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/administrator/components/com_finder/src/Indexer/ -> Helper.php (summary)

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License: GNU General Public License version 2 or later; see LICENSE.txt
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Defines 1 class

Helper:: (10 methods):

Class: Helper  - X-Ref

Helper class for the Finder indexer package.

parse($input, $format = 'html')   X-Ref
Method to parse input into plain text.

param: string  $input   The raw input.
param: string  $format  The format of the input. [optional]
return: string  The parsed input.

tokenize($input, $lang, $phrase = false)   X-Ref
Method to tokenize a text string.

param: string   $input   The input to tokenize.
param: string   $lang    The language of the input.
param: boolean  $phrase  Flag to indicate whether input could be a phrase. [optional]
return: Token[]  An array of Token objects.

stem($token, $lang)   X-Ref
Method to get the base word of a token.

param: string  $token  The token to stem.
param: string  $lang   The language of the token.
return: string  The root token.

addContentType($title, $mime = null)   X-Ref
Method to add a content type to the database.

param: string  $title  The type of content. For example: PDF
param: string  $mime   The mime type of the content. For example: PDF [optional]
return: integer  The id of the content type.

isCommon($token, $lang)   X-Ref
Method to check if a token is common in a language.

param: string  $token  The token to test.
param: string  $lang   The language to reference.
return: boolean  True if common, false otherwise.

getCommonWords($lang)   X-Ref
Method to get an array of common terms for a language.

param: string  $lang  The language to use.
return: array  Array of common terms.

getDefaultLanguage()   X-Ref
Method to get the default language for the site.

return: string  The default language string.

getPrimaryLanguage($lang)   X-Ref
Method to parse a language/locale key and return a simple language string.

param: string  $lang  The language/locale key. For example: en-GB
return: string  The simple language string. For example: en

getContentExtras(Result $item)   X-Ref
Method to get extra data for a content before being indexed. This is how
we add Comments, Tags, Labels, etc. that should be available to Finder.

param: Result  $item  The item to index as a Result object.
return: boolean  True on success, false on failure.

prepareContent($text, $params = null, Result $item = null)   X-Ref
Method to process content text using the onContentPrepare event trigger.

param: string    $text    The content to process.
param: Registry  $params  The parameters object. [optional]
param: Result    $item    The item which get prepared. [optional]
return: string  The processed content.

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