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/administrator/components/com_finder/src/Indexer/Language/ -> El.php (summary)

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Copyright: (C) 2018 Open Source Matters, Inc.
License: GNU General Public License version 2 or later; see LICENSE.txt
File Size: 934 lines (40 kb)
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Defines 1 class

El:: (5 methods):

Class: El  - X-Ref

Greek language support class for the Finder indexer package.

__construct($locale = null)   X-Ref
Method to construct the language object.

tokenise($input)   X-Ref
Method to tokenise a text string. It takes into account the odd punctuation commonly used in Greek text, mapping
it to ASCII punctuation.

Reference: http://www.teicrete.gr/users/kutrulis/Glosika/Stixi.htm

param: string $input The input to tokenise.
return: array  An array of term strings.

stem($token)   X-Ref
Method to stem a token.

param: string  $token  The token to stem.
return: string  The stemmed token.

toUpperCase($token, &$wCase)   X-Ref
Converts the token to uppercase, suppressing accents and diaeresis. The array $wCase contains a special map of
the uppercase rule used to convert each character at each position.

param: string  $token   Token to process
param: array   &$wCase  Map of uppercase rules
return: string

toLowerCase($token, $wCase)   X-Ref
Converts the suppressed uppercase token back to lowercase, using the $wCase map to add back the accents,
diaeresis and handle the special case of final sigma (different lowercase glyph than the regular sigma, only
used at the end of words).

param: string  $token  Token to process
param: array   $wCase  Map of lowercase rules
return: string

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