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/administrator/components/com_installer/src/Model/ -> UpdateModel.php (summary)

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Copyright: (C) 2008 Open Source Matters, Inc.
License: GNU General Public License version 2 or later; see LICENSE.txt
File Size: 615 lines (21 kb)
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Defines 1 class

UpdateModel:: (14 methods):

Class: UpdateModel  - X-Ref

Installer Update Model

__construct($config = array()   X-Ref

param: array                $config   An optional associative array of configuration settings.
param: MVCFactoryInterface  $factory  The factory.

populateState($ordering = 'u.name', $direction = 'asc')   X-Ref
Method to auto-populate the model state.

Note. Calling getState in this method will result in recursion.

param: string  $ordering   An optional ordering field.
param: string  $direction  An optional direction (asc|desc).
return: void

getListQuery()   X-Ref
Method to get the database query

return: \Joomla\Database\DatabaseQuery  The database query

translate(&$items)   X-Ref
Translate a list of objects

param: array  $items  The array of objects
return: array The array of translated objects

_getList($query, $limitstart = 0, $limit = 0)   X-Ref
Returns an object list

param: DatabaseQuery  $query       The query
param: int            $limitstart  Offset
param: int            $limit       The number of records
return: array

getDisabledUpdateSites()   X-Ref
Get the count of disabled update sites

return: integer

findUpdates($eid = 0, $cacheTimeout = 0, $minimumStability = Updater::STABILITY_STABLE)   X-Ref
Finds updates for an extension.

param: int  $eid               Extension identifier to look for
param: int  $cacheTimeout      Cache timeout
param: int  $minimumStability  Minimum stability for updates {@see Updater} (0=dev, 1=alpha, 2=beta, 3=rc, 4=stable)
return: boolean Result

purge()   X-Ref
Removes all of the updates from the table.

return: boolean result of operation

update($uids, $minimumStability = Updater::STABILITY_STABLE)   X-Ref
Update function.

Sets the "result" state with the result of the operation.

param: int[]  $uids              List of updates to apply
param: int    $minimumStability  The minimum allowed stability for installed updates {@see Updater}
return: void

install($update)   X-Ref
Handles the actual update installation.

param: Update  $update  An update definition
return: boolean   Result of install

getForm($data = array()   X-Ref
Method to get the row form.

param: array    $data      Data for the form.
param: boolean  $loadData  True if the form is to load its own data (default case), false if not.
return: Form|bool  A Form object on success, false on failure

loadFormData()   X-Ref
Method to get the data that should be injected in the form.

return: mixed  The data for the form.

preparePreUpdate($update, $table)   X-Ref
Method to add parameters to the update

param: Update                    $update  An update definition
param: \Joomla\CMS\Table\Update  $table   The update instance from the database
return: void

getEmptyStateQuery()   X-Ref
Manipulate the query to be used to evaluate if this is an Empty State to provide specific conditions for this extension.

return: DatabaseQuery

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