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/administrator/components/com_users/src/Controller/ -> MethodController.php (summary)

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License: GNU General Public License version 2 or later; see LICENSE.txt
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Defines 1 class

MethodController:: (12 methods):

Class: MethodController  - X-Ref

Multi-factor Authentication method controller

__construct(array $config = [], MVCFactoryInterface $factory = null, ?CMSApplication $app = null, ?Input $input = null)   X-Ref
Public constructor

param: array                     $config   Plugin configuration
param: MVCFactoryInterface|null  $factory  MVC Factory for the com_users component
param: CMSApplication|null       $app      CMS application object
param: Input|null                $input    Joomla CMS input object

execute($task)   X-Ref
Execute a task by triggering a Method in the derived class.

param: string  $task    The task to perform. If no matching task is found, the '__default' task is executed, if
return: mixed   The value returned by the called Method.

add($cachable = false, $urlparams = [])   X-Ref
Add a new MFA Method

param: boolean        $cachable   Ignored. This page is never cached.
param: boolean|array  $urlparams  Ignored. This page is never cached.
return: void

edit($cachable = false, $urlparams = [])   X-Ref
Edit an existing MFA Method

param: boolean        $cachable   Ignored. This page is never cached.
param: boolean|array  $urlparams  Ignored. This page is never cached.
return: void

regenerateBackupCodes($cachable = false, $urlparams = [])   X-Ref
Regenerate backup codes

param: boolean        $cachable   Ignored. This page is never cached.
param: boolean|array  $urlparams  Ignored. This page is never cached.
return: void

delete($cachable = false, $urlparams = [])   X-Ref
Delete an existing MFA Method

param: boolean        $cachable   Ignored. This page is never cached.
param: boolean|array  $urlparams  Ignored. This page is never cached.
return: void

save($cachable = false, $urlparams = [])   X-Ref
Save the MFA Method

param: boolean        $cachable   Ignored. This page is never cached.
param: boolean|array  $urlparams  Ignored. This page is never cached.
return: void

assertValidRecordId($id, ?User $user = null)   X-Ref
Assert that the provided ID is a valid record identified for the given user

param: int        $id    Record ID to check
param: User|null  $user  User record. Null to use current user.
return: MfaTable  The loaded record

assertCanEdit(?User $user = null)   X-Ref
Assert that the user can add / edit MFA methods.

param: User|null  $user  User record. Null to use current user.
return: void

assertCanDelete(?User $user = null)   X-Ref
Assert that the user can delete MFA records / disable MFA.

param: User|null  $user  User record. Null to use current user.
return: void

assertMethodExists(?string $method)   X-Ref
Assert that the specified MFA Method exists, is activated and enabled for the current user

param: string|null  $method  The Method to check
return: void

assertLoggedInUser()   X-Ref
Assert that there is a logged in user.

return: void

Generated: Wed Sep 7 05:41:13 2022 Chilli.vc Blog - For Webmaster,Blog-Writer,System Admin and Domainer