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/administrator/components/com_finder/src/Indexer/ -> Result.php (summary)

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Copyright: (C) 2011 Open Source Matters, Inc.
License: GNU General Public License version 2 or later; see LICENSE.txt
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Defines 1 class

Result:: (19 methods):

Class: Result  - X-Ref

Result class for the Finder indexer package.

This class uses magic __get() and __set() methods to prevent properties
being added that might confuse the system. All properties not explicitly
declared will be pushed into the elements array and can be accessed
explicitly using the getElement() method.

__construct()   X-Ref

__set($name, $value)   X-Ref
The magic set method is used to push additional values into the elements
array in order to preserve the cleanliness of the object.

param: string  $name   The name of the element.
param: mixed   $value  The value of the element.
return: void

__get($name)   X-Ref
The magic get method is used to retrieve additional element values from the elements array.

param: string  $name  The name of the element.
return: mixed  The value of the element if set, null otherwise.

__isset($name)   X-Ref
The magic isset method is used to check the state of additional element values in the elements array.

param: string  $name  The name of the element.
return: boolean  True if set, false otherwise.

__unset($name)   X-Ref
The magic unset method is used to unset additional element values in the elements array.

param: string  $name  The name of the element.
return: void

getElement($name)   X-Ref
Method to retrieve additional element values from the elements array.

param: string  $name  The name of the element.
return: mixed  The value of the element if set, null otherwise.

getElements()   X-Ref
Method to retrieve all elements.

return: array  The elements

setElement($name, $value)   X-Ref
Method to set additional element values in the elements array.

param: string  $name   The name of the element.
param: mixed   $value  The value of the element.
return: void

getInstructions()   X-Ref
Method to get all processing instructions.

return: array  An array of processing instructions.

addInstruction($group, $property)   X-Ref
Method to add a processing instruction for an item property.

param: string  $group     The group to associate the property with.
param: string  $property  The property to process.
return: void

removeInstruction($group, $property)   X-Ref
Method to remove a processing instruction for an item property.

param: string  $group     The group to associate the property with.
param: string  $property  The property to process.
return: void

getTaxonomy($branch = null)   X-Ref
Method to get the taxonomy maps for an item.

param: string  $branch  The taxonomy branch to get. [optional]
return: array  An array of taxonomy maps.

addTaxonomy($branch, $title, $state = 1, $access = 1, $language = '')   X-Ref
Method to add a taxonomy map for an item.

param: string   $branch    The title of the taxonomy branch to add the node to.
param: string   $title     The title of the taxonomy node.
param: integer  $state     The published state of the taxonomy node. [optional]
param: integer  $access    The access level of the taxonomy node. [optional]
param: string   $language  The language of the taxonomy. [optional]
return: void

addNestedTaxonomy($branch, ImmutableNodeInterface $contentNode, $state = 1, $access = 1, $language = '')   X-Ref
Method to add a nested taxonomy map for an item.

param: string                  $branch       The title of the taxonomy branch to add the node to.
param: ImmutableNodeInterface  $contentNode  The node object.
param: integer                 $state        The published state of the taxonomy node. [optional]
param: integer                 $access       The access level of the taxonomy node. [optional]
param: string                  $language     The language of the taxonomy. [optional]
return: void

setLanguage()   X-Ref
Method to set the item language

return: void

serialize()   X-Ref
Helper function to serialise the data of a Result object

return: string  The serialised data

unserialize($serialized)   X-Ref
Helper function to unserialise the data for this object

param: string  $serialized  Serialised data to unserialise
return: void

__serialize()   X-Ref
Magic method used for serializing.

__unserialize(array $serialized)   X-Ref
Magic method used for unserializing.

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