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/administrator/components/com_contenthistory/src/Helper/ -> ContenthistoryHelper.php (summary)

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Defines 1 class

ContenthistoryHelper:: (10 methods):

Class: ContenthistoryHelper  - X-Ref

Categories helper.

createObjectArray($object)   X-Ref
Method to put all field names, including nested ones, in a single array for easy lookup.

param: \stdClass  $object  Standard class object that may contain one level of nested objects.
return: array  Associative array of all field names, including ones in a nested object.

decodeFields($jsonString)   X-Ref
Method to decode JSON-encoded fields in a standard object. Used to unpack JSON strings in the content history data column.

param: string  $jsonString  JSON String to convert to an object.
return: \stdClass  Object with any JSON-encoded fields unpacked.

getFormValues($object, ContentType $typesTable)   X-Ref
Method to get field labels for the fields in the JSON-encoded object.
First we see if we can find translatable labels for the fields in the object.
We translate any we can find and return an array in the format object->name => label.

param: \stdClass    $object      Standard class object in the format name->value.
param: ContentType  $typesTable  Table object with content history options.
return: \stdClass  Contains two associative arrays.

getFormFile(ContentType $typesTable)   X-Ref
Method to get the XML form file for this component. Used to get translated field names for history preview.

param: ContentType  $typesTable  Table object with content history options.
return: mixed  \JModel object if successful, false if no model found.

getLookupValue($lookup, $value)   X-Ref
Method to query the database using values from lookup objects.

param: \stdClass  $lookup  The std object with the values needed to do the query.
param: mixed      $value   The value used to find the matching title or name. Typically the id.
return: mixed  Value from database (for example, name or title) on success, false on failure.

hideFields($object, ContentType $typeTable)   X-Ref
Method to remove fields from the object based on values entered in the #__content_types table.

param: \stdClass    $object     Object to be passed to view layout file.
param: ContentType  $typeTable  Table object with content history options.
return: \stdClass  object with hidden fields removed.

loadLanguageFiles($typeAlias)   X-Ref
Method to load the language files for the component whose history is being viewed.

param: string  $typeAlias  The type alias, for example 'com_content.article'.
return: void

mergeLabels($object, $formValues)   X-Ref
Method to create object to pass to the layout. Format is as follows:
field is std object with name, value.

Value can be a std object with name, value pairs.

param: \stdClass  $object      The std object from the JSON string. Can be nested 1 level deep.
param: \stdClass  $formValues  Standard class of label and value in an associative array.
return: \stdClass  Object with translated labels where available

prepareData(ContentHistory $table)   X-Ref
Method to prepare the object for the preview and compare views.

param: ContentHistory  $table  Table object loaded with data.
return: \stdClass  Object ready for the views.

processLookupFields($object, ContentType $typesTable)   X-Ref
Method to process any lookup values found in the content_history_options column for this table.
This allows category title and user name to be displayed instead of the id column.

param: \stdClass    $object      The std object from the JSON string. Can be nested 1 level deep.
param: ContentType  $typesTable  Table object loaded with data.
return: \stdClass  Object with lookup values inserted.

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