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PHP Cross Reference of Joomla 4.2.2 documentation




/administrator/components/com_joomlaupdate/src/Model/ -> UpdateModel.php (summary)

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Copyright: (C) 2012 Open Source Matters, Inc.
License: GNU General Public License version 2 or later; see LICENSE.txt
File Size: 1713 lines (59 kb)
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Defines 1 class

UpdateModel:: (32 methods):

Class: UpdateModel  - X-Ref

Joomla! update overview Model

applyUpdateSite()   X-Ref
Detects if the Joomla! update site currently in use matches the one
configured in this component. If they don't match, it changes it.

return: void

refreshUpdates($force = false)   X-Ref
Makes sure that the Joomla! update cache is up-to-date.

param: boolean  $force  Force reload, ignoring the cache timeout.
return: void

getCheckForSelfUpdate()   X-Ref
Makes sure that the Joomla! Update Component Update is in the database and check if there is a new version.

return: boolean  True if there is an update else false

getUpdateInformation()   X-Ref
Returns an array with the Joomla! update information.

return: array

purge()   X-Ref
Removes all of the updates from the table and enable all update streams.

return: boolean  Result of operation.

download()   X-Ref
Downloads the update package to the site.

return: array

isChecksumValid($packagefile, $updateObject)   X-Ref
Return the result of the checksum of a package with the SHA256/SHA384/SHA512 tags in the update server manifest

param: string  $packagefile   Location of the package to be installed
param: Update  $updateObject  The Update Object
return: boolean  False in case the validation did not work; true in any other case.

downloadPackage($url, $target)   X-Ref
Downloads a package file to a specific directory

param: string  $url     The URL to download from
param: string  $target  The directory to store the file
return: boolean True on success

createRestorationFile($basename = null)   X-Ref
Backwards compatibility. Use createUpdateFile() instead.

param: null  $basename The basename of the file to create
return: boolean

createUpdateFile($basename = null)   X-Ref
Create the update.php file and trigger onJoomlaBeforeUpdate event.

The onJoomlaBeforeUpdate event stores the core files for which overrides have been defined.
This will be compared in the onJoomlaAfterUpdate event with the current filesystem state,
thereby determining how many and which overrides need to be checked and possibly updated
after Joomla installed an update.

param: string  $basename  Optional base path to the file.
return: boolean True if successful; false otherwise.

finaliseUpgrade()   X-Ref
Finalise the upgrade.

This method will do the following:
* Run the schema update SQL files.
* Run the Joomla post-update script.
* Update the manifest cache and #__extensions entry for Joomla itself.

It performs essentially the same function as InstallerFile::install() without the file copy.

return: boolean True on success.

cleanUp()   X-Ref
Removes the extracted package file and trigger onJoomlaAfterUpdate event.

The onJoomlaAfterUpdate event compares the stored list of files previously overridden with
the updated core files, finding out which files have changed during the update, thereby
determining how many and which override files need to be checked and possibly updated after
the Joomla update.

return: void

upload()   X-Ref
Uploads what is presumably an update ZIP file under a mangled name in the temporary directory.

return: void

captiveLogin($credentials)   X-Ref
Checks the super admin credentials are valid for the currently logged in users

param: array  $credentials  The credentials to authenticate the user with
return: boolean

captiveFileExists()   X-Ref
Does the captive (temporary) file we uploaded before still exist?

return: boolean

removePackageFiles()   X-Ref
Remove the captive (temporary) file we uploaded before and the .

return: void

getPhpOptions()   X-Ref
Gets PHP options.

return: array Array of PHP config options

getPhpSettings()   X-Ref
Gets PHP Settings.

return: array

getConfiguredDatabaseType()   X-Ref
Returns the configured database type id (mysqli or sqlsrv or ...)

return: string

isDatabaseTypeSupported()   X-Ref
Returns true, if J! version is < 4 or current configured
database type is compatible with the update.

return: boolean

isPhpVersionSupported()   X-Ref
Returns true, if current installed php version is compatible with the update.

return: boolean

getTargetMinimumPHPVersion()   X-Ref
Returns the PHP minimum version for the update.
Returns JOOMLA_MINIMUM_PHP, if there is no information given.

return: string

getIniParserAvailability()   X-Ref
Checks the availability of the parse_ini_file and parse_ini_string functions.

return: boolean  True if the method exists.

getDatabaseSchemaCheck()   X-Ref
Check if database structure is up to date

return: boolean  True if ok, false if not.

getNonCoreExtensions()   X-Ref
Gets an array containing all installed extensions, that are not core extensions.

return: array  name,version,updateserver

getNonCorePlugins($folderFilter = ['system','user','authentication','actionlog','multifactorauth'])   X-Ref
Gets an array containing all installed and enabled plugins, that are not core plugins.

param: array  $folderFilter  Limit the list of plugins to a specific set of folder values
return: array  name,version,updateserver

fetchCompatibility($extensionID, $joomlaTargetVersion)   X-Ref
Called by controller's fetchExtensionCompatibility, which is called via AJAX.

param: string  $extensionID          The ID of the checked extension
param: string  $joomlaTargetVersion  Target version of Joomla
return: object

getUpdateSitesInfo($extensionID)   X-Ref
Returns records with update sites and extension information for a given extension ID.

param: int  $extensionID  The extension ID
return: array

getCollectionDetailsUrls($updateSiteInfo, $joomlaTargetVersion)   X-Ref
Method to get details URLs from a collection update site for given extension and Joomla target version.

param: array   $updateSiteInfo       The update site and extension information record to process
param: string  $joomlaTargetVersion  The Joomla! version to test against,
return: array  An array of URLs.

checkCompatibility($updateFileUrl, $joomlaTargetVersion)   X-Ref
Method to check non core extensions for compatibility.

param: string  $updateFileUrl        The items update XML url.
param: string  $joomlaTargetVersion  The Joomla! version to test against
return: array  An array of strings with compatible version numbers

translateExtensionName(&$item)   X-Ref
Translates an extension name

param: object  &$item  The extension of which the name needs to be translated
return: void

isTemplateActive($template)   X-Ref
Checks whether a given template is active

param: string  $template  The template name to be checked
return: boolean

Generated: Wed Sep 7 05:41:13 2022 Chilli.vc Blog - For Webmaster,Blog-Writer,System Admin and Domainer