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PHP Cross Reference of Joomla 4.2.2 documentation




/administrator/components/com_admin/sql/updates/postgresql/ -> 4.1.0-2021-11-20.sql (source)

   1  --
   2  -- Table structure for table "#__scheduler_tasks"
   3  --
   5  CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "#__scheduler_tasks" (
   6    "id" serial NOT NULL,
   7    "asset_id" bigint DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
   8    "title" varchar(255) NOT NULL,
   9    "type" varchar(128) NOT NULL,
  10    "execution_rules" text,
  11    "cron_rules" text,
  12    "state" smallint DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
  13    "last_exit_code" integer DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
  14    "last_execution" timestamp without time zone,
  15    "next_execution" timestamp without time zone,
  16    "times_executed" integer DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
  17    "times_failed" integer DEFAULT 0,
  18    "locked" timestamp without time zone,
  19    "priority" smallint DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
  20    "ordering" bigint DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
  21    "cli_exclusive" smallint DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
  22    "params" text NOT NULL,
  23    "note" text,
  24    "created" timestamp without time zone NOT NULL,
  25    "created_by" bigint DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
  26    "checked_out" integer,
  27    "checked_out_time" timestamp without time zone,
  28    PRIMARY KEY ("id")
  29  );
  31  -- The following 8 statements were modified for 4.1.1 by adding the "/** CAN FAIL **/" installer hint.
  32  -- See https://github.com/joomla/joomla-cms/pull/37156
  33  CREATE INDEX "#__scheduler_tasks_idx_type" ON "#__scheduler_tasks" ("type") /** CAN FAIL **/;
  34  CREATE INDEX "#__scheduler_tasks_idx_state" ON "#__scheduler_tasks" ("state") /** CAN FAIL **/;
  35  CREATE INDEX "#__scheduler_tasks_idx_last_exit" ON "#__scheduler_tasks" ("last_exit_code") /** CAN FAIL **/;
  36  CREATE INDEX "#__scheduler_tasks_idx_next_exec" ON "#__scheduler_tasks" ("next_execution") /** CAN FAIL **/;
  37  CREATE INDEX "#__scheduler_tasks_idx_locked" ON "#__scheduler_tasks" ("locked") /** CAN FAIL **/;
  38  CREATE INDEX "#__scheduler_tasks_idx_priority" ON "#__scheduler_tasks" ("priority") /** CAN FAIL **/;
  39  CREATE INDEX "#__scheduler_tasks_idx_cli_exclusive" ON "#__scheduler_tasks" ("cli_exclusive") /** CAN FAIL **/;
  40  CREATE INDEX "#__scheduler_tasks_idx_checked_out" ON "#__scheduler_tasks" ("checked_out") /** CAN FAIL **/;
  42  -- Add "com_scheduler" to "#__extensions"
  43  INSERT INTO "#__extensions" ("package_id", "name", "type", "element", "folder", "client_id", "enabled", "access", "protected", "locked", "manifest_cache", "params", "custom_data", "ordering", "state") VALUES
  44  (0, 'com_scheduler', 'component', 'com_scheduler', '', 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, '', '{}', '', 0, 0);
  46  -- Add plugins to "#__extensions"
  47  INSERT INTO "#__extensions" ("package_id", "name", "type", "element", "folder", "client_id", "enabled", "access", "protected", "locked", "manifest_cache", "params", "custom_data", "ordering", "state") VALUES
  48  (0, 'plg_system_schedulerunner', 'plugin', 'schedulerunner', 'system', 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, '', '{}', '', 15, 0),
  49  (0, 'plg_system_tasknotification', 'plugin', 'tasknotification', 'system', 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, '', '', '', 22, 0),
  50  (0, 'plg_task_checkfiles', 'plugin', 'checkfiles', 'task', 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, '', '{}', '', 15, 0),
  51  (0, 'plg_task_demotasks', 'plugin', 'demotasks', 'task', 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, '', '{}', '', 15, 0),
  52  (0, 'plg_task_requests', 'plugin', 'requests', 'task', 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, '', '{}', '', 15, 0),
  53  (0, 'plg_task_sitestatus', 'plugin', 'sitestatus', 'task', 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, '', '{}', '', 15, 0);
  55  -- Add com_scheduler to action logs extensions
  56  INSERT INTO "#__action_logs_extensions" ("extension") VALUES ('com_scheduler');
  58  INSERT INTO "#__action_log_config" ("type_title", "type_alias", "id_holder", "title_holder", "table_name", "text_prefix") VALUES
  59  ('task', 'com_scheduler.task', 'id', 'title', '#__scheduler_tasks', 'PLG_ACTIONLOG_JOOMLA');
  61  -- Add mail templates
  62  -- The following statement was modified for 4.1.1 by adding the "ON CONFLICT" clause.
  63  -- See https://github.com/joomla/joomla-cms/pull/37156
  64  INSERT INTO "#__mail_templates" ("template_id", "extension", "language", "subject", "body", "htmlbody", "attachments", "params") VALUES
  65  ('plg_system_tasknotification.failure_mail', 'plg_system_tasknotification', '', 'PLG_SYSTEM_TASK_NOTIFICATION_FAILURE_MAIL_SUBJECT', 'PLG_SYSTEM_TASK_NOTIFICATION_FAILURE_MAIL_BODY', '', '', '{"tags": ["task_id", "task_title", "exit_code", "exec_data_time", "task_output"]}'),
  66  ('plg_system_tasknotification.fatal_recovery_mail', 'plg_system_tasknotification', '', 'PLG_SYSTEM_TASK_NOTIFICATION_FATAL_MAIL_SUBJECT', 'PLG_SYSTEM_TASK_NOTIFICATION_FATAL_MAIL_BODY', '', '', '{"tags": ["task_id", "task_title"]}'),
  67  ('plg_system_tasknotification.orphan_mail', 'plg_system_tasknotification', '', 'PLG_SYSTEM_TASK_NOTIFICATION_ORPHAN_MAIL_SUBJECT', 'PLG_SYSTEM_TASK_NOTIFICATION_ORPHAN_MAIL_BODY', '', '', '{"tags": ["task_id", "task_title"]}'),
  68  ('plg_system_tasknotification.success_mail', 'plg_system_tasknotification', '', 'PLG_SYSTEM_TASK_NOTIFICATION_SUCCESS_MAIL_SUBJECT', 'PLG_SYSTEM_TASK_NOTIFICATION_SUCCESS_MAIL_BODY', '', '', '{"tags":["task_id", "task_title", "exec_data_time", "task_output"]}')

Generated: Wed Sep 7 05:41:13 2022 Chilli.vc Blog - For Webmaster,Blog-Writer,System Admin and Domainer