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/administrator/components/com_scheduler/src/Scheduler/ -> Scheduler.php (summary)

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Defines 1 class

Scheduler:: (5 methods):

Class: Scheduler  - X-Ref

The Scheduler class provides the core functionality of ComScheduler.
Currently, this includes fetching scheduled tasks from the database
and execution of any or the next due task.
It is planned that this class is extended with C[R]UD methods for
scheduled tasks.

runTask(array $options)   X-Ref
Run a scheduled task.
Runs a single due task from the task queue by default if $id and $title are not passed.

param: array  $options  Array with options to configure the method's behavior. Supports:
return: ?Task  The task executed or null if not exists

configureTaskRunnerOptions(OptionsResolver $resolver)   X-Ref
Set up an {@see OptionsResolver} to resolve options compatible with {@see runTask}.

param: OptionsResolver  $resolver  The {@see OptionsResolver} instance to set up.
return: void

getTask(array $options = [])   X-Ref
Get the next task which is due to run, limit to a specific task when ID is given

param: array  $options  Options for the getter, see {@see TaskModel::getTask()}.
return: Task $task The task to execute

fetchTaskRecord(int $id = 0, bool $allowDisabled = false)   X-Ref
Fetches a single scheduled task in a Task instance.
If no id or title is specified, a due task is returned.

param: int   $id             The task ID.
param: bool  $allowDisabled  Allow disabled/trashed tasks?
return: ?object  A matching task record, if it exists

fetchTaskRecords(array $filters, array $listConfig)   X-Ref

param: array  $filters     The filters to set to the model
param: array  $listConfig  The list config (ordering, etc.) to set to the model
return: array

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