enabled":"0"}', '', 0, 0),
 176  (0, 'com_config', 'component', 'com_config', '', 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, '', '{"filters":{"1":{"filter_type":"NH","filter_tags":"","filter_attributes":""},"9":{"filter_type":"NH","filter_tags":"","filter_attributes":""},"6":{"filter_type":"BL","filter_tags":"","filter_attributes":""},"7":{"filter_type":"BL","filter_tags":"","filter_attributes":""},"2":{"filter_type":"NH","filter_tags":"","filter_attributes":""},"3":{"filter_type":"BL","filter_tags":"","filter_attributes":""},"4":{"filter_type":"BL","filter_tags":"","filter_attributes":""},"5":{"filter_type":"BL","filter_tags":"","filter_attributes":""},"8":{"filter_type":"NONE","filter_tags":"","filter_attributes":""}}}', '', 0, 0),
 177  (0, 'com_redirect', 'component', 'com_redirect', '', 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, '', '', '', 0, 0),
 178  (0, 'com_users', 'component', 'com_users', '', 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, '', '{"allowUserRegistration":"0","new_usertype":"2","guest_usergroup":"9","sendpassword":"0","useractivation":"2","mail_to_admin":"1","captcha":"","frontend_userparams":"1","site_language":"0","change_login_name":"0","reset_count":"10","reset_time":"1","minimum_length":"12","minimum_integers":"0","minimum_symbols":"0","minimum_uppercase":"0","save_history":"1","history_limit":5,"mailSubjectPrefix":"","mailBodySuffix":""}', '', 0, 0),
 179  (0, 'com_finder', 'component', 'com_finder', '', 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, '', '{"enabled":"0","show_description":"1","description_length":255,"allow_empty_query":"0","show_url":"1","show_autosuggest":"1","show_suggested_query":"1","show_explained_query":"1","show_advanced":"1","show_advanced_tips":"1","expand_advanced":"0","show_date_filters":"0","sort_order":"relevance","sort_direction":"desc","highlight_terms":"1","opensearch_name":"","opensearch_description":"","batch_size":"50","title_multiplier":"1.7","text_multiplier":"0.7","meta_multiplier":"1.2","path_multiplier":"2.0","misc_multiplier":"0.3","stem":"1","stemmer":"snowball","enable_logging":"0"}', '', 0, 0),
 180  (0, 'com_joomlaupdate', 'component', 'com_joomlaupdate', '', 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, '', '{"updatesource":"default","customurl":""}', '', 0, 0),
 181  (0, 'com_tags', 'component', 'com_tags', '', 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, '', '{"tag_layout":"_:default","save_history":"1","history_limit":5,"show_tag_title":"0","tag_list_show_tag_image":"0","tag_list_show_tag_description":"0","tag_list_image":"","tag_list_orderby":"title","tag_list_orderby_direction":"ASC","show_headings":"0","tag_list_show_date":"0","tag_list_show_item_image":"0","tag_list_show_item_description":"0","tag_list_item_maximum_characters":0,"return_any_or_all":"1","include_children":"0","maximum":200,"tag_list_language_filter":"all","tags_layout":"_:default","all_tags_orderby":"title","all_tags_orderby_direction":"ASC","all_tags_show_tag_image":"0","all_tags_show_tag_description":"0","all_tags_tag_maximum_characters":20,"all_tags_show_tag_hits":"0","filter_field":"1","show_pagination_limit":"1","show_pagination":"2","show_pagination_results":"1","tag_field_ajax_mode":"1","show_feed_link":"1"}', '', 0, 0),
 182  (0, 'com_contenthistory', 'component', 'com_contenthistory', '', 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, '', '', '', 0, 0),
 183  (0, 'com_ajax', 'component', 'com_ajax', '', 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, '', '', '', 0, 0),
 184  (0, 'com_postinstall', 'component', 'com_postinstall', '', 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, '', '', '', 0, 0),
 185  (0, 'com_fields', 'component', 'com_fields', '', 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, '', '', '', 0, 0),
 186  (0, 'com_associations', 'component', 'com_associations', '', 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, '', '', '', 0, 0),
 187  (0, 'com_privacy', 'component', 'com_privacy', '', 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, '', '', '', 0, 0),
 188  (0, 'com_actionlogs', 'component', 'com_actionlogs', '', 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, '', '{"ip_logging":0,"csv_delimiter":",","loggable_extensions":["com_banners","com_cache","com_categories","com_checkin","com_config","com_contact","com_content","com_installer","com_media","com_menus","com_messages","com_modules","com_newsfeeds","com_plugins","com_redirect","com_scheduler","com_tags","com_templates","com_users"]}', '', 0, 0),
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 191  (0, 'com_scheduler', 'component', 'com_scheduler', '', 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, '', '{}', '', 0, 0);
 193  -- Libraries
 194  INSERT INTO "#__extensions" ("package_id", "name", "type", "element", "folder", "client_id", "enabled", "access", "protected", "locked", "manifest_cache", "params", "custom_data", "ordering", "state") VALUES
 195  (0, 'Joomla! Platform', 'library', 'joomla', '', 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, '', '', '', 0, 0),
 196  (0, 'PHPass', 'library', 'phpass', '', 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, '', '', '', 0, 0);
 198  -- Modules: Site
 199  INSERT INTO "#__extensions" ("package_id", "name", "type", "element", "folder", "client_id", "enabled", "access", "protected", "locked", "manifest_cache", "params", "custom_data", "ordering", "state") VALUES
 200  (0, 'mod_articles_archive', 'module', 'mod_articles_archive', '', 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, '', '', '', 0, 0),
 201  (0, 'mod_articles_latest', 'module', 'mod_articles_latest', '', 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, '', '', '', 0, 0),
 202  (0, 'mod_articles_popular', 'module', 'mod_articles_popular', '', 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, '', '', '', 0, 0),
 203  (0, 'mod_banners', 'module', 'mod_banners', '', 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, '', '', '', 0, 0),
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 205  (0, 'mod_custom', 'module', 'mod_custom', '', 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, '', '', '', 0, 0),
 206  (0, 'mod_feed', 'module', 'mod_feed', '', 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, '', '', '', 0, 0),
 207  (0, 'mod_footer', 'module', 'mod_footer', '', 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, '', '', '', 0, 0),
 208  (0, 'mod_login', 'module', 'mod_login', '', 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, '', '', '', 0, 0),
 209  (0, 'mod_menu', 'module', 'mod_menu', '', 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, '', '', '', 0, 0),
 210  (0, 'mod_articles_news', 'module', 'mod_articles_news', '', 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, '', '', '', 0, 0),
 211  (0, 'mod_random_image', 'module', 'mod_random_image', '', 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, '', '', '', 0, 0),
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 213  (0, 'mod_stats', 'module', 'mod_stats', '', 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, '', '', '', 0, 0),
 214  (0, 'mod_syndicate', 'module', 'mod_syndicate', '', 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, '', '', '', 0, 0),
 215  (0, 'mod_users_latest', 'module', 'mod_users_latest', '', 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, '', '', '', 0, 0),
 216  (0, 'mod_whosonline', 'module', 'mod_whosonline', '', 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, '', '', '', 0, 0),
 217  (0, 'mod_wrapper', 'module', 'mod_wrapper', '', 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, '', '', '', 0, 0),
 218  (0, 'mod_articles_category', 'module', 'mod_articles_category', '', 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, '', '', '', 0, 0),
 219  (0, 'mod_articles_categories', 'module', 'mod_articles_categories', '', 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, '', '', '', 0, 0),
 220  (0, 'mod_languages', 'module', 'mod_languages', '', 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, '', '', '', 0, 0),
 221  (0, 'mod_finder', 'module', 'mod_finder', '', 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, '', '', '', 0, 0);
 223  -- Modules: Administrator
 224  INSERT INTO "#__extensions" ("package_id", "name", "type", "element", "folder", "client_id", "enabled", "access", "protected", "locked", "manifest_cache", "params", "custom_data", "ordering", "state") VALUES
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 226  (0, 'mod_feed', 'module', 'mod_feed', '', 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, '', '', '', 0, 0),
 227  (0, 'mod_latest', 'module', 'mod_latest', '', 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, '', '', '', 0, 0),
 228  (0, 'mod_logged', 'module', 'mod_logged', '', 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, '', '', '', 0, 0),
 229  (0, 'mod_login', 'module', 'mod_login', '', 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, '', '', '', 0, 0),
 230  (0, 'mod_loginsupport', 'module', 'mod_loginsupport', '', 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, '', '', '', 0, 0),
 231  (0, 'mod_menu', 'module', 'mod_menu', '', 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, '', '', '', 0, 0),
 232  (0, 'mod_popular', 'module', 'mod_popular', '', 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, '', '', '', 0, 0),
 233  (0, 'mod_quickicon', 'module', 'mod_quickicon', '', 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, '', '', '', 0, 0),
 234  (0, 'mod_frontend', 'module', 'mod_frontend', '', 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, '', '', '', 0, 0),
 235  (0, 'mod_messages', 'module', 'mod_messages', '', 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, '', '', '', 0, 0),
 236  (0, 'mod_post_installation_messages', 'module', 'mod_post_installation_messages', '', 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, '', '', '', 0, 0),
 237  (0, 'mod_user', 'module', 'mod_user', '', 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, '', '', '', 0, 0),
 238  (0, 'mod_title', 'module', 'mod_title', '', 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, '', '', '', 0, 0),
 239  (0, 'mod_toolbar', 'module', 'mod_toolbar', '', 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, '', '', '', 0, 0),
 240  (0, 'mod_multilangstatus', 'module', 'mod_multilangstatus', '', 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, '', '{"cache":"0"}', '', 0, 0),
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 244  (0, 'mod_tags_similar', 'module', 'mod_tags_similar', '', 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, '', '{"maximum":"5","matchtype":"any","owncache":"1"}', '', 0, 0),
 245  (0, 'mod_sampledata', 'module', 'mod_sampledata', '', 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, '', '{}', '', 0, 0),
 246  (0, 'mod_latestactions', 'module', 'mod_latestactions', '', 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, '', '{}', '', 0, 0),
 247  (0, 'mod_privacy_dashboard', 'module', 'mod_privacy_dashboard', '', 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, '', '{}', '', 0, 0),
 248  (0, 'mod_submenu', 'module', 'mod_submenu', '', 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, '', '{}', '', 0, 0),
 249  (0, 'mod_privacy_status', 'module', 'mod_privacy_status', '', 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, '', '{}', '', 0, 0);
 251  -- Plugins
 252  INSERT INTO "#__extensions" ("package_id", "name", "type", "element", "folder", "client_id", "enabled", "access", "protected", "locked", "manifest_cache", "params", "custom_data", "ordering", "state") VALUES
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 254  (0, 'plg_api-authentication_basic', 'plugin', 'basic', 'api-authentication', 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, '', '{}', '', 1, 0),
 255  (0, 'plg_api-authentication_token', 'plugin', 'token', 'api-authentication', 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, '', '{}', '', 2, 0),
 256  (0, 'plg_authentication_cookie', 'plugin', 'cookie', 'authentication', 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, '', '', '', 1, 0),
 257  (0, 'plg_authentication_joomla', 'plugin', 'joomla', 'authentication', 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, '', '', '', 2, 0),
 258  (0, 'plg_authentication_ldap', 'plugin', 'ldap', 'authentication', 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, '', '{"host":"","port":"389","use_ldapV3":"0","negotiate_tls":"0","no_referrals":"0","auth_method":"bind","base_dn":"","search_string":"","users_dn":"","username":"admin","password":"bobby7","ldap_fullname":"fullName","ldap_email":"mail","ldap_uid":"uid"}', '', 3, 0),
 259  (0, 'plg_behaviour_taggable', 'plugin', 'taggable', 'behaviour', 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, '', '{}', '', 1, 0),
 260  (0, 'plg_behaviour_versionable', 'plugin', 'versionable', 'behaviour', 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, '', '{}', '', 2, 0),
 261  (0, 'plg_captcha_recaptcha', 'plugin', 'recaptcha', 'captcha', 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, '', '{"public_key":"","private_key":"","theme":"clean"}', '', 1, 0),
 262  (0, 'plg_captcha_recaptcha_invisible', 'plugin', 'recaptcha_invisible', 'captcha', 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, '', '{"public_key":"","private_key":"","theme":"clean"}', '', 2, 0),
 263  (0, 'plg_content_confirmconsent', 'plugin', 'confirmconsent', 'content', 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, '', '{}', '', 1, 0),
 264  (0, 'plg_content_contact', 'plugin', 'contact', 'content', 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, '', '', '', 2, 0),
 265  (0, 'plg_content_emailcloak', 'plugin', 'emailcloak', 'content', 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, '', '{"mode":"1"}', '', 3, 0),
 266  (0, 'plg_content_fields', 'plugin', 'fields', 'content', 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, '', '', '', 4, 0),
 267  (0, 'plg_content_finder', 'plugin', 'finder', 'content', 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, '', '', '', 5, 0),
 268  (0, 'plg_content_joomla', 'plugin', 'joomla', 'content', 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, '', '', '', 6, 0),
 269  (0, 'plg_content_loadmodule', 'plugin', 'loadmodule', 'content', 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, '', '{"style":"xhtml"}', '', 7, 0),
 270  (0, 'plg_content_pagebreak', 'plugin', 'pagebreak', 'content', 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, '', '{"title":"1","multipage_toc":"1","showall":"1"}', '', 8, 0),
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 272  (0, 'plg_content_vote', 'plugin', 'vote', 'content', 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, '', '', '', 10, 0),
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 276  (0, 'plg_editors-xtd_image', 'plugin', 'image', 'editors-xtd', 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, '', '', '', 4, 0),
 277  (0, 'plg_editors-xtd_menu', 'plugin', 'menu', 'editors-xtd', 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, '', '', '', 5, 0),
 278  (0, 'plg_editors-xtd_module', 'plugin', 'module', 'editors-xtd', 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, '', '', '', 6, 0),
 279  (0, 'plg_editors-xtd_pagebreak', 'plugin', 'pagebreak', 'editors-xtd', 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, '', '', '', 7, 0),
 280  (0, 'plg_editors-xtd_readmore', 'plugin', 'readmore', 'editors-xtd', 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, '', '', '', 8, 0),
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 282  (0, 'plg_editors_none', 'plugin', 'none', 'editors', 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, '', '', '', 2, 0),
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 284  (0, 'plg_extension_finder', 'plugin', 'finder', 'extension', 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, '', '', '', 1, 0),
 285  (0, 'plg_extension_joomla', 'plugin', 'joomla', 'extension', 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, '', '', '', 2, 0),
 286  (0, 'plg_extension_namespacemap', 'plugin', 'namespacemap', 'extension', 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, '', '{}', '', 3, 0),
 287  (0, 'plg_fields_calendar', 'plugin', 'calendar', 'fields', 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, '', '', '', 1, 0),
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 299  (0, 'plg_fields_textarea', 'plugin', 'textarea', 'fields', 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, '', '', '', 13, 0),
 300  (0, 'plg_fields_url', 'plugin', 'url', 'fields', 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, '', '', '', 14, 0),
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 308  (0, 'plg_finder_tags', 'plugin', 'tags', 'finder', 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, '', '', '', 5, 0),
 309  (0, 'plg_installer_folderinstaller', 'plugin', 'folderinstaller', 'installer', 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, '', '', '', 2, 0),
 310  (0, 'plg_installer_override', 'plugin', 'override', 'installer', 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, '', '', '', 4, 0),
 311  (0, 'plg_installer_packageinstaller', 'plugin', 'packageinstaller', 'installer', 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, '', '', '', 1, 0),
 312  (0, 'plg_installer_urlinstaller', 'plugin', 'urlinstaller', 'installer', 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, '', '', '', 3, 0),
 313  (0, 'plg_installer_webinstaller', 'plugin', 'webinstaller', 'installer', 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, '', '{"tab_position":"1"}', '', 5, 0),
 314  (0, 'plg_media-action_crop', 'plugin', 'crop', 'media-action', 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, '', '{}', '', 1, 0),
 315  (0, 'plg_media-action_resize', 'plugin', 'resize', 'media-action', 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, '', '{}', '', 2, 0),
 316  (0, 'plg_media-action_rotate', 'plugin', 'rotate', 'media-action', 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, '', '{}', '', 3, 0),
 317  (0, 'plg_privacy_actionlogs', 'plugin', 'actionlogs', 'privacy', 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, '', '{}', '', 1, 0),
 318  (0, 'plg_privacy_consents', 'plugin', 'consents', 'privacy', 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, '', '{}', '', 2, 0),
 319  (0, 'plg_privacy_contact', 'plugin', 'contact', 'privacy', 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, '', '{}', '', 3, 0),
 320  (0, 'plg_privacy_content', 'plugin', 'content', 'privacy', 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, '', '{}', '', 4, 0),
 321  (0, 'plg_privacy_message', 'plugin', 'message', 'privacy', 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, '', '{}', '', 5, 0),
 322  (0, 'plg_privacy_user', 'plugin', 'user', 'privacy', 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, '', '{}', '', 6, 0),
 323  (0, 'plg_quickicon_joomlaupdate', 'plugin', 'joomlaupdate', 'quickicon', 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, '', '', '', 1, 0),
 324  (0, 'plg_quickicon_extensionupdate', 'plugin', 'extensionupdate', 'quickicon', 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, '', '', '', 2, 0),
 325  (0, 'plg_quickicon_overridecheck', 'plugin', 'overridecheck', 'quickicon', 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, '', '', '', 3, 0),
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 327  (0, 'plg_quickicon_privacycheck', 'plugin', 'privacycheck', 'quickicon', 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, '', '{}', '', 5, 0),
 328  (0, 'plg_quickicon_phpversioncheck', 'plugin', 'phpversioncheck', 'quickicon', 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, '', '', '', 6, 0),
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 330  (0, 'plg_sampledata_multilang', 'plugin', 'multilang', 'sampledata', 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, '', '', '', 2, 0),
 331  (0, 'plg_system_accessibility', 'plugin', 'accessibility', 'system', 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, '', '{}', '', 1, 0),
 332  (0, 'plg_system_actionlogs', 'plugin', 'actionlogs', 'system', 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, '', '{}', '', 2, 0),
 333  (0, 'plg_system_cache', 'plugin', 'cache', 'system', 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, '', '{"browsercache":"0","cachetime":"15"}', '', 3, 0),
 334  (0, 'plg_system_debug', 'plugin', 'debug', 'system', 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, '', '{"profile":"1","queries":"1","memory":"1","language_files":"1","language_strings":"1","strip-first":"1","strip-prefix":"","strip-suffix":""}', '', 4, 0),
 335  (0, 'plg_system_fields', 'plugin', 'fields', 'system', 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, '', '', '', 5, 0),
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 342  (0, 'plg_system_logout', 'plugin', 'logout', 'system', 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, '', '', '', 12, 0),
 343  (0, 'plg_system_logrotation', 'plugin', 'logrotation', 'system', 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, '', '{}', '', 13, 0),
 344  (0, 'plg_system_privacyconsent', 'plugin', 'privacyconsent', 'system', 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, '', '{}', '', 14, 0),
 345  (0, 'plg_system_redirect', 'plugin', 'redirect', 'system', 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, '', '', '', 15, 0),
 346  (0, 'plg_system_remember', 'plugin', 'remember', 'system', 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, '', '', '', 16, 0),
 347  (0, 'plg_system_schedulerunner', 'plugin', 'schedulerunner', 'system', 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, '', '{}', '', 17, 0),
 348  (0, 'plg_system_sef', 'plugin', 'sef', 'system', 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, '', '', '', 18, 0),
 349  (0, 'plg_system_sessiongc', 'plugin', 'sessiongc', 'system', 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, '', '', '', 19, 0),
 350  (0, 'plg_system_shortcut', 'plugin', 'shortcut', 'system', 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, '', '{}', '', 0, 0),
 351  (0, 'plg_system_skipto', 'plugin', 'skipto', 'system', 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, '', '{}', '', 20, 0),
 352  (0, 'plg_system_stats', 'plugin', 'stats', 'system', 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, '', '', '', 21, 0),
 353  (0, 'plg_system_tasknotification', 'plugin', 'tasknotification', 'system', 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, '', '', '', 22, 0),
 354  (0, 'plg_system_updatenotification', 'plugin', 'updatenotification', 'system', 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, '', '', '', 23, 0),
 355  (0, 'plg_system_webauthn', 'plugin', 'webauthn', 'system', 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, '', '{}', '', 23, 0),
 356  (0, 'plg_task_checkfiles', 'plugin', 'checkfiles', 'task', 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, '', '{}', '', 1, 0),
 357  (0, 'plg_task_demotasks', 'plugin', 'demotasks', 'task', 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, '', '{}', '', 2, 0),
 358  (0, 'plg_task_requests', 'plugin', 'requests', 'task', 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, '', '{}', '', 3, 0),
 359  (0, 'plg_task_sitestatus', 'plugin', 'sitestatus', 'task', 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, '', '{}', '', 4, 0),
 360  (0, 'plg_multifactorauth_totp', 'plugin', 'totp', 'multifactorauth', 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, '', '', '', 1, 0),
 361  (0, 'plg_multifactorauth_yubikey', 'plugin', 'yubikey', 'multifactorauth', 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, '', '', '', 2, 0),
 362  (0, 'plg_multifactorauth_webauthn', 'plugin', 'webauthn', 'multifactorauth', 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, '', '', '', 3, 0),
 363  (0, 'plg_multifactorauth_email', 'plugin', 'email', 'multifactorauth', 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, '', '', '', 4, 0),
 364  (0, 'plg_multifactorauth_fixed', 'plugin', 'fixed', 'multifactorauth', 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, '', '', '', 5, 0),
 365  (0, 'plg_user_contactcreator', 'plugin', 'contactcreator', 'user', 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, '', '{"autowebpage":"","category":"4","autopublish":"0"}', '', 1, 0),
 366  (0, 'plg_user_joomla', 'plugin', 'joomla', 'user', 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, '', '{"autoregister":"1","mail_to_user":"1","forceLogout":"1"}', '', 2, 0),
 367  (0, 'plg_user_profile', 'plugin', 'profile', 'user', 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, '', '{"register-require_address1":"1","register-require_address2":"1","register-require_city":"1","register-require_region":"1","register-require_country":"1","register-require_postal_code":"1","register-require_phone":"1","register-require_website":"1","register-require_favoritebook":"1","register-require_aboutme":"1","register-require_tos":"1","register-require_dob":"1","profile-require_address1":"1","profile-require_address2":"1","profile-require_city":"1","profile-require_region":"1","profile-require_country":"1","profile-require_postal_code":"1","profile-require_phone":"1","profile-require_website":"1","profile-require_favoritebook":"1","profile-require_aboutme":"1","profile-require_tos":"1","profile-require_dob":"1"}', '', 3, 0),
 368  (0, 'plg_user_terms', 'plugin', 'terms', 'user', 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, '', '{}', '', 4, 0),
 369  (0, 'plg_user_token', 'plugin', 'token', 'user', 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, '', '{}', '', 5, 0),
 370  (0, 'plg_webservices_banners', 'plugin', 'banners', 'webservices', 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, '', '{}', '', 1, 0),
 371  (0, 'plg_webservices_config', 'plugin', 'config', 'webservices', 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, '', '{}', '', 2, 0),
 372  (0, 'plg_webservices_contact', 'plugin', 'contact', 'webservices', 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, '', '{}', '', 3, 0),
 373  (0, 'plg_webservices_content', 'plugin', 'content', 'webservices', 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, '', '{}', '', 4, 0),
 374  (0, 'plg_webservices_installer', 'plugin', 'installer', 'webservices', 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, '', '{}', '', 5, 0),
 375  (0, 'plg_webservices_languages', 'plugin', 'languages', 'webservices', 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, '', '{}', '', 6, 0),
 376  (0, 'plg_webservices_media', 'plugin', 'media', 'webservices', 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, '', '{}', '', 7, 0),
 377  (0, 'plg_webservices_menus', 'plugin', 'menus', 'webservices', 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, '', '{}', '', 7, 0),
 378  (0, 'plg_webservices_messages', 'plugin', 'messages', 'webservices', 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, '', '{}', '', 8, 0),
 379  (0, 'plg_webservices_modules', 'plugin', 'modules', 'webservices', 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, '', '{}', '', 9, 0),
 380  (0, 'plg_webservices_newsfeeds', 'plugin', 'newsfeeds', 'webservices', 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, '', '{}', '', 10, 0),
 381  (0, 'plg_webservices_plugins', 'plugin', 'plugins', 'webservices', 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, '', '{}', '', 11, 0),
 382  (0, 'plg_webservices_privacy', 'plugin', 'privacy', 'webservices', 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, '', '{}', '', 12, 0),
 383  (0, 'plg_webservices_redirect', 'plugin', 'redirect', 'webservices', 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, '', '{}', '', 13, 0),
 384  (0, 'plg_webservices_tags', 'plugin', 'tags', 'webservices', 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, '', '{}', '', 14, 0),
 385  (0, 'plg_webservices_templates', 'plugin', 'templates', 'webservices', 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, '', '{}', '', 15, 0),
 386  (0, 'plg_webservices_users', 'plugin', 'users', 'webservices', 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, '', '{}', '', 16, 0),
 387  (0, 'plg_workflow_featuring', 'plugin', 'featuring', 'workflow', 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, '', '{}', '', 1, 0),
 388  (0, 'plg_workflow_notification', 'plugin', 'notification', 'workflow', 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, '', '{}', '', 2, 0),
 389  (0, 'plg_workflow_publishing', 'plugin', 'publishing', 'workflow', 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, '', '{}', '', 3, 0);
 391  -- Templates
 392  INSERT INTO "#__extensions" ("package_id", "name", "type", "element", "folder", "client_id", "enabled", "access", "protected", "locked", "manifest_cache", "params", "custom_data", "ordering", "state") VALUES
 393  (0, 'atum', 'template', 'atum', '', 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, '', '', '', 0, 0),
 394  (0, 'cassiopeia', 'template', 'cassiopeia', '', 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, '', '{"logoFile":"","fluidContainer":"0","sidebarLeftWidth":"3","sidebarRightWidth":"3"}', '', 0, 0);
 396  -- Files Extensions
 397  INSERT INTO "#__extensions" ("package_id", "name", "type", "element", "folder", "client_id", "enabled", "access", "protected", "locked", "manifest_cache", "params", "custom_data", "ordering", "state") VALUES
 398  (0, 'files_joomla', 'file', 'joomla', '', 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, '', '', '', 0, 0);
 400  -- Languages
 401  INSERT INTO "#__extensions" ("package_id", "name", "type", "element", "folder", "client_id", "enabled", "access", "protected", "locked", "manifest_cache", "params", "custom_data", "ordering", "state") VALUES
 402  (0, 'English (en-GB) Language Pack', 'package', 'pkg_en-GB', '', 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, '', '', '', 0, 0);
 405  INSERT INTO "#__extensions" ("package_id", "name", "type", "element", "folder", "client_id", "enabled", "access", "protected", "locked", "manifest_cache", "params", "custom_data", "ordering", "state")
 406  SELECT "extension_id", 'English (en-GB)', 'language', 'en-GB', '', 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, '', '', '', 0, 0 FROM "#__extensions" WHERE "name" = 'English (en-GB) Language Pack';
 407  INSERT INTO "#__extensions" ("package_id", "name", "type", "element", "folder", "client_id", "enabled", "access", "protected", "locked", "manifest_cache", "params", "custom_data", "ordering", "state")
 408  SELECT "extension_id", 'English (en-GB)', 'language', 'en-GB', '', 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, '', '', '', 0, 0 FROM "#__extensions" WHERE "name" = 'English (en-GB) Language Pack';
 409  INSERT INTO "#__extensions" ("package_id", "name", "type", "element", "folder", "client_id", "enabled", "access", "protected", "locked", "manifest_cache", "params", "custom_data", "ordering", "state")
 410  SELECT "extension_id", 'English (en-GB)', 'language', 'en-GB', '', 3, 1, 1, 1, 1, '', '', '', 0, 0 FROM "#__extensions" WHERE "name" = 'English (en-GB) Language Pack';
 412  --
 413  -- Table structure for table `#__languages`
 414  --
 416  CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "#__languages" (
 417    "lang_id" serial NOT NULL,
 418    "asset_id" bigint DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
 419    "lang_code" varchar(7) NOT NULL,
 420    "title" varchar(50) NOT NULL,
 421    "title_native" varchar(50) NOT NULL,
 422    "sef" varchar(50) NOT NULL,
 423    "image" varchar(50) NOT NULL,
 424    "description" varchar(512) NOT NULL,
 425    "metakey" text,
 426    "metadesc" text NOT NULL,
 427    "sitename" varchar(1024) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,
 428    "published" bigint DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
 429    "access" integer DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
 430    "ordering" bigint DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
 431    PRIMARY KEY ("lang_id"),
 432    CONSTRAINT "#__languages_idx_sef" UNIQUE ("sef"),
 433    CONSTRAINT "#__languages_idx_langcode" UNIQUE ("lang_code")
 434  );
 435  CREATE INDEX "#__languages_idx_ordering" ON "#__languages" ("ordering");
 436  CREATE INDEX "#__languages_idx_access" ON "#__languages" ("access");
 438  --
 439  -- Dumping data for table `#__languages`
 440  --
 442  INSERT INTO "#__languages" ("lang_id", "lang_code", "title", "title_native", "sef", "image", "description", "metakey", "metadesc", "sitename", "published", "access", "ordering") VALUES
 443  (1, 'en-GB', 'English (en-GB)', 'English (United Kingdom)', 'en', 'en_gb', '', '', '', '', 1, 1, 1);
 445  SELECT setval('#__languages_lang_id_seq', 2, false);
 447  --
 448  -- Table structure for table `#__menu`
 449  --
 451  CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "#__menu" (
 452    "id" serial NOT NULL,
 453    "menutype" varchar(24) NOT NULL,
 454    "title" varchar(255) NOT NULL,
 455    "alias" varchar(255) NOT NULL,
 456    "note" varchar(255) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,
 457    "path" varchar(1024) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,
 458    "link" varchar(1024) NOT NULL,
 459    "type" varchar(16) NOT NULL,
 460    "published" smallint DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
 461    "parent_id" integer DEFAULT 1 NOT NULL,
 462    "level" integer DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
 463    "component_id" integer DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
 464    "checked_out" integer,
 465    "checked_out_time" timestamp without time zone,
 466    "browserNav" smallint DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
 467    "access" bigint DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
 468    "img" varchar(255) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,
 469    "template_style_id" integer DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
 470    "params" text NOT NULL,
 471    "lft" bigint DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
 472    "rgt" bigint DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
 473    "home" smallint DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
 474    "language" varchar(7) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,
 475    "client_id" smallint DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
 476    "publish_up" timestamp without time zone,
 477    "publish_down" timestamp without time zone,
 478    PRIMARY KEY ("id"),
 479    CONSTRAINT "#__menu_idx_client_id_parent_id_alias_language" UNIQUE ("client_id", "parent_id", "alias", "language")
 480  );
 481  CREATE INDEX "#__menu_idx_componentid" ON "#__menu" ("component_id", "menutype", "published", "access");
 482  CREATE INDEX "#__menu_idx_menutype" ON "#__menu" ("menutype");
 483  CREATE INDEX "#__menu_idx_left_right" ON "#__menu" ("lft", "rgt");
 484  CREATE INDEX "#__menu_idx_alias" ON "#__menu" ("alias");
 485  CREATE INDEX "#__menu_idx_path" ON "#__menu" ("path");
 486  CREATE INDEX "#__menu_idx_language" ON "#__menu" ("language");
 488  COMMENT ON COLUMN "#__menu"."menutype" IS 'The type of menu this item belongs to. FK to #__menu_types.menutype';
 489  COMMENT ON COLUMN "#__menu"."title" IS 'The display title of the menu item.';
 490  COMMENT ON COLUMN "#__menu"."alias" IS 'The SEF alias of the menu item.';
 491  COMMENT ON COLUMN "#__menu"."path" IS 'The computed path of the menu item based on the alias field.';
 492  COMMENT ON COLUMN "#__menu"."link" IS 'The actually link the menu item refers to.';
 493  COMMENT ON COLUMN "#__menu"."type" IS 'The type of link: Component, URL, Alias, Separator';
 494  COMMENT ON COLUMN "#__menu"."published" IS 'The published state of the menu link.';
 495  COMMENT ON COLUMN "#__menu"."parent_id" IS 'The parent menu item in the menu tree.';
 496  COMMENT ON COLUMN "#__menu"."level" IS 'The relative level in the tree.';
 497  COMMENT ON COLUMN "#__menu"."component_id" IS 'FK to #__extensions.id';
 498  COMMENT ON COLUMN "#__menu"."checked_out" IS 'FK to #__users.id';
 499  COMMENT ON COLUMN "#__menu"."checked_out_time" IS 'The time the menu item was checked out.';
 500  COMMENT ON COLUMN "#__menu"."browserNav" IS 'The click behaviour of the link.';
 501  COMMENT ON COLUMN "#__menu"."access" IS 'The access level required to view the menu item.';
 502  COMMENT ON COLUMN "#__menu"."img" IS 'The image of the menu item.';
 503  COMMENT ON COLUMN "#__menu"."params" IS 'JSON encoded data for the menu item.';
 504  COMMENT ON COLUMN "#__menu"."lft" IS 'Nested set lft.';
 505  COMMENT ON COLUMN "#__menu"."rgt" IS 'Nested set rgt.';
 506  COMMENT ON COLUMN "#__menu"."home" IS 'Indicates if this menu item is the home or default page.';
 508  --
 509  -- Dumping data for table `#__menu`
 510  --
 512  INSERT INTO "#__menu" ("id", "menutype", "title", "alias", "note", "path", "link", "type", "published", "parent_id", "level", "component_id", "browserNav", "access", "img", "template_style_id", "params", "lft", "rgt", "home", "language", "client_id", "publish_up", "publish_down") VALUES
 513  (1, '', 'Menu_Item_Root', 'root', '', '', '', '', 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 0, '', 0, 43, 0, '*', 0, NULL, NULL);
 514  INSERT INTO "#__menu" ("id", "menutype", "title", "alias", "note", "path", "link", "type", "published", "parent_id", "level", "component_id", "browserNav", "access", "img", "template_style_id", "params", "lft", "rgt", "home", "language", "client_id", "publish_up", "publish_down")
 515  SELECT 2, 'main', 'com_banners', 'Banners', '', 'Banners', 'index.php?option=com_banners', 'component', 1, 1, 1, "extension_id", 0, 0, 'class:bookmark', 0, '', 1, 10, 0, '*', 1, NULL, NULL FROM "#__extensions" WHERE "name" = 'com_banners';
 516  INSERT INTO "#__menu" ("id", "menutype", "title", "alias", "note", "path", "link", "type", "published", "parent_id", "level", "component_id", "browserNav", "access", "img", "template_style_id", "params", "lft", "rgt", "home", "language", "client_id", "publish_up", "publish_down")
 517  SELECT 3, 'main', 'com_banners', 'Banners', '', 'Banners/Banners', 'index.php?option=com_banners&view=banners', 'component', 1, 2, 2, "extension_id", 0, 0, 'class:banners', 0, '', 2, 3, 0, '*', 1, NULL, NULL FROM "#__extensions" WHERE "name" = 'com_banners';
 518  INSERT INTO "#__menu" ("id", "menutype", "title", "alias", "note", "path", "link", "type", "published", "parent_id", "level", "component_id", "browserNav", "access", "img", "template_style_id", "params", "lft", "rgt", "home", "language", "client_id", "publish_up", "publish_down")
 519  SELECT 4, 'main', 'com_banners_categories', 'Categories', '', 'Banners/Categories', 'index.php?option=com_categories&view=categories&extension=com_banners', 'component', 1, 2, 2, "extension_id", 0, 0, 'class:banners-cat', 0, '', 4, 5, 0, '*', 1, NULL, NULL FROM "#__extensions" WHERE "name" = 'com_categories';
 520  INSERT INTO "#__menu" ("id", "menutype", "title", "alias", "note", "path", "link", "type", "published", "parent_id", "level", "component_id", "browserNav", "access", "img", "template_style_id", "params", "lft", "rgt", "home", "language", "client_id", "publish_up", "publish_down")
 521  SELECT 5, 'main', 'com_banners_clients', 'Clients', '', 'Banners/Clients', 'index.php?option=com_banners&view=clients', 'component', 1, 2, 2, "extension_id", 0, 0, 'class:banners-clients', 0, '', 6, 7, 0, '*', 1, NULL, NULL FROM "#__extensions" WHERE "name" = 'com_banners';
 522  INSERT INTO "#__menu" ("id", "menutype", "title", "alias", "note", "path", "link", "type", "published", "parent_id", "level", "component_id", "browserNav", "access", "img", "template_style_id", "params", "lft", "rgt", "home", "language", "client_id", "publish_up", "publish_down")
 523  SELECT 6, 'main', 'com_banners_tracks', 'Tracks', '', 'Banners/Tracks', 'index.php?option=com_banners&view=tracks', 'component', 1, 2, 2, "extension_id", 0, 0, 'class:banners-tracks', 0, '', 8, 9, 0, '*', 1, NULL, NULL FROM "#__extensions" WHERE "name" = 'com_banners';
 524  INSERT INTO "#__menu" ("id", "menutype", "title", "alias", "note", "path", "link", "type", "published", "parent_id", "level", "component_id", "browserNav", "access", "img", "template_style_id", "params", "lft", "rgt", "home", "language", "client_id", "publish_up", "publish_down")
 525  SELECT 7, 'main', 'com_contact', 'Contacts', '', 'Contacts', 'index.php?option=com_contact', 'component', 1, 1, 1, "extension_id", 0, 0, 'class:address-book', 0, '', 11, 20, 0, '*', 1, NULL, NULL FROM "#__extensions" WHERE "name" = 'com_contact';
 526  INSERT INTO "#__menu" ("id", "menutype", "title", "alias", "note", "path", "link", "type", "published", "parent_id", "level", "component_id", "browserNav", "access", "img", "template_style_id", "params", "lft", "rgt", "home", "language", "client_id", "publish_up", "publish_down")
 527  SELECT 8, 'main', 'com_contact_contacts', 'Contacts', '', 'Contacts/Contacts', 'index.php?option=com_contact&view=contacts', 'component', 1, 7, 2, "extension_id", 0, 0, 'class:contact', 0, '', 12, 13, 0, '*', 1, NULL, NULL FROM "#__extensions" WHERE "name" = 'com_contact';
 528  INSERT INTO "#__menu" ("id", "menutype", "title", "alias", "note", "path", "link", "type", "published", "parent_id", "level", "component_id", "browserNav", "access", "img", "template_style_id", "params", "lft", "rgt", "home", "language", "client_id", "publish_up", "publish_down")
 529  SELECT 9, 'main', 'com_contact_categories', 'Categories', '', 'Contacts/Categories', 'index.php?option=com_categories&view=categories&extension=com_contact', 'component', 1, 7, 2, "extension_id", 0, 0, 'class:contact-cat', 0, '', 14, 15, 0, '*', 1, NULL, NULL FROM "#__extensions" WHERE "name" = 'com_categories';
 530  INSERT INTO "#__menu" ("id", "menutype", "title", "alias", "note", "path", "link", "type", "published", "parent_id", "level", "component_id", "browserNav", "access", "img", "template_style_id", "params", "lft", "rgt", "home", "language", "client_id", "publish_up", "publish_down")
 531  SELECT 10, 'main', 'com_newsfeeds', 'News Feeds', '', 'News Feeds', 'index.php?option=com_newsfeeds', 'component', 1, 1, 1, "extension_id", 0, 0, 'class:rss', 0, '', 23, 28, 0, '*', 1, NULL, NULL FROM "#__extensions" WHERE "name" = 'com_newsfeeds';
 532  INSERT INTO "#__menu" ("id", "menutype", "title", "alias", "note", "path", "link", "type", "published", "parent_id", "level", "component_id", "browserNav", "access", "img", "template_style_id", "params", "lft", "rgt", "home", "language", "client_id", "publish_up", "publish_down")
 533  SELECT 11, 'main', 'com_newsfeeds_feeds', 'Feeds', '', 'News Feeds/Feeds', 'index.php?option=com_newsfeeds&view=newsfeeds', 'component', 1, 10, 2, "extension_id", 0, 0, 'class:newsfeeds', 0, '', 24, 25, 0, '*', 1, NULL, NULL FROM "#__extensions" WHERE "name" = 'com_newsfeeds';
 534  INSERT INTO "#__menu" ("id", "menutype", "title", "alias", "note", "path", "link", "type", "published", "parent_id", "level", "component_id", "browserNav", "access", "img", "template_style_id", "params", "lft", "rgt", "home", "language", "client_id", "publish_up", "publish_down")
 535  SELECT 12, 'main', 'com_newsfeeds_categories', 'Categories', '', 'News Feeds/Categories', 'index.php?option=com_categories&view=categories&extension=com_newsfeeds', 'component', 1, 10, 2, "extension_id", 0, 0, 'class:newsfeeds-cat', 0, '', 26, 27, 0, '*', 1, NULL, NULL FROM "#__extensions" WHERE "name" = 'com_categories';
 536  INSERT INTO "#__menu" ("id", "menutype", "title", "alias", "note", "path", "link", "type", "published", "parent_id", "level", "component_id", "browserNav", "access", "img", "template_style_id", "params", "lft", "rgt", "home", "language", "client_id", "publish_up", "publish_down")
 537  SELECT 13, 'main', 'com_finder', 'Smart Search', '', 'Smart Search', 'index.php?option=com_finder', 'component', 1, 1, 1, "extension_id", 0, 0, 'class:search-plus', 0, '', 29, 38, 0, '*', 1, NULL, NULL FROM "#__extensions" WHERE "name" = 'com_finder';
 538  INSERT INTO "#__menu" ("id", "menutype", "title", "alias", "note", "path", "link", "type", "published", "parent_id", "level", "component_id", "browserNav", "access", "img", "template_style_id", "params", "lft", "rgt", "home", "language", "client_id", "publish_up", "publish_down")
 539  SELECT 14, 'main', 'com_tags', 'Tags', '', 'Tags', 'index.php?option=com_tags&view=tags', 'component', 1, 1, 1, "extension_id", 0, 1, 'class:tags', 0, '', 39, 40, 0, '', 1, NULL, NULL FROM "#__extensions" WHERE "name" = 'com_tags';
 540  INSERT INTO "#__menu" ("id", "menutype", "title", "alias", "note", "path", "link", "type", "published", "parent_id", "level", "component_id", "browserNav", "access", "img", "template_style_id", "params", "lft", "rgt", "home", "language", "client_id", "publish_up", "publish_down")
 541  SELECT 15, 'main', 'com_associations', 'Multilingual Associations', '', 'Multilingual Associations', 'index.php?option=com_associations&view=associations', 'component', 1, 1, 1, "extension_id", 0, 0, 'class:language', 0, '', 21, 22, 0, '*', 1, NULL, NULL FROM "#__extensions" WHERE "name" = 'com_associations';
 542  INSERT INTO "#__menu" ("id", "menutype", "title", "alias", "note", "path", "link", "type", "published", "parent_id", "level", "component_id", "browserNav", "access", "img", "template_style_id", "params", "lft", "rgt", "home", "language", "client_id", "publish_up", "publish_down")
 543  SELECT 16, 'main', 'mod_menu_fields', 'Contact Custom Fields', '', 'contact/Custom Fields', 'index.php?option=com_fields&context=com_contact.contact', 'component', 1, 7, 2, "extension_id", 0, 0, 'class:messages-add', 0, '', 16, 17, 0, '*', 1, NULL, NULL FROM "#__extensions" WHERE "name" = 'com_fields';
 544  INSERT INTO "#__menu" ("id", "menutype", "title", "alias", "note", "path", "link", "type", "published", "parent_id", "level", "component_id", "browserNav", "access", "img", "template_style_id", "params", "lft", "rgt", "home", "language", "client_id", "publish_up", "publish_down")
 545  SELECT 17, 'main', 'mod_menu_fields_group', 'Contact Custom Fields Group', '', 'contact/Custom Fields Group', 'index.php?option=com_fields&view=groups&context=com_contact.contact', 'component', 1, 7, 2, "extension_id", 0, 0, 'class:messages-add', 0, '', 18, 19, 0, '*', 1, NULL, NULL FROM "#__extensions" WHERE "name" = 'com_fields';
 546  INSERT INTO "#__menu" ("id", "menutype", "title", "alias", "note", "path", "link", "type", "published", "parent_id", "level", "component_id", "browserNav", "access", "img", "template_style_id", "params", "lft", "rgt", "home", "language", "client_id", "publish_up", "publish_down")
 547  SELECT 18, 'main', 'com_finder_index', 'Smart-Search-Index', '', 'Smart Search/Index', 'index.php?option=com_finder&view=index', 'component', 1, 13, 2, "extension_id", 0, 0, 'class:finder', 0, '', 30, 31, 0, '*', 1, NULL, NULL FROM "#__extensions" WHERE "name" = 'com_finder';
 548  INSERT INTO "#__menu" ("id", "menutype", "title", "alias", "note", "path", "link", "type", "published", "parent_id", "level", "component_id", "browserNav", "access", "img", "template_style_id", "params", "lft", "rgt", "home", "language", "client_id", "publish_up", "publish_down")
 549  SELECT 19, 'main', 'com_finder_maps', 'Smart-Search-Maps', '', 'Smart Search/Maps', 'index.php?option=com_finder&view=maps', 'component', 1, 13, 2, "extension_id", 0, 0, 'class:finder-maps', 0, '', 32, 33, 0, '*', 1, NULL, NULL FROM "#__extensions" WHERE "name" = 'com_finder';
 550  INSERT INTO "#__menu" ("id", "menutype", "title", "alias", "note", "path", "link", "type", "published", "parent_id", "level", "component_id", "browserNav", "access", "img", "template_style_id", "params", "lft", "rgt", "home", "language", "client_id", "publish_up", "publish_down")
 551  SELECT 20, 'main', 'com_finder_filters', 'Smart-Search-Filters', '', 'Smart Search/Filters', 'index.php?option=com_finder&view=filters', 'component', 1, 13, 2, "extension_id", 0, 0, 'class:finder-filters', 0, '', 34, 35, 0, '*', 1, NULL, NULL FROM "#__extensions" WHERE "name" = 'com_finder';
 552  INSERT INTO "#__menu" ("id", "menutype", "title", "alias", "note", "path", "link", "type", "published", "parent_id", "level", "component_id", "browserNav", "access", "img", "template_style_id", "params", "lft", "rgt", "home", "language", "client_id", "publish_up", "publish_down")
 553  SELECT 21, 'main', 'com_finder_searches', 'Smart-Search-Searches', '', 'Smart Search/Searches', 'index.php?option=com_finder&view=searches', 'component', 1, 13, 2, "extension_id", 0, 0, 'class:finder-searches', 0, '', 36, 37, 0, '*', 1, NULL, NULL FROM "#__extensions" WHERE "name" = 'com_finder';
 554  INSERT INTO "#__menu" ("id", "menutype", "title", "alias", "note", "path", "link", "type", "published", "parent_id", "level", "component_id", "browserNav", "access", "img", "template_style_id", "params", "lft", "rgt", "home", "language", "client_id", "publish_up", "publish_down")
 555  SELECT 101, 'mainmenu', 'Home', 'home', '', 'home', 'index.php?option=com_content&view=featured', 'component', 1, 1, 1, "extension_id", 0, 1, '', 0, '{"featured_categories":[""],"layout_type":"blog","blog_class_leading":"","blog_class":"","num_leading_articles":"1","num_intro_articles":"3","num_links":"0","link_intro_image":"","orderby_pri":"","orderby_sec":"front","order_date":"","show_pagination":"2","show_pagination_results":"1","show_title":"","link_titles":"","show_intro":"","info_block_position":"","info_block_show_title":"","show_category":"","link_category":"","show_parent_category":"","link_parent_category":"","show_associations":"","show_author":"","link_author":"","show_create_date":"","show_modify_date":"","show_publish_date":"","show_item_navigation":"","show_vote":"","show_readmore":"","show_readmore_title":"","show_hits":"","show_tags":"","show_noauth":"","show_feed_link":"1","feed_summary":"","menu-anchor_title":"","menu-anchor_css":"","menu_image":"","menu_image_css":"","menu_text":1,"menu_show":1,"page_title":"","show_page_heading":"1","page_heading":"","pageclass_sfx":"","menu-meta_description":"","robots":""}', 41, 42, 1, '*', 0, NULL, NULL FROM "#__extensions" WHERE "name" = 'com_content';
 556  SELECT setval('#__menu_id_seq', 102, false);
 558  --
 559  -- Table structure for table `#__menu_types`
 560  --
 562  CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "#__menu_types" (
 563    "id" serial NOT NULL,
 564    "asset_id" bigint DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
 565    "menutype" varchar(24) NOT NULL,
 566    "title" varchar(48) NOT NULL,
 567    "description" varchar(255) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,
 568    "client_id" int DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
 569    PRIMARY KEY ("id"),
 570    CONSTRAINT "#__menu_types_idx_menutype" UNIQUE ("menutype")
 571  );
 573  --
 574  -- Dumping data for table `#__menu_types`
 575  --
 577  INSERT INTO "#__menu_types" ("id", "asset_id", "menutype", "title", "description", "client_id") VALUES
 578  (1, 0, 'mainmenu', 'Main Menu', 'The main menu for the site', 0);
 580  SELECT setval('#__menu_types_id_seq', 2, false);
 582  --
 583  -- Table structure for table `#__modules`
 584  --
 586  CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "#__modules" (
 587    "id" serial NOT NULL,
 588    "asset_id" bigint DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
 589    "title" varchar(100) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,
 590    "note" varchar(255) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,
 591    "content" text,
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 593    "position" varchar(50) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,
 594    "checked_out" integer,
 595    "checked_out_time" timestamp without time zone,
 596    "publish_up" timestamp without time zone,
 597    "publish_down" timestamp without time zone,
 598    "published" smallint DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
 599    "module" varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL,
 600    "access" bigint DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
 601    "showtitle" smallint DEFAULT 1 NOT NULL,
 602    "params" text NOT NULL,
 603    "client_id" smallint DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
 604    "language" varchar(7) NOT NULL,
 605    PRIMARY KEY ("id")
 606  );
 607  CREATE INDEX "#__modules_published" ON "#__modules" ("published", "access");
 608  CREATE INDEX "#__modules_newsfeeds" ON "#__modules" ("module", "published");
 609  CREATE INDEX "#__modules_idx_language" ON "#__modules" ("language");
 611  --
 612  -- Dumping data for table `#__modules`
 613  --
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 616  (1, 39, 'Main Menu', '', '', 1, 'sidebar-right', NULL, NULL, 1, 'mod_menu', 1, 1, '{"menutype":"mainmenu","startLevel":"0","endLevel":"0","showAllChildren":"1","tag_id":"","class_sfx":"","window_open":"","layout":"_:default","moduleclass_sfx":"","cache":"1","cache_time":"900","cachemode":"itemid"}', 0, '*'),
 617  (2, 40, 'Login', '', '', 1, 'login', NULL, NULL, 1, 'mod_login', 1, 1, '', 1, '*'),
 618  (3, 41, 'Popular Articles', '', '', 3, 'cpanel', NULL, NULL, 1, 'mod_popular', 3, 1, '{"count":"5","catid":"","user_id":"0","layout":"_:default","moduleclass_sfx":"","cache":"0", "bootstrap_size": "12","header_tag":"h2"}', 1, '*'),
 619  (4, 42, 'Recently Added Articles', '', '', 4, 'cpanel', NULL, NULL, 1, 'mod_latest', 3, 1, '{"count":"5","ordering":"c_dsc","catid":"","user_id":"0","layout":"_:default","moduleclass_sfx":"","cache":"0", "bootstrap_size": "12","header_tag":"h2"}', 1, '*'),
 620  (8, 43, 'Toolbar', '', '', 1, 'toolbar', NULL, NULL, 1, 'mod_toolbar', 3, 1, '', 1, '*'),
 621  (9, 44, 'Notifications', '', '', 3, 'icon', NULL, NULL, 1, 'mod_quickicon', 3, 1, '{"context":"update_quickicon","header_icon":"icon-sync","show_jupdate":"1","show_eupdate":"1","show_oupdate":"1","show_privacy":"1","layout":"_:default","moduleclass_sfx":"","cache":1,"cache_time":900,"style":"0","module_tag":"div","bootstrap_size":"12","header_tag":"h2","header_class":""}', 1, '*'),
 622  (10, 45, 'Logged-in Users', '', '', 2, 'cpanel', NULL, NULL, 1, 'mod_logged', 3, 1, '{"count":"5","name":"1","layout":"_:default","moduleclass_sfx":"","cache":"0", "bootstrap_size": "12","header_tag":"h2"}', 1, '*'),
 623  (12, 46, 'Admin Menu', '', '', 1, 'menu', NULL, NULL, 1, 'mod_menu', 3, 1, '{"layout":"","moduleclass_sfx":"","shownew":"1","showhelp":"1","cache":"0"}', 1, '*'),
 624  (15, 49, 'Title', '', '', 1, 'title', NULL, NULL, 1, 'mod_title', 3, 1, '', 1, '*'),
 625  (16, 50, 'Login Form', '', '', 7, 'sidebar-right', NULL, NULL, 1, 'mod_login', 1, 1, '{"greeting":"1","name":"0"}', 0, '*'),
 626  (17, 51, 'Breadcrumbs', '', '', 1, 'breadcrumbs', NULL, NULL, 1, 'mod_breadcrumbs', 1, 1, '{"moduleclass_sfx":"","showHome":"1","homeText":"","showComponent":"1","separator":"","cache":"0","cache_time":"0","cachemode":"itemid"}', 0, '*'),
 627  (79, 52, 'Multilanguage status', '', '', 2, 'status', NULL, NULL, 1, 'mod_multilangstatus', 3, 1, '{"layout":"_:default","moduleclass_sfx":"","cache":"0"}', 1, '*'),
 628  (86, 53, 'Joomla Version', '', '', 1, 'status', NULL, NULL, 1, 'mod_version', 3, 1, '{"layout":"_:default","moduleclass_sfx":"","cache":"0"}', 1, '*'),
 629  (87, 55, 'Sample Data', '', '', 0, 'cpanel', NULL, NULL, 1, 'mod_sampledata', 6, 1, '{"bootstrap_size": "12","header_tag":"h2"}', 1, '*'),
 630  (88, 67, 'Latest Actions', '', '', 0, 'cpanel', NULL, NULL, 1, 'mod_latestactions', 6, 1, '{"bootstrap_size": "12","header_tag":"h2"}', 1, '*'),
 631  (89, 68, 'Privacy Dashboard', '', '', 0, 'cpanel', NULL, NULL, 1, 'mod_privacy_dashboard', 6, 1, '{"bootstrap_size": "12","header_tag":"h2"}', 1, '*'),
 632  (90, 89, 'Login Support', '', '', 1, 'sidebar', NULL, NULL, 1, 'mod_loginsupport', 1, 1, '{"forum_url":"https://forum.joomla.org/","documentation_url":"https://docs.joomla.org/","news_url":"https://www.joomla.org/announcements.html","automatic_title":1,"prepare_content":1,"layout":"_:default","moduleclass_sfx":"","cache":1,"cache_time":900,"module_tag":"div","bootstrap_size":"0","header_tag":"h3","header_class":"","style":"0"}', 1, '*'),
 633  (91, 72, 'System Dashboard', '', '', 1, 'cpanel-system', NULL, NULL, 1, 'mod_submenu', 1, 0, '{"menutype":"*","preset":"system","layout":"_:default","moduleclass_sfx":"","module_tag":"div","bootstrap_size":"12","header_tag":"h2","header_class":"","style":"System-none"}', 1, '*'),
 634  (92, 73, 'Content Dashboard', '', '', 1, 'cpanel-content', NULL, NULL, 1, 'mod_submenu', 1, 0, '{"menutype":"*","preset":"content","layout":"_:default","moduleclass_sfx":"","module_tag":"div","bootstrap_size":"12","header_tag":"h2","header_class":"","style":"System-none"}', 1, '*'),
 635  (93, 74, 'Menus Dashboard', '', '', 1, 'cpanel-menus', NULL, NULL, 1, 'mod_submenu', 1, 0, '{"menutype":"*","preset":"menus","layout":"_:default","moduleclass_sfx":"","module_tag":"div","bootstrap_size":"12","header_tag":"h2","header_class":"","style":"System-none"}', 1, '*'),
 636  (94, 75, 'Components Dashboard', '', '', 1, 'cpanel-components', NULL, NULL, 1, 'mod_submenu', 1, 0, '{"menutype":"*","preset":"components","layout":"_:default","moduleclass_sfx":"","module_tag":"div","bootstrap_size":"12","header_tag":"h2","header_class":"","style":"System-none"}', 1, '*'),
 637  (95, 76, 'Users Dashboard', '', '', 1, 'cpanel-users', NULL, NULL, 1, 'mod_submenu', 1, 0, '{"menutype":"*","preset":"users","layout":"_:default","moduleclass_sfx":"","module_tag":"div","bootstrap_size":"12","header_tag":"h2","header_class":"","style":"System-none"}', 1, '*'),
 638  (96, 86, 'Popular Articles', '', '', 3, 'cpanel-content', NULL, NULL, 1, 'mod_popular', 3, 1, '{"count":"5","catid":"","user_id":"0","layout":"_:default","moduleclass_sfx":"","cache":"0", "bootstrap_size": "12","header_tag":"h2"}', 1, '*'),
 639  (97, 87, 'Recently Added Articles', '', '', 4, 'cpanel-content', NULL, NULL, 1, 'mod_latest', 3, 1, '{"count":"5","ordering":"c_dsc","catid":"","user_id":"0","layout":"_:default","moduleclass_sfx":"","cache":"0", "bootstrap_size": "12","header_tag":"h2"}', 1, '*'),
 640  (98, 88, 'Logged-in Users', '', '', 2, 'cpanel-users', NULL, NULL, 1, 'mod_logged', 3, 1, '{"count":"5","name":"1","layout":"_:default","moduleclass_sfx":"","cache":"0", "bootstrap_size": "12","header_tag":"h2"}', 1, '*'),
 641  (99, 77, 'Frontend Link', '', '', 5, 'status', NULL, NULL, 1, 'mod_frontend', 1, 1, '', 1, '*'),
 642  (100, 78, 'Messages', '', '', 4, 'status', NULL, NULL, 1, 'mod_messages', 3, 1, '', 1, '*'),
 643  (101, 79, 'Post Install Messages', '', '', 3, 'status', NULL, NULL, 1, 'mod_post_installation_messages', 3, 1, '', 1, '*'),
 644  (102, 80, 'User Status', '', '', 6, 'status', NULL, NULL, 1, 'mod_user', 3, 1, '', 1, '*'),
 645  (103, 70, 'Site', '', '', 1, 'icon', NULL, NULL, 1, 'mod_quickicon', 1, 1, '{"context":"site_quickicon","header_icon":"icon-desktop","show_users":"1","show_articles":"1","show_categories":"1","show_media":"1","show_menuItems":"1","show_modules":"1","show_plugins":"1","show_templates":"1","layout":"_:default","moduleclass_sfx":"","cache":1,"cache_time":900,"style":"0","module_tag":"div","bootstrap_size":"12","header_tag":"h2","header_class":""}', 1, '*'),
 646  (104, 71, 'System', '', '', 2, 'icon', NULL, NULL, 1, 'mod_quickicon', 1, 1, '{"context":"system_quickicon","header_icon":"icon-wrench","show_global":"1","show_checkin":"1","show_cache":"1","layout":"_:default","moduleclass_sfx":"","cache":1,"cache_time":900,"style":"0","module_tag":"div","bootstrap_size":"12","header_tag":"h2","header_class":""}', 1, '*'),
 647  (105, 82, '3rd Party', '', '', 4, 'icon', NULL, NULL, 1, 'mod_quickicon', 1, 1, '{"context":"mod_quickicon","header_icon":"icon-boxes","load_plugins":"1","layout":"_:default","moduleclass_sfx":"","cache":1,"cache_time":900,"style":"0","module_tag":"div","bootstrap_size":"12","header_tag":"h2","header_class":""}', 1, '*'),
 648  (106, 83, 'Help Dashboard', '', '', 1, 'cpanel-help', NULL, NULL, 1, 'mod_submenu', 1, 0, '{"menutype":"*","preset":"help","layout":"_:default","moduleclass_sfx":"","style":"System-none","module_tag":"div","bootstrap_size":"12","header_tag":"h2","header_class":""}', 1, '*'),
 649  (107, 84, 'Privacy Requests', '', '', 1, 'cpanel-privacy', NULL, NULL, 1, 'mod_privacy_dashboard', 1, 1, '{"layout":"_:default","moduleclass_sfx":"","cache":1,"cache_time":900,"cachemode":"static","style":"0","module_tag":"div","bootstrap_size":"12","header_tag":"h2","header_class":""}', 1, '*'),
 650  (108, 85, 'Privacy Status', '', '', 1, 'cpanel-privacy', NULL, NULL, 1, 'mod_privacy_status', 1, 1, '{"layout":"_:default","moduleclass_sfx":"","cache":1,"cache_time":900,"cachemode":"static","style":"0","module_tag":"div","bootstrap_size":"12","header_tag":"h2","header_class":""}', 1, '*');
 652  SELECT setval('#__modules_id_seq', 109, false);
 654  --
 655  -- Table structure for table `#__modules_menu`
 656  --
 658  CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "#__modules_menu" (
 659    "moduleid" bigint DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
 660    "menuid" bigint DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
 661    PRIMARY KEY ("moduleid", "menuid")
 662  );
 664  --
 665  -- Dumping data for table `#__modules_menu`
 666  --
 668  INSERT INTO "#__modules_menu" ("moduleid", "menuid") VALUES
 669  (1, 0),
 670  (2, 0),
 671  (3, 0),
 672  (4, 0),
 673  (6, 0),
 674  (7, 0),
 675  (8, 0),
 676  (9, 0),
 677  (10, 0),
 678  (12, 0),
 679  (14, 0),
 680  (15, 0),
 681  (16, 0),
 682  (17, 0),
 683  (79, 0),
 684  (86, 0),
 685  (87, 0),
 686  (88, 0),
 687  (89, 0),
 688  (90, 0),
 689  (91, 0),
 690  (92, 0),
 691  (93, 0),
 692  (94, 0),
 693  (95, 0),
 694  (96, 0),
 695  (97, 0),
 696  (98, 0),
 697  (99, 0),
 698  (100, 0),
 699  (101, 0),
 700  (102, 0),
 701  (103, 0),
 702  (104, 0),
 703  (105, 0),
 704  (106, 0),
 705  (107, 0),
 706  (108, 0);
 708  --
 709  -- Table structure for table `#__schemas`
 710  --
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 713    "extension_id" bigint NOT NULL,
 714    "version_id" varchar(20) NOT NULL,
 715    PRIMARY KEY ("extension_id", "version_id")
 716  );
 718  --
 719  -- Table structure for table `#__session`
 720  --
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 726    "time" integer DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
 727    "data" text,
 728    "userid" bigint DEFAULT 0,
 729    "username" varchar(150) DEFAULT '',
 730    PRIMARY KEY ("session_id")
 731  );
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 733  CREATE INDEX "#__session_time" ON "#__session" ("time");
 734  CREATE INDEX "#__session_idx_client_id_guest" ON "#__session" ("client_id", "guest");
 736  --
 737  -- Table structure for table `#__tags`
 738  --
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 750    "description" text NOT NULL,
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 768    "version" bigint DEFAULT 1 NOT NULL,
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 770    "publish_down" timestamp without time zone,
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 772  );
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 775  CREATE INDEX "#__tags_idx_checkout" ON "#__tags" ("checked_out");
 776  CREATE INDEX "#__tags_idx_path" ON "#__tags" ("path");
 777  CREATE INDEX "#__tags_idx_left_right" ON "#__tags" ("lft", "rgt");
 778  CREATE INDEX "#__tags_idx_alias" ON "#__tags" ("alias");
 779  CREATE INDEX "#__tags_idx_language" ON "#__tags" ("language");
 781  --
 782  -- Dumping data for table `#__tags`
 783  --
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 786  (1, 0, 0, 1, 0, '', 'ROOT', 'root', '', '', 1, 1, '', '', '', '', 42, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, '', 42, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, '', '',  0, '*', 1);
 788  SELECT setval('#__tags_id_seq', 2, false);
 790  --
 791  -- Table structure for table `#__template_overrides`
 792  --
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 800    "action" varchar(50) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,
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 803    "modified_date" timestamp without time zone,
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 805  );
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 809  --
 810  -- Table structure for table `#__template_styles`
 811  --
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 820    "parent" varchar(50) DEFAULT '',
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 822    PRIMARY KEY ("id")
 823  );
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 828  --
 829  -- Dumping data for table `#__template_styles`
 830  --
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 832  (10, 'atum', 1, '1', 'Atum - Default', 1, '', '{"hue":"hsl(214, 63%, 20%)","bg-light":"#f0f4fb","text-dark":"#495057","text-light":"#ffffff","link-color":"#2a69b8","special-color":"#001b4c","monochrome":"0","loginLogo":"","loginLogoAlt":"","logoBrandLarge":"","logoBrandLargeAlt":"","logoBrandSmall":"","logoBrandSmallAlt":""}'),
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 835  SELECT setval('#__template_styles_id_seq', 12, false);
 837  --
 838  -- Table structure for table `#__updates`
 839  --
 841  CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "#__updates" (
 842    "update_id" serial NOT NULL,
 843    "update_site_id" bigint DEFAULT 0,
 844    "extension_id" bigint DEFAULT 0,
 845    "name" varchar(100) DEFAULT '',
 846    "description" text NOT NULL,
 847    "element" varchar(100) DEFAULT '',
 848    "type" varchar(20) DEFAULT '',
 849    "folder" varchar(20) DEFAULT '',
 850    "client_id" smallint DEFAULT 0,
 851    "version" varchar(32) DEFAULT '',
 852    "data" text NOT NULL,
 853    "detailsurl" text NOT NULL,
 854    "infourl" text NOT NULL,
 855    "changelogurl" text,
 856    "extra_query" varchar(1000) DEFAULT '',
 857    PRIMARY KEY ("update_id")
 858  );
 860  COMMENT ON TABLE "#__updates" IS 'Available Updates';
 862  --
 863  -- Table structure for table `#__update_sites`
 864  --
 866  CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "#__update_sites" (
 867    "update_site_id" serial NOT NULL,
 868    "name" varchar(100) DEFAULT '',
 869    "type" varchar(20) DEFAULT '',
 870    "location" text NOT NULL,
 871    "enabled" bigint DEFAULT 0,
 872    "last_check_timestamp" bigint DEFAULT 0,
 873    "extra_query" varchar(1000) DEFAULT '',
 874    "checked_out" integer,
 875    "checked_out_time" timestamp without time zone DEFAULT NULL,
 876    PRIMARY KEY ("update_site_id")
 877  );
 879  COMMENT ON TABLE "#__update_sites" IS 'Update Sites';
 881  --
 882  -- Dumping data for table `#__update_sites`
 883  --
 885  INSERT INTO "#__update_sites" ("update_site_id", "name", "type", "location", "enabled", "last_check_timestamp") VALUES
 886  (1, 'Joomla! Core', 'collection', 'https://update.joomla.org/core/list.xml', 1, 0),
 887  (2, 'Accredited Joomla! Translations', 'collection', 'https://update.joomla.org/language/translationlist_4.xml', 1, 0),
 888  (3, 'Joomla! Update Component', 'extension', 'https://update.joomla.org/core/extensions/com_joomlaupdate.xml', 1, 0);
 890  SELECT setval('#__update_sites_update_site_id_seq', 4, false);
 892  --
 893  -- Table structure for table `#__update_sites_extensions`
 894  --
 896  CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "#__update_sites_extensions" (
 897    "update_site_id" bigint DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
 898    "extension_id" bigint DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
 899    PRIMARY KEY ("update_site_id", "extension_id")
 900  );
 902  COMMENT ON TABLE "#__update_sites_extensions" IS 'Links extensions to update sites';
 904  --
 905  -- Dumping data for table `#__update_sites_extensions`
 906  --
 908  INSERT INTO "#__update_sites_extensions" ("update_site_id", "extension_id")
 909  SELECT 1, "extension_id" FROM "#__extensions" WHERE "name" = 'files_joomla';
 910  INSERT INTO "#__update_sites_extensions" ("update_site_id", "extension_id")
 911  SELECT 2, "extension_id" FROM "#__extensions" WHERE "name" = 'English (en-GB) Language Pack';
 912  INSERT INTO "#__update_sites_extensions" ("update_site_id", "extension_id")
 913  SELECT 3, "extension_id" FROM "#__extensions" WHERE "name" = 'com_joomlaupdate';
 915  --
 916  -- Table structure for table `#__usergroups`
 917  --
 919  CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "#__usergroups" (
 920    "id" serial NOT NULL,
 921    "parent_id" bigint DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
 922    "lft" bigint DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
 923    "rgt" bigint DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
 924    "title" varchar(100) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,
 925    PRIMARY KEY ("id"),
 926    CONSTRAINT "#__usergroups_idx_usergroup_parent_title_lookup" UNIQUE ("parent_id", "title")
 927  );
 928  CREATE INDEX "#__usergroups_idx_usergroup_title_lookup" ON "#__usergroups" ("title");
 929  CREATE INDEX "#__usergroups_idx_usergroup_adjacency_lookup" ON "#__usergroups" ("parent_id");
 930  CREATE INDEX "#__usergroups_idx_usergroup_nested_set_lookup" ON "#__usergroups" ("lft", "rgt");
 932  COMMENT ON COLUMN "#__usergroups"."id" IS 'Primary Key';
 933  COMMENT ON COLUMN "#__usergroups"."parent_id" IS 'Adjacency List Reference Id';
 934  COMMENT ON COLUMN "#__usergroups"."lft" IS 'Nested set lft.';
 935  COMMENT ON COLUMN "#__usergroups"."rgt" IS 'Nested set rgt.';
 937  --
 938  -- Dumping data for table `#__usergroups`
 939  --
 941  INSERT INTO "#__usergroups" ("id", "parent_id", "lft", "rgt", "title") VALUES
 942  (1, 0, 1, 18, 'Public'),
 943  (2, 1, 8, 15, 'Registered'),
 944  (3, 2, 9, 14, 'Author'),
 945  (4, 3, 10, 13, 'Editor'),
 946  (5, 4, 11, 12, 'Publisher'),
 947  (6, 1, 4, 7, 'Manager'),
 948  (7, 6, 5, 6, 'Administrator'),
 949  (8, 1, 16, 17, 'Super Users'),
 950  (9, 1, 2, 3, 'Guest');
 952  SELECT setval('#__usergroups_id_seq', 10, false);
 954  --
 955  -- Table structure for table `#__users`
 956  --
 958  CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "#__users" (
 959    "id" serial NOT NULL,
 960    "name" varchar(255) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,
 961    "username" varchar(150) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,
 962    "email" varchar(100) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,
 963    "password" varchar(100) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,
 964    "block" smallint DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
 965    "sendEmail" smallint DEFAULT 0,
 966    "registerDate" timestamp without time zone NOT NULL,
 967    "lastvisitDate" timestamp without time zone,
 968    "activation" varchar(100) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,
 969    "params" text NOT NULL,
 970    "lastResetTime" timestamp without time zone,
 971    "resetCount" bigint DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
 972    "otpKey" varchar(1000) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,
 973    "otep" varchar(1000) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,
 974    "requireReset" smallint DEFAULT 0,
 975    "authProvider" varchar(100) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,
 976    PRIMARY KEY ("id"),
 977    CONSTRAINT "#__users_idx_username" UNIQUE ("username")
 978  );
 979  CREATE INDEX "#__users_idx_name" ON "#__users" ("name");
 980  CREATE INDEX "#__users_idx_block" ON "#__users" ("block");
 981  CREATE INDEX "#__users_email" ON "#__users" ("email");
 982  CREATE INDEX "#__users_email_lower" ON "#__users" (lower("email"));
 984  COMMENT ON COLUMN "#__users"."lastResetTime" IS 'Date of last password reset';
 985  COMMENT ON COLUMN "#__users"."resetCount" IS 'Count of password resets since lastResetTime';
 986  COMMENT ON COLUMN "#__users"."requireReset" IS 'Require user to reset password on next login';
 988  --
 989  -- Table structure for table `#__user_keys`
 990  --
 992  CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "#__user_keys" (
 993    "id" serial NOT NULL,
 994    "user_id" varchar(255) NOT NULL,
 995    "token" varchar(255) NOT NULL,
 996    "series" varchar(255) NOT NULL,
 997    "time" varchar(200) NOT NULL,
 998    "uastring" varchar(255) NOT NULL,
 999    PRIMARY KEY ("id"),
1000      CONSTRAINT "#__user_keys_series" UNIQUE ("series")
1001  );
1002  CREATE INDEX "#__user_keys_idx_user_id" ON "#__user_keys" ("user_id");
1004  --
1005  -- Table structure for table `#__user_notes`
1006  --
1008  CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "#__user_notes" (
1009    "id" serial NOT NULL,
1010    "user_id" integer DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
1011    "catid" integer DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
1012    "subject" varchar(100) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,
1013    "body" text NOT NULL,
1014    "state" smallint DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
1015    "checked_out" integer,
1016    "checked_out_time" timestamp without time zone,
1017    "created_user_id" integer DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
1018    "created_time" timestamp without time zone NOT NULL,
1019    "modified_user_id" integer DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
1020    "modified_time" timestamp without time zone NOT NULL,
1021    "review_time" timestamp without time zone,
1022    "publish_up" timestamp without time zone,
1023    "publish_down" timestamp without time zone,
1024    PRIMARY KEY ("id")
1025  );
1026  CREATE INDEX "#__user_notes_idx_user_id" ON "#__user_notes" ("user_id");
1027  CREATE INDEX "#__user_notes_idx_category_id" ON "#__user_notes" ("catid");
1029  --
1030  -- Table structure for table `#__user_profiles`
1031  --
1033  CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "#__user_profiles" (
1034    "user_id" bigint NOT NULL,
1035    "profile_key" varchar(100) NOT NULL,
1036    "profile_value" text NOT NULL,
1037    "ordering" bigint DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
1038    CONSTRAINT "#__user_profiles_idx_user_id_profile_key" UNIQUE ("user_id", "profile_key")
1039  );
1041  COMMENT ON TABLE "#__user_profiles" IS 'Simple user profile storage table';
1043  --
1044  -- Table structure for table `#__user_mfa`
1045  --
1047  CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "#__user_mfa" (
1048    "id" serial NOT NULL,
1049    "user_id" bigint NOT NULL,
1050    "title" varchar(255) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,
1051    "method" varchar(100) NOT NULL,
1052    "default" smallint DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
1053    "options" text NOT NULL,
1054    "created_on" timestamp without time zone NOT NULL,
1055    "last_used" timestamp without time zone,
1056    PRIMARY KEY ("id")
1057  );
1059  CREATE INDEX "#__user_mfa_idx_user_id" ON "#__user_mfa" ("user_id");
1061  COMMENT ON TABLE "#__user_mfa" IS 'Multi-factor Authentication settings';
1063  --
1064  -- Table structure for table `#__user_usergroup_map`
1065  --
1067  CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "#__user_usergroup_map" (
1068    "user_id" bigint DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
1069    "group_id" bigint DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
1070    PRIMARY KEY ("user_id", "group_id")
1071  );
1073  COMMENT ON COLUMN "#__user_usergroup_map"."user_id" IS 'Foreign Key to #__users.id';
1074  COMMENT ON COLUMN "#__user_usergroup_map"."group_id" IS 'Foreign Key to #__usergroups.id';
1076  --
1077  -- Table structure for table `#__viewlevels`
1078  --
1080  CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "#__viewlevels" (
1081    "id" serial NOT NULL,
1082    "title" varchar(100) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,
1083    "ordering" bigint DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
1084    "rules" varchar(5120) NOT NULL,
1085    PRIMARY KEY ("id"),
1086    CONSTRAINT "#__viewlevels_idx_assetgroup_title_lookup" UNIQUE ("title")
1087  );
1089  COMMENT ON COLUMN "#__viewlevels"."id" IS 'Primary Key';
1090  COMMENT ON COLUMN "#__viewlevels"."rules" IS 'JSON encoded access control.';
1092  --
1093  -- Dumping data for table `#__viewlevels`
1094  --
1096  INSERT INTO "#__viewlevels" ("id", "title", "ordering", "rules") VALUES
1097  (1, 'Public', 0, '[1]'),
1098  (2, 'Registered', 2, '[6,2,8]'),
1099  (3, 'Special', 3, '[6,3,8]'),
1100  (5, 'Guest', 1, '[9]'),
1101  (6, 'Super Users', 4, '[8]');
1103  SELECT setval('#__viewlevels_id_seq', 7, false);
1105  --
1106  -- Table structure for table `#__workflows`
1107  --
1109  CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "#__workflows" (
1110    "id" serial NOT NULL,
1111    "asset_id" bigint DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
1112    "published" smallint DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
1113    "title" varchar(255) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,
1114    "description" text NOT NULL,
1115    "extension" varchar(50) NOT NULL,
1116    "default" smallint NOT NULL  DEFAULT 0,
1117    "ordering" bigint NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
1118    "created" timestamp without time zone NOT NULL,
1119    "created_by" bigint DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
1120    "modified" timestamp without time zone NOT NULL,
1121    "modified_by" bigint DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
1122    "checked_out_time" timestamp without time zone,
1123    "checked_out" integer,
1124    PRIMARY KEY ("id")
1125   );
1127  CREATE INDEX "#__workflows_idx_asset_id" ON "#__workflows" ("asset_id");
1128  CREATE INDEX "#__workflows_idx_title" ON "#__workflows" ("title");
1129  CREATE INDEX "#__workflows_idx_extension" ON "#__workflows" ("extension");
1130  CREATE INDEX "#__workflows_idx_default" ON "#__workflows" ("default");
1131  CREATE INDEX "#__workflows_idx_created" ON "#__workflows" ("created");
1132  CREATE INDEX "#__workflows_idx_created_by" ON "#__workflows" ("created_by");
1133  CREATE INDEX "#__workflows_idx_modified" ON "#__workflows" ("modified");
1134  CREATE INDEX "#__workflows_idx_modified_by" ON "#__workflows" ("modified_by");
1135  CREATE INDEX "#__workflows_idx_checked_out" ON "#__workflows" ("checked_out");
1137  INSERT INTO "#__workflows" ("id", "asset_id", "published", "title", "description", "extension", "default", "ordering", "created", "created_by", "modified", "modified_by") VALUES
1138  (1, 56, 1, 'COM_WORKFLOW_BASIC_WORKFLOW', '', 'com_content.article', 1, 1, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, 42, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, 42);
1140  SELECT setval('#__workflows_id_seq', 2, false);
1142  --
1143  -- Table structure for table `#__workflow_associations`
1144  --
1146  CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "#__workflow_associations" (
1147    "item_id" bigint DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
1148    "stage_id" bigint DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
1149    "extension" varchar(50) NOT NULL,
1150    PRIMARY KEY ("item_id", "extension")
1151  );
1152  CREATE INDEX "#__workflow_associations_idx_item_stage_extension" ON "#__workflow_associations" ("item_id", "stage_id", "extension");
1153  CREATE INDEX "#__workflow_associations_idx_item_id" ON "#__workflow_associations" ("item_id");
1154  CREATE INDEX "#__workflow_associations_idx_stage_id" ON "#__workflow_associations" ("stage_id");
1155  CREATE INDEX "#__workflow_associations_idx_extension" ON "#__workflow_associations" ("extension");
1157  COMMENT ON COLUMN "#__workflow_associations"."item_id" IS 'Extension table id value';
1158  COMMENT ON COLUMN "#__workflow_associations"."stage_id" IS 'Foreign Key to #__workflow_stages.id';
1160  --
1161  -- Table structure for table `#__workflow_stages`
1162  --
1164  CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "#__workflow_stages" (
1165    "id" serial NOT NULL,
1166    "asset_id" bigint DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
1167    "ordering" bigint DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
1168    "workflow_id" bigint DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
1169    "published" smallint NOT NULL  DEFAULT 0,
1170    "title" varchar(255) NOT NULL,
1171    "description" text NOT NULL,
1172    "default" smallint NOT NULL  DEFAULT 0,
1173    "checked_out_time" timestamp without time zone,
1174    "checked_out" integer,
1175    PRIMARY KEY ("id")
1176  );
1177  CREATE INDEX "#__workflow_stages_idx_workflow_id" ON "#__workflow_stages" ("workflow_id");
1178  CREATE INDEX "#__workflow_stages_idx_title" ON "#__workflow_stages" ("title");
1179  CREATE INDEX "#__workflow_stages_idx_asset_id" ON "#__workflow_stages" ("asset_id");
1180  CREATE INDEX "#__workflow_stages_idx_default" ON "#__workflow_stages" ("default");
1181  CREATE INDEX "#__workflow_stages_idx_checked_out" ON "#__workflow_stages" ("checked_out");
1183  --
1184  -- Dumping data for table `#__workflow_stages`
1185  --
1187  INSERT INTO "#__workflow_stages" ("id", "asset_id", "ordering", "workflow_id", "published", "title", "description", "default") VALUES
1188  (1, 57, 1, 1, 1, 'COM_WORKFLOW_BASIC_STAGE', '', 1);
1190  SELECT setval('#__workflow_stages_id_seq', 2, false);
1192  --
1193  -- Table structure for table `#__workflow_transitions`
1194  --
1196  CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "#__workflow_transitions" (
1197    "id" serial NOT NULL,
1198    "asset_id" bigint DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
1199    "ordering" bigint DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
1200    "workflow_id" bigint DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
1201    "published" smallint NOT NULL  DEFAULT 0,
1202    "title" varchar(255) NOT NULL,
1203    "description" text NOT NULL,
1204    "from_stage_id" bigint DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
1205    "to_stage_id" bigint DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
1206    "options" text NOT NULL,
1207    "checked_out_time" timestamp without time zone,
1208    "checked_out" integer,
1209    PRIMARY KEY ("id")
1210   );
1211  CREATE INDEX "#__workflow_transitions_idx_title" ON "#__workflow_transitions" ("title");
1212  CREATE INDEX "#__workflow_transitions_idx_asset_id" ON "#__workflow_transitions" ("asset_id");
1213  CREATE INDEX "#__workflow_transitions_idx_from_stage_id" ON "#__workflow_transitions" ("from_stage_id");
1214  CREATE INDEX "#__workflow_transitions_idx_to_stage_id" ON "#__workflow_transitions" ("to_stage_id");
1215  CREATE INDEX "#__workflow_transitions_idx_workflow_id" ON "#__workflow_transitions" ("workflow_id");
1216  CREATE INDEX "#__workflow_transitions_idx_checked_out" ON "#__workflow_transitions" ("checked_out");
1218  INSERT INTO "#__workflow_transitions" ("id", "asset_id", "published", "ordering", "workflow_id", "title", "description", "from_stage_id", "to_stage_id", "options") VALUES
1219  (1, 58, 1, 1, 1, 'UNPUBLISH', '', -1, 1, '{"publishing":"0"}'),
1220  (2, 59, 1, 2, 1, 'PUBLISH', '', -1, 1, '{"publishing":"1"}'),
1221  (3, 60, 1, 3, 1, 'TRASH', '', -1, 1, '{"publishing":"-2"}'),
1222  (4, 61, 1, 4, 1, 'ARCHIVE', '', -1, 1, '{"publishing":"2"}'),
1223  (5, 62, 1, 5, 1, 'FEATURE', '', -1, 1, '{"featuring":"1"}'),
1224  (6, 63, 1, 6, 1, 'UNFEATURE', '', -1, 1, '{"featuring":"0"}'),
1225  (7, 64, 1, 7, 1, 'PUBLISH_AND_FEATURE', '', -1, 1, '{"publishing":"1","featuring":"1"}');
1227  SELECT setval('#__workflow_transitions_id_seq', 8, false);

Generated: Wed Sep 7 05:41:13 2022 Chilli.vc Blog - For Webmaster,Blog-Writer,System Admin and Domainer