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PHP Cross Reference of Joomla 4.2.2 documentation




/components/com_content/helpers/ -> icon.php (source)

   1  <?php
   3  /**
   4   * @package     Joomla.Site
   5   * @subpackage  com_content
   6   *
   7   * @copyright   (C) 2007 Open Source Matters, Inc. <https://www.joomla.org>
   8   * @license     GNU General Public License version 2 or later; see LICENSE.txt
  10   * @phpcs:disable PSR1.Classes.ClassDeclaration.MissingNamespace
  11   */
  13  use Joomla\CMS\Language\Text;
  14  use Joomla\Registry\Registry;
  16  // phpcs:disable PSR1.Files.SideEffects
  17  \defined('_JEXEC') or die;
  18  // phpcs:enable PSR1.Files.SideEffects
  20  /**
  21   * Content Component HTML Helper
  22   *
  23   * @since       1.5
  24   * @deprecated  5.0 Use the class \Joomla\Component\Content\Administrator\Service\HTML\Icon instead
  25   */
  26  abstract class JHtmlIcon
  27  {
  28      /**
  29       * Method to generate a link to the create item page for the given category
  30       *
  31       * @param   object    $category  The category information
  32       * @param   Registry  $params    The item parameters
  33       * @param   array     $attribs   Optional attributes for the link
  34       * @param   boolean   $legacy    True to use legacy images, false to use icomoon based graphic
  35       *
  36       * @return  string  The HTML markup for the create item link
  37       *
  38       * @deprecated 5.0 Use the class \Joomla\Component\Content\Administrator\Service\HTML\Icon instead
  39       */
  40      public static function create($category, $params, $attribs = array(), $legacy = false)
  41      {
  42          return self::getIcon()->create($category, $params, $attribs, $legacy);
  43      }
  45      /**
  46       * Display an edit icon for the article.
  47       *
  48       * This icon will not display in a popup window, nor if the article is trashed.
  49       * Edit access checks must be performed in the calling code.
  50       *
  51       * @param   object    $article  The article information
  52       * @param   Registry  $params   The item parameters
  53       * @param   array     $attribs  Optional attributes for the link
  54       * @param   boolean   $legacy   True to use legacy images, false to use icomoon based graphic
  55       *
  56       * @return  string  The HTML for the article edit icon.
  57       *
  58       * @since   1.6
  59       *
  60       * @deprecated 5.0 Use the class \Joomla\Component\Content\Administrator\Service\HTML\Icon instead
  61       */
  62      public static function edit($article, $params, $attribs = array(), $legacy = false)
  63      {
  64          return self::getIcon()->edit($article, $params, $attribs, $legacy);
  65      }
  67      /**
  68       * Method to generate a popup link to print an article
  69       *
  70       * @param   object    $article  The article information
  71       * @param   Registry  $params   The item parameters
  72       * @param   array     $attribs  Optional attributes for the link
  73       * @param   boolean   $legacy   True to use legacy images, false to use icomoon based graphic
  74       *
  75       * @return  string  The HTML markup for the popup link
  76       *
  77       * @deprecated 5.0 Use the class \Joomla\Component\Content\Administrator\Service\HTML\Icon instead
  78       */
  79      public static function print_popup($article, $params, $attribs = array(), $legacy = false)
  80      {
  81          throw new \Exception(Text::_('COM_CONTENT_ERROR_PRINT_POPUP'));
  82      }
  84      /**
  85       * Method to generate a link to print an article
  86       *
  87       * @param   object    $article  Not used, @deprecated for 4.0
  88       * @param   Registry  $params   The item parameters
  89       * @param   array     $attribs  Not used, @deprecated for 4.0
  90       * @param   boolean   $legacy   True to use legacy images, false to use icomoon based graphic
  91       *
  92       * @return  string  The HTML markup for the popup link
  93       *
  94       * @deprecated 5.0 Use the class \Joomla\Component\Content\Administrator\Service\HTML\Icon instead
  95       */
  96      public static function print_screen($article, $params, $attribs = array(), $legacy = false)
  97      {
  98          return self::getIcon()->print_screen($params, $legacy);
  99      }
 101      /**
 102       * Creates an icon instance.
 103       *
 104       * @return  \Joomla\Component\Content\Administrator\Service\HTML\Icon
 105       */
 106      private static function getIcon()
 107      {
 108          return (new \Joomla\Component\Content\Administrator\Service\HTML\Icon(Joomla\CMS\Factory::getApplication()));
 109      }
 110  }

Generated: Wed Sep 7 05:41:13 2022 Chilli.vc Blog - For Webmaster,Blog-Writer,System Admin and Domainer