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PHP Cross Reference of Joomla 4.2.2 documentation




/administrator/components/com_joomlaupdate/ -> finalisation.php (summary)

(no description)

Copyright: (C) 2016 Open Source Matters, Inc.
License: GNU General Public License version 2 or later; see LICENSE.txt
File Size: 267 lines (9 kb)
Included or required:0 times
Referenced: 0 times
Includes or requires: 0 files

Defines 9 functions


Functions that are not part of a class:

jimport(string $path, ?string $base = null)   X-Ref
This is deprecated but it may still be used in the update finalisation script.

param: string  $path  Ignored.
param: string  $base  Ignored.
return: boolean  Always true.

finalizeUpdate(string $siteRoot, string $restorePath)   X-Ref
Run part of the Joomla! finalisation script, namely the part that cleans up unused files/folders

param: string  $siteRoot     The root to the Joomla! site
param: string  $restorePath  The base path to extract.php
return: void

exists(string $fileName)   X-Ref
Proxies checking a file exists to the native php version

param: string  $fileName  The path to the file to be checked
return: boolean

delete(string $fileName)   X-Ref
Delete a file and invalidate the PHP OPcache

param: string  $fileName  The path to the file to be deleted
return: boolean

move(string $src, string $dest)   X-Ref
Rename a file and invalidate the PHP OPcache

param: string  $src   The path to the source file
param: string  $dest  The path to the destination file
return: boolean  True on success

invalidateFileCache($filepath, $force = true)   X-Ref
Invalidate opcache for a newly written/deleted file immediately, if opcache* functions exist and if this was a PHP file.

param: string  $filepath   The path to the file just written to, to flush from opcache
param: boolean $force      If set to true, the script will be invalidated regardless of whether invalidation is necessary
return: boolean TRUE if the opcode cache for script was invalidated/nothing to invalidate,

exists(string $folderName)   X-Ref
Proxies checking a folder exists to the native php version

param: string  $folderName  The path to the folder to be checked
return: boolean

delete(string $folderName)   X-Ref
Delete a folder recursively and invalidate the PHP OPcache

param: string  $folderName  The path to the folder to be deleted
return: boolean

sprintf(string $text)   X-Ref
No need for translations in a non-interactive script, so always return an empty string here

param: string  $text  A language constant
return: string

Generated: Wed Sep 7 05:41:13 2022 Chilli.vc Blog - For Webmaster,Blog-Writer,System Admin and Domainer