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PHP Cross Reference of Joomla 4.2.2 documentation




/administrator/components/com_users/src/Model/ -> CaptiveModel.php (summary)

(no description)

Copyright: (C) 2022 Open Source Matters, Inc.
License: GNU General Public License version 2 or later; see LICENSE.txt
File Size: 415 lines (12 kb)
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Defines 1 class

CaptiveModel:: (11 methods):

Class: CaptiveModel  - X-Ref

Captive Multi-factor Authentication page's model

suppressAllModules(CMSApplication $app = null)   X-Ref
Prevents Joomla from displaying any modules.

This is implemented with a trick. If you use jdoc tags to load modules the JDocumentRendererHtmlModules
uses JModuleHelper::getModules() to load the list of modules to render. This goes through JModuleHelper::load()
which triggers the onAfterModuleList event after cleaning up the module list from duplicates. By resetting
the list to an empty array we force Joomla to not display any modules.

Similar code paths are followed by any canonical code which tries to load modules. So even if your template does
not use jdoc tags this code will still work as expected.

param: CMSApplication|null  $app  The CMS application to manipulate
return: void

getRecords(User $user = null, bool $includeBackupCodes = false)   X-Ref
Get the MFA records for the user which correspond to active plugins

param: User|null  $user                The user for which to fetch records. Skip to use the current user.
param: bool       $includeBackupCodes  Should I include the backup codes record?
return: array

getActiveMethodNames()   X-Ref
No description

getRecord(?User $user = null)   X-Ref
Get the currently selected MFA record for the current user. If the record ID is empty, it does not correspond to
the currently logged in user or does not correspond to an active plugin null is returned instead.

param: User|null  $user  The user for which to fetch records. Skip to use the current user.
return: MfaTable|null

loadCaptiveRenderOptions(?MfaTable $record)   X-Ref
Load the Captive login page render options for a specific MFA record

param: MfaTable  $record  The MFA record to process
return: CaptiveRenderOptions  The rendering options

getPageTitle()   X-Ref
Returns the title to display in the Captive login page, or an empty string if no title is to be displayed.

return: string

translateMethodName(string $name)   X-Ref
Translate a MFA Method's name into its human-readable, display name

param: string  $name  The internal MFA Method name
return: string

getMethodImage(string $name)   X-Ref
Translate a MFA Method's name into the relative URL if its logo image

param: string  $name  The internal MFA Method name
return: string

onAfterModuleList(Event $event)   X-Ref
Process the modules list on Joomla! 4.

Joomla! 4.x is passing an Event object. The first argument of the event object is the array of modules. After
filtering it we have to overwrite the event argument (NOT just return the new list of modules). If a future
version of Joomla! uses immutable events we'll have to use Reflection to do that or Joomla! would have to fix
the way this event is handled, taking its return into account. For now, we just abuse the mutable event
properties - a feature of the event objects we discussed in the Joomla! 4 Working Group back in August 2015.

param: Event  $event  The Joomla! event object
return: void

filterModules(array &$modules)   X-Ref
This is the Method which actually filters the sites modules based on the allowed module positions specified by
the user.

param: array  $modules  The list of the site's modules. Passed by reference.
return: void  The by-reference value is modified instead.

getAllowedModulePositions()   X-Ref
Get a list of module positions we are allowed to display

return: array

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